Best Time to Book Flights to Denver | Skyscanner US

Best Time to Book Flights to Denver

A trip to Denver and the local attractions in the Rocky Mountains can be cheaper if you find the right time to book your plane tickets. Consider some of the ways you can improve your chances of discovering the best deal when you fly to Denver.

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The capital of Colorado, Denver has a strong sense of identity and a thriving social scene. Weekend getaways to Denver can be combined with visits to the six nearby ski resorts in the Rocky Mountains. Some of the landmark buildings in the Mile High City date back to the Old West era in the 19th Century. Popular attractions include Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Elitch Gardens Theme Park, the Colorado State Capitol, Molly Brown House and Denver Botanic Gardens.

The Best Time to Book Flights to Denver

We’ve crunched our historical data to help you save as much as possible on your vacation to Denver.

Cheapest Month to Book% Savings vs Avg.
Next Best Month to Book% Savings vs Avg
Most Expensive Month% Above Avg. Price

Data based off of all of 2018 bookings from the US to Denver. % are compared to the average yearly flight price

Cheapest Months to Fly to Denver

The best months to travel to Denver
  • We recommend flying to Denver in January where flight prices average $173 round trip based on historical data. This is 25% cheaper than the average yearly flight price!
  • 2018 data shows us that July was the most expensive travel month, with flight prices 17% more expensive than the average yearly flight price.

When is the Best Time to Visit Denver?

The best time to visit Denver is during its off-peak months of April, May, September, and October. The weather is mild, and since it’s shoulder season, there will be fewer visitors at top attractions, lower rates for accommodations, and cheaper airfare versus the high seasons of summer and winter.

Denver is a year-round destination that lures travelers in every single season. The best time to visit Denver depends on you and what you’re looking to do during your vacation. We break it down in a few different ways below.

Best Time to Visit Denver: For Optimal Weather

Optimal weather in Denver truly depends on what you’d like to do with your time.

Spring: The city blooms, literally and figuratively, starting again in the spring. Spend time outside hiking, enjoying the Denver Botanic Gardens or going to Coors Field to catch a Major League Baseball game.

Summer: Denver enjoys a mild, dry summer. Humidity is low and the daily average temperature is around the mid-to-high 80s. It’s a wonderful time to be outdoors at night, whether you’re camping under the stars or enjoying a live concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

Fall: Leaf peepers can enjoy autumn colors around Denver from mid-September through mid-November. There are multiple climate zones within a 2-hour drive of the city, which affords travelers a longer period of time to enjoy the vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds that make this season a special one around Denver.

Winter: The mountains surrounding Denver are some of the top destinations for winter activities. Hit the slopes just an hour or two outside the city at Copper Mountain, Keystone Resort, Eldora Mountain, Winter Park Resort and more.

Best Time to Visit Denver: For Less Crowds

As previously mentioned, summer is quite mild in and around Denver. That makes June through August a peak time for visitors (you can see in the graph above that flight prices follow suit).

Ski season, from November through March, is also a popular time of year for the Denver area.

To avoid the largest crowds, travel to Denver during the off-peak months of April, May, September, and October. You’ll encounter fewer tourists, and your wallet will thank you, too, with cheaper accommodations and flights (more on that below).

Best Time to Visit Denver: For Cheap Flights

We noted earlier that January is the cheapest month to fly to Denver. You’re more likely to find airfare that is 25% cheaper than the average yearly flight price! That’s good news for snow birds, but what if parka weather isn’t your thing?

April, September, and October are your next three best options for lower airfare. You may pay around 20% more than if you travel in January, but you’ll bypass the crowds, which could mean lower accommodation prices too. Plus, you’ll still pay about 25% less for airfare than during the peak travel month of July.

Travel Hacks to Finding the Best Deals to Denver

  1. Search for a cheap flight on Skyscanner to compare all available rates for your chosen route to Denver. Consider clicking on “whole month” instead of inputting a specific date when making your search – this allows you to see all price changes across a range of dates. If you are flexible on the dates that you could fly, then there’s more potential to discover a cheaper price as the rate for air travel can change from day to day.
  2. If you want to find the best time to book flights to Denver then it helps if you monitor the changes in price on your chosen route. Skyscanner Price Alerts allow you to receive emails and mobile push notifications to notify you of price changes to give you the information you need to discover the best deal.
  3. Last minute flights to Denver – Flexible on your travel dates? Booking a last minute flight can yield some of the best savings, when airlines need to sell their remaining seats. Read more on our top tips to booking last minute flights.