A Barrymore Curse? Drew's Half-Brother Speaks Exclusively to INSIDE EDITION | Inside Edition

A Barrymore Curse? Drew's Half-Brother Speaks Exclusively to INSIDE EDITION

Drew Barrymore's half-brother, John speaks exclusively to INSIDE EDITION about the latest family tragedy to hit the Hollywood dynasty.

Drew Barrymore’s half-brother, John, is speaking out about “The Curse of the Barrymores” and the latest tragic death in the family.

Forty-seven-year-old Jessica Barrymore was found dead from an apparent drug overdose inside her car in a driveway near San Diego. There were drugs and empty liquor bottles scattered around her body.

But actor John Barrymore, says he doesn't believe she intended to take her own life.

John told INSIDE EDITION, "There was no note or anything. I am quite certain it was an accident. I mean, it is an easy accident to have when you do a lot of drugs."

Jessica's half-sister, Drew Barrymore, released a statement offering her condolences over her sibling's death, but John says she has not been in touch with the family directly.

INSIDE EDITION's Victoria Recaño asked, "Has Drew been in touch with the family since this has happened?"

John said, "No, no, Drew's people have a list of people not to be seen or put through. We are all on it, meaning, all of her siblings."

Watch More of John's Interview

He says there's no chance this latest tragedy in the Barrymore clan will bring the family closer, saying, "No, if anything, one less person for her to have to avoid."

Generation after generation of the Barrymore family has battled drug addiction. Drew's father ended his life as a recluse, despite being part of a Hollywood dynasty.

Drew has also admitted to struggling with drugs and alcohol and now, her half-sister died tragically.

John says Drew is terrified of the "Barrymore Curse" and her siblings, saying, "She doesn't understand that our family is like every other family on Earth. There are some gems and there are some lumps of coal. She thinks everybody is a lump of coal."