Faces - The Criterion Channel


Directed by John Cassavetes • 1968 • United States
Starring John Marley, Lynn Carlin, Gena Rowlands

John Cassavetes puts a disintegrating marriage under the microscope in the searing FACES. Shot in high-contrast 16 mm black and white, the film follows the futile attempts of the captain of industry Richard (John Marley) and his wife, Maria (Lynn Carlin), to escape the anguish of their empty relationship in the arms of others. Featuring astonishingly nervy performances from Marley, Carlin, and Cassavetes regulars Gena Rowlands and Seymour Cassel, FACES confronts modern alienation and the battle of the sexes with a brutal honesty and compassion rarely matched in cinema.

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  • Faces

    Directed by John Cassavetes • 1968 • United States
    Starring John Marley, Lynn Carlin, Gena Rowlands

    John Cassavetes puts a disintegrating marriage under the microscope in the searing FACES. Shot in high-contrast 16 mm black and white, the film follows the futile attempts of the captain of indust...


  • Ethan Hawke on FACES

  • FACES Alternate Opening

    This 18-minute opening sequence was included only in an early, 183-minute edit of FACES that was screened in Toronto in April 1968.

  • “Cinéastes de notre temps”: John Cassavetes

    This 1968 episode of the French television series “Cinéastes de notre temps” features two interviews with director John Cassavetes: one conducted in Hollywood in 1965, during the making of FACES, and the other in Paris in 1968, after a screening of the film.

  • Making FACES

    In this program, actors Gena Rowlands, Lynn Carlin, and Seymour Cassel and longtime Cassavetes collaborator Al Ruban discuss the production of FACES. The interviews were conducted in 2004.

  • Al Ruban on Lighting and Shooting FACES

    FACES was shot on 16 mm on a shoestring budget. In this 2013 piece, director of photography Al Ruban details the various film stocks and lighting techniques used to achieve its unique look.