Goliath Acquires Lucky Duck Games | BoardGameGeek News | BoardGameGeek

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Goliath Acquires Lucky Duck Games

W. Eric Martin
United States
North Carolina
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Board Game Designer
Board Game Publisher: Goliath Games
Board Game Publisher: Lucky Duck Games
Goliath Games, a toy and game company headquartered in Hattem, Netherlands, is increasingly living up to its name. In January 2024, Goliath acquired an exclusive license to all the games marketed under the Funko Games brand, and on April 22, 2024, Goliath has announced the acquisition of Lucky Duck Games, which was founded in 2016 by Vincent Vergonjeanne.

Here's most of the press release about this deal:
Jochanan Golad, CEO of Goliath, says: "As a global games business, we see there are two major growth areas in games: (adult) party games and strategy games. Consumers and kidults particularly are playing boardgames like never before; this trend was already there, but the pandemic had greatly accelerated it."

Lucky Duck Games' library of high-quality strategy titles will complement Goliath's existing multi-category catalog.

Golad further expressed admiration for Lucky Duck Games' swift rise in the strategy space. "Vincent and his team have done an astounding job in such as a short time to become a notable player in the strategy games category. We are very impressed by the games they've brought to market."

Vincent Vergonjeanne, Founder of Lucky Duck Games, echoed the sentiment, affirming the shared entrepreneurial ethos between the two entities. "Goliath's entrepreneurial spirit perfectly aligns with ours. This partnership empowers us to continue investing in cutting-edge strategy games while leveraging Goliath's expansive global distribution network to reach an even broader audience of tabletop gamers," Vergonjeanne stated.

Vincent and his management team will continue to run Lucky Duck Games autonomously as an independent studio within the Goliath group of companies, maintaining its commitment to designing and launching innovative strategy games on a global scale.
In the press release, Goliath describes itself as "[n]ow positioned as the third-larger games company in North America", noting that "[o]ver the past decade, Goliath has undergone considerable growth through a series of strategic acquisitions. These moves have broadened its product range and strengthened its international presence."

In a Facebook post about the deal, Vergonjeanne writes:
Goliath is a match made in heaven for us. A family owned toy-focused worldwide publisher, with who we found a deep complementary partnership, from our people's skills to the type of products we have learn[ed] to find and publish.

Not only is it the best possible next move for Lucky Duck Games, but on a more personal note this is a meaningful moment for me too.
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