Courier Service | DX Delivery Service

Delivered Exactly
Parcel & Freight Solutions

We’re DX – specialists in providing fast, secure collection and delivery services for our customers

Discover DX
  • 92 million items

    delivered every year

  • 109 depots

    across the UK and Ireland

  • 5,300

    employees and counting

Track my item

45 years of excellence

Every day, DX collects, transports and delivers parcels, packages, and consignments of every size, weight and shape for business customers throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland.

We deliver to every part of each of these territories, as well as on into Europe and beyond to the rest of the world.

We enable organisations that operate primarily business-to-business to keep customers and partners supplied, and their own warehouses stocked. We help consumer-facing businesses keep their distribution centres and outlets stocked, as well as ensuring that their end customers receive deliveries of a quality that is consistent with the brand values of the company from which they have purchased. ...

the little things home
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  • 91 %

    of DX Freight customers who spoke to a Customer Services Advisor were satisfied with the outcome of their enquiry

  • A promise from DX

    We don’t aim to be the biggest, but we do aim to be best

    Paul Ibbetson

    Managing Director of DX Freight

  • 98%

    of DX Secure parcel deliveries are successfully attempted first time

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Trusted by our loyal customers

  • bandq logo
  • Euronics logotype 2col blue rgb
  • timpson logo
  • newhall solicitors llp logo
  • yokohama logo
  • Viking Raja
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Case Studies

  • Lassic

    Lassic Limited is part of a family run group of companies with over 20 years trading experience.

  • Newhall Solicitors

    Its association with DX Exchange and use of its service is testament to the strong relationship between the two organisations.

  • Beer52

    The Edinburgh-based company has gone from strength to strength and is now one of the leading online beer retailers in the UK.

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