life goes on - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

goes pl

turnos pl m
intentos pl m

Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

Life goes on during the treatment [...]
periods and after them.
La vida sigue tanto durante el tratamiento [...]
como despu�s de �l.
So, we choose to be
[...] hypocrites instead - and life goes on as usual.
Por eso optamos
[...] por la hipocres�a y la vida sigue como si nada.
Life goes on, and our citizens expect [...]
our institutions to respond to their concerns, always with an eye to the future, pursuing
long-term objectives and able to initiate immediate action to achieve them.
La vida sigue y nuestros ciudadanos [...]
esperan que nuestras instituciones respondan a sus preocupaciones, siempre mirando al
futuro, persiguiendo objetivos a largo plazo y siendo capaces de tomar medidas inmediatas para lograrlos.
A few metres away city life goes on, impervious to the extraordinary [...]
historical experience this city conceals.
A pocos metros de all�, en el exterior, contin�a el bullicio ciudadano, ajeno [...]
a la tremenda experiencia hist�rica que ha atesorado esta ciudad.
It's true that it's rooted in a
[...] moment in time, but life goes on.
Es cierto que hay una ra�z de un tiempo y un
[...] momento concreto, pero la vida sigue.
Despite everything, life goes on.
Pese a todo, la vida contin�a.
According to Hereu, the start of
[...] Beijing 2008 showed that life goes on and that, like the athletes [...]
themselves, the organisation
of events also improves itself.
Seg�n Hereu, el arranque se Pek�n 2008 "pone
[...] de manifiesto que la vida contin�a y que, como los atletas, [...]
tambi�n la organizaci�n deportiva sigue super�ndose".
Sleeping during the day was hard
[...] because even though you need to sleep, life goes on around you.
Dormir durante el d�a era dif�cil
[...] debido a que aunque yo necesita dormir, la vida continuaba alrededor.
Life goes on, trade goes on," even if "efficient [...]
and well-managed companies with first-rate products and services and a
loyal customer base can surely benefit from" a free-trade agreement.
La vida sigue, el comercio sigue" aunque [...]
"las empresas eficientes y bien administradas, con productos y servicios de primera
calidad y una base de clientes leales sin duda puede beneficiarse" de un acuerdo de libre comercio.
I think I'm still alive today because I don't bother anybody and
[...] nobody bothers me, and life goes on.
Creo que todav�a estoy vivo porque no molesto a nadie, y nadie
[...] me molesta, y as� la vida contin�a".
And I have learned that although
[...] you are HIV-positive, life goes on.
Y he aprendido que incluso cuando uno
[...] es seropositivo, la vida contin�a".
Life goes on
La vida contin�a
Meanwhile, life goes on in hundreds of evacuation centres [...]
like Alabang Elementary.
Mientras tanto, la vida contin�a en cientos de centros [...]
de evacuaci�n como la escuela elemental Alabang.
In spite of the devastation, life goes on in Talcahuano.
A pesar de la destrucci�n, la vida contin�a en Talcahuano.
As the horrors of 11
[...] September fade and daily life goes on, it can be all too [...]
easy to fall back on group labels and old misconceptions.
A medida que los horrores del 11 de septiembre
[...] se desvanecen y la vida diaria retoma su curso, [...]
puede resultar demasiado f�cil volver a caer en calificativos colectivos y en viejos conceptos equivocados.
But life goes on and so does our magazine and in this issue [...]
we provide a new scoop: Still life number seven by�Juan S�nchez Cot�n.
Pero la vida sigue y tambi�n nuestra revista y en este n�mero [...]
ofrecemos una nueva exclusiva: el bodeg�n n�mero siete de Juan S�nchez Cot�n.
Life goes on behind a veil of illusion, [...]
and the most striking example I have experienced is probably, in fact, this debate.
La vida transcurre detr�s de un velo de [...]
ilusi�n y, de hecho, el ejemplo m�s sorprendente que he vivido jam�s es este debate.
Meanwhile, life goes on.
Mientras tanto, la vida contin�a.
However, I became aware that we had to try to give the people hope
[...] again, to show them that life goes on even in the midst of war.
Sin embargo, me di cuenta de que deb�amos tratar de dar
[...] esperanza a la gente: la vida contin�a incluso con la guerra.
The parenthesis has closed, life goes on, but the memories remain!
El par�ntesis se ha cerrado, la vida sigue, pero los recuerdos [...]
Certainly, life goes on as if there were goodwill [...]
on both sides, yet it seems that 'never the twain shall meet' - or at least, not any more.
Ciertamente, la vida contin�a como si hubiera [...]
buena voluntad por ambas partes, aunque parecen polos opuestos, sin atracci�n posible.
I think I'm still alive today because I don't bother anybody and nobody bothers me, and life goes on," said Luiz Vale da Cunha, 68, who has lived in Complexo do Alem�o for 45 years.
Creo que
[...] todav�a estoy con vida porque no molesto a nadie y nadie me molesta, y as� la vida continua", reflexion� Luiz Vale da Cunha, de 68 a�os, quien ha vivido 45 a�os en Complexo do Alem�o.
For life goes on, at times heavy-handedly, [...]
and forces us to hope and to believe.
Porque la vida avanza, de manera brutal, [...]
y obliga a esperar y creer.
In America life goes on as normal during Ramadan, Arafat said. Although it [...]
can be challenging observing Ramadan in the United
States where only several million people out of 300 million are Muslim, Arafat said, there are no laws preventing people from practicing their faith in the United States.
Aunque puede ser un desaf�o mantener el Ramad�n en Estados Unidos, donde solo unos [...]
millones de personas de los 300 millones
de habitantes son musulmanes, agreg�, no hay leyes que impidan a la gente de practicar su fe en Estados Unidos.
It was important for me to show another, totally
[...] different Spain, where life goes on, despite the cruel acts [...]
that have taken place in the so-called darker Spain.
Para mi era importante resaltar de que existe la otra Espa�a,
la opuesta y que se desarrolla,
[...] vive y sobrevive en los mismo lugares donde se han desarrollado [...]
actos crueles de la que podemos llamar la Espa�a negra.
Alopecia areata is frustrating because
[...] there is no cure, but life goes on and I don't want [...]
to miss out on anything," said Kaylee.
La alopecia areata es frustrante porque no
[...] hay una cura, pero la vida sigue y no quiero perderme [...]
nada", afirm� Kaylee.
The chorus presents the metaphor of the word turning around
like a representation of
[...] the lack of solidarity, as a sign that life goes on no matter what happens, like a confirmation [...]
that in the more
transcendental moments, we are all in our own.
El estribillo presenta la met�fora del mundo dando vueltas como representaci�n de la
falta de solidaridad,
[...] como muestra de que la vida contin�a pase lo que pase, como confirmaci�n de que en los momentos [...]
m�s trascendentes todos estamos solos.
But, amid all this anxiety, life goes on.
Pero, a pesar de toda esta ansiedad, la vida contin�a.
The more sordid line in drawing, the abandonment of subtle ways in favor of rougher ones, try to reflect the feeling of a time where the self's place
is not order or the
[...] spirit but an explosion in which life goes on, as if beauty gave its place to [...]
the irregular thing,
to the dissonant thing, to the scream.
El car�cter m�s s�rdido del trazo, el abandono de formas sutiles por otras de mayor aspereza busca reflejar el sentimiento de una �poca donde el lugar del ser no es el orden o
el esp�ritu sino un
[...] estallido por donde sin embargo sigue transcurriendo la existencia, como si la [...]
belleza cediera su lugar
a lo irregular, a lo disonante, al grito.
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