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Grant Mitchell

Handsome hard man Grant Mitchell is the stereotypical tough guy... and the ladies love him.

Fact title Fact data
First appearance:
22nd February 1990
Last appearance:
9th September 2016
Former publican

Handsome hard man Grant Mitchell was the stereotypical tough guy. He and his brother Phil styled themselves on the East End's toughest gangsters, the Kray twins, ruling Albert Square with more than just a hint of violence.

I'm not telling you again.
Grant Mitchell

Mummy's boy Grant was a troubled soul, but somehow he brought out the mothering instinct in every woman he met. Perhaps it was that baby face and those big blue eyes.

Whatever the reason, women flocked to him and Grant could never resist. But as soon as he married them (Sharon, Tiffany), he turned violent and either drove them away or drove them to their deaths.

However, Grant has mellowed with age. Jane Beale never saw his scary side, but her fate was also a grim one - condemned to a life with Ian Beale.

Grant moved out to Portugal in 2006 and made a life for himself and Courtney there.

Grant was asked to come back to Walford when his mum’s cancer returned. He was devastated when she committed suicide soon after.

We discovered that Grant had lost his home and business in Portugal and was in debt. Phil owed him money he wanted back, but the brothers reconciled after Phil admitted he no longer wanted repaying.

Phil then told Grant that he had discovered a letter revealing that Grant fathered Michelle Fowler's child, Mark Fowler Junior, 21 years previously.
After a heart-to-heart with Mark Junior, Grant realized that his son would be better off not knowing he was his dad - and returned to Portugal with Courtney.

Played by Ross Kemp