The Mighty Book of Boosh by Noel Fielding | Goodreads
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The Mighty Book of Boosh

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Join Howard Moon, Vince Noir, Naboo, Bollo, Bob Fossil, Old Gregg, the Moon, and all your other favourite characters on a unique journey in to the world of The Mighty Boosh. Content
*An extract from Howard's jazz detective novel Trumpet Full of Memories
*Vince's Christmas Toy story
*Bollo's letters to Peter Jackson
*Bob Fossil's postcards from 'Nam
*A new Charlie story
*Ol' Gregg's watercolours
*Naboo's guide to black magic
*Dixon Bainbridge's Turkish Challenge
*Crimp lyrics Incredibly funny, visually dynamic, surreal, musical, wildly creative... The Mighty Boosh is unlike anything else on British television, and this beautifully illustrated humour book is utterly unique.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2008

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About the author

Noel Fielding

6 books152 followers
Noel Fielding was born in Westminster (UK) on the 21st of May 1973 and has one younger brother, Michael Fielding.

Other than his love and talent for comedy, Noels first passion has been art. He studied at Croydon Art College and BCUC (Buckingham Chilterns University College) as a visual artist.
He discovered his love for comedy when still being in college. One day he had to do a performance speech based on a book. His fellow students taught it was the funniest thing ever. Impressed by this success he started trying some standup. Still in school Noel used to go see Julian perform in small comedy clubs and after they got to know each other they pretty soon started doing comedy together.

Although finding his place in comedy he never gave up his love for art and painting. He created the designs for sets and characters on the Mighty Boosh and at the end of 2007 Noel got some of his artworks shown at the Gallery Maison Bertaux in London.

Noel being an outgoing and open person likes to take part in different quiz and panelshows. He joined teams with Russell Brand on The Big fat Quiz of the Year 2006 and created the characters of the "Goth Detectives" during the show. Furthermore he appeared on Never Mind the Buzzcocks in 2007 as a guest. Later, he replaced Bill Bailey as team captain in 2009.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsay.
111 reviews25 followers
November 6, 2011
It's the Boosh, so of course it's brilliant! Plush, with fantastic Zappa-esque artwork. Lots of new material and some recaps.

My favourite part had to be Julian's Jazz-Noir masterpiece, 'A Trumpet Full of Memories' by 'Howard Moon, Jazz Detective'.

Much as I appreciate Noel, Julian has always been my favourite of the pair with his surreal, satirical take on various forms of long-suffering, driven, fanatical, unfashionable and slightly tragic artists such as the under-appreciated jazz maverick, the reclusive and controversial film-maker who insists all his writing be buried in forests to avoid human contamination, the self-aggrandizing solitary ':' explorer who dreams of being remembered in centuries to come, the ridiculed 'cream-poet', the elbow-patch connoisseur, the Santana-esque priest Rudy ("I go by many names...")... the list goes on.

Other highlights include:
Bob Fossil's guide to dancing,
Bruno Mindhorn's psychedelic interludes,
Noel's graphic novella 'Charlie and the Black and White Rainbow', rather like Yellow Submarine meets Warren Ellis,
Old Gregg's romance with the GNR guitarist Slash.
Profile Image for Jenny.
36 reviews5 followers
January 5, 2009
Oh My Mighty Boosh!

The book is beautiful. The pictures are beautiful. The illustrations are wonderful. Some pieces plucked from the screen, plenty of new fodder as well.

I found when starting the book, that I had to read the WHOLE thing in the voice of whichever character was narrating. Both in silence, and aloud. Turns out, Im a good Bollo.
Anyways, its super-great. I only gave it 4 stars right now, as I feel that it needs another read-through before getting the 5th. Just as the first time I watched the show, I was intrigued, but hadn't yet settled into the land of the boosh. By the 2nd episode, I saw the genius it held.

Oh, and the kitties liked the ribbon book-mark.
Profile Image for Therese.
41 reviews
January 3, 2010
Best coffee table book ever! Being a huge Boosh fan, I was delighted when I saw how much care and effort went into this book. It’s not just a cheap ploy to get die hard fans to shell out cash on crappy merchandise.

Open it to any page and you will be assaulted by the visual spectacle of life in the Zooniverse or the Nabootique via photos, stories, and illustrations from all of the main and recurring characters of the tv series. Best of all is an excerpt from Howard Moon’s truly awful jazz novel, and the email correspondence between Saboo, Tony Harrison and Dennis entitled “An Outrage at the Shaman Lodge”.
Profile Image for Stephanie Griffin.
901 reviews160 followers
April 16, 2012
THE MIGHTY BOOK OF BOOSH is an oversize, full-color collection of mostly the same subject matter as the British comedy television show, ‘The Mighty Boosh’. The show was on between 2004-2007 and featured Julian Barratt as ‘Howard Moon’ and Noel Fielding as ‘Vince Noir’. Theirs was an hallucinatory world, where gorillas and other beasts talked, strange characters lurked in the forests, and conversations were often mind-spinning. There was singing, dancing, and all kinds of antics. They really went all-out on the book – the hardcover is glossy and embossed. They included a detailed list of contents as well as an index and an inserted 16-page comic called THE MIGHTY BOOSH IN BONGO NIHONGO.

Although the show was broadcast on television, this is very much an adult book with much swearing and sexual references.

If you love the show (as I do!) then you will really enjoy this romp through sketches, behind the scenes photos, and those great ‘crimps’!

The book is a hodge-podge of colorful drawings, photos, handwritten lists, and preliminary sketching of designs incorporated into the show. There are a few new stories too. I think every character that was ever on the show is represented in some form, even my favorite: Tony “This Is An Outrage!” Harrison. Besides Howard and Vince of course, there’s Bob Fossil, Naboo the Enigma, Bollo, Ol Gregg, Dixon Bainbridge and his Mutants, etc.

Not all of it works: some of the sizing made a couple of journal pages unreadable (you could use a magnifying glass!) and a small amount of ideas aren’t really interesting, but for 95% of the book I was greatly amused and happy that so much of the show was recalled to mind.

If you consider yourself a fan you should NOT be without this book!
Profile Image for Sophie.
547 reviews13 followers
October 14, 2015
When I was 16, I was a huuuge fan of The Mighty Boosh - I watched all the series, was part of the fanclub, went to the tours, and actively sought out other work that the cast had done previously. I enjoyed the chemistry of Julian and Noel, the creativity of the worlds they created, and the crazyness of the stories.

Being *ahem* 10 *ahem* years later, I was intrigued to read this book, knowing so much about the show and having been such a big fan previously. The book brought back lots of nostalgia, and offered lots of behind the scenes photos etc. However, a lot of the content is regurgitated from the series - though beautifully done.

I wonder if perhaps I have outgrown the Boosh. I still enjoy it, but not at the fantatical level I used to, and because of that I think that part of the charm of this book was lost on me.
Profile Image for Mia Ferraioli.
51 reviews
May 1, 2020
Waited a while for this book (due to the pandemic and delays in shipping) and it was definitely worth the wait. I loved this book from start to finish. Yes it has a lot of the punchlines from the show in here (at least from what I seen off of YouTube); however, it was done in a way that didn't feel pandering or rushed. You can tell that great care was put into this. The art work was beautiful and the pictures felt like a behind the scenes look. Truly loved it and laughed as well. Definitely a good read and a funny one as well.
Profile Image for Lee Thompson.
Author 26 books187 followers
December 24, 2012
I love the Boosh. Easily one of my favorite comedy shows. For those who have never heard of them this book will seem like the scribblings of either a mad hatter or a retard, but to those who enjoy creative, surreal, and slightly raunchy humor, this is fun stuff! Lots of great stuff that isn't in the show, too.
Profile Image for Maddy.
30 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2010
LOVE the Mighty Boosh? Imagine! having all of their wonders written down for you to read at any moment you like..

Profile Image for Grace Turner.
100 reviews5 followers
January 31, 2016
I haven't read this since I was about fifteen and I remember enjoying it more than I did this time. The design of the book is perfect, and Noel's artwork and Dave's behind the scenes photos are a constant delight, but only 10% of the written material is really worth reading. Also there's that picture of Julian as the Crack Fox on page 275 that has given me nightmares for the past five years and I've had to mark it with a bookmark so I know when it's coming and don't accidentally give myself a panic attack. I'm having heart palpitations just thinking about it.
Overall, I sort of wish this had just contented itself in being a visual guide to the Boosh, it didn't really need to be anything more.
Profile Image for Sian.
453 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2019
Come with us now on a journey through time and space...

A must-read for any Boosh fan: the holy grail of The Mighty Boosh, including excerpts from Vince, Howard, Naboo, Bollo, Bob Fossil, Saboo, Tony Harrison, Ol’ Gregg, the Moon (aka the chalky white ball bag hanging in the sky) among many others.

From the tales of Charlie’s encounter with a black and white rainbow, to the crimp lyrics, to the tiny details like the page numbers, this is an absolute gem of a book. And we mustn’t forget the masterpiece that is Howard TJ Moon’s first detective novel: A Trumpet Full of Memories.

This is my friends, AN OUTRAAAAAAAGE!
Profile Image for Emma.
387 reviews23 followers
December 27, 2010
Just fantastic. Noel is a brilliant artist, both he and Julian are hilarious. Dave Brown is perfection and Mike Fielding is witty and sharp :)

Everything you could want from The Mighty Book of Boosh. Really. Especially loved Old Gregg's watercolours, Bob Fossil's Dance Moves, Howard Moon's acting faces etc.

Only thing that would have completed it would have been a short piece on Montgomery Flange's guide to acting or something but other than that - PERFECTION. Love the Boosh!
Profile Image for Nikolas Kalar.
175 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2016
Quite possibly the best assembled piece of merchandise ever. For fans of the Boosh, this book is a necessity, as equal part of the equation as any given episode. Lovely illustrations, laugh-out-loud stories, and the trademark sense of madcap eccentricity permeate every page. It is easy to see that a lot of love and care went into the creation of this work, and as such, it is a true joy to behold.
Profile Image for Leesa.
91 reviews7 followers
October 21, 2009
For my first wedding anniversary last year, we bought each other books, which counts as paper, the traditional gift! I bought him this book which we both ended up loving, since we loved the tv show. It was so very quirky with many jokes and stories relating back to the show. The layout was different on almost every page which was such a treat! love it, love it!
7 reviews1 follower
October 24, 2010
I can always find something new in this book. Everything made me laugh, from the humerous stories of ince defeating the Space Jackels with glitter uzis to the rhymes that accompany the page numbers. It is chock-full of artwork and attention to detail has really been paid. This is a must-read for all fans of the Mighty Boosh. It is a masterpiece.
Profile Image for Jessica.
1,013 reviews
May 30, 2011
Very surreal and very funny. It helps if you have seen the BBC show "The Mighty Boosh", but if reading this book serves to get people interesting in this VERY funny and VERY wacky and VERY surreal show, then it will have served a secondary purpose. So......

"Come with me now on a journey through time and space...."
Profile Image for Piper Gee.
161 reviews6 followers
December 13, 2011
The most beautiful coffee table book there is. People can't help, but pick it up, start laughing and then want to read the entire thing aloud to you whilst hold g it up so everyone in the room can see the pictures. I never mind, even if it is the hundredth time! I love all how visual it is and for die hards all the great behind the scene pics are and stories are fab as is everything.
Profile Image for Arthur Quam.
12 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2013
The Booshiest Book ever written by a human (well...); fitting as it's a fantastic compilation of collages, anecdotes, lists, and stories written by the cast of the show while in character. It's a great way to introduce people to the Boosh and is pretty much an automatic recommendation for fans of the show.
Profile Image for Elize Legault.
13 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2014
This is a masterpiece !! Its the most beautiful book ive seen in my life, then, now and ever will. Nothing i drew, saw or imagined can even come close to this. And you dont need to be a fan of the boosh to appreciate this book. Its pure magic !! Feast your eyes !! Behold this wondrous work of art !!!!
Profile Image for Skye Jones.
Author 30 books258 followers
July 30, 2015
If you have never watched The Mighty Boosh then you are missing out!! This is one of the most surreal, whimsical, and downright insane tv shows ever. The book is no let down. It has amazing art, poems, and stories.

Delve in and out of it at your peril, and whatever you do - don't underestimate the power of the Mighty Boosh

As they say: Boosh, Boosh, stronger than a moose!
Profile Image for Michelle Ham.
Author 2 books32 followers
May 16, 2016
This is so great to thumb through when I'm in a ridiculous mood. My Boosh Boys always make me happy. One star detracted for having minimal Nanageddon stuff and nothing from 'The Party' episode (other than a lovely artistic representation of the 'Bouncy Bouncy' crimp lyrics).
'A Trumpet full of memories' by Howard Moon is a literary masterpiece. Also, this book smells goooood.
Profile Image for Charles.
35 reviews
November 30, 2008
Monty Python's Big Red Bok (n.b. not a typo) for a new century, from the best comedy team currently practicing. The Mighty Boosh are bigger than rock stars in the U.K. Come on, U.S. DVD makers! Release the show on Region 1 DVD so I can share it with my friends who don't have region-free players!
Profile Image for Beth.
49 reviews14 followers
December 29, 2008
The genius that is the Mighty Boosh does not disappoint in this extravaganza of wonderful, comedic pouches. It is positively bursting with much loved characters, snazzy punchlines and brilliant artwork. If I were wearing a hat, I would take it off.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,306 reviews49 followers
January 26, 2009
I think I should create a shelf just for this book! Read it one and a half times yesterday. Great combo of past and present, mixed media. Maybe just created to make more money on tour but I love it! The Christmas story is priceless.
Profile Image for Gregarious cline.
41 reviews3 followers
February 7, 2012
One of the best comedies of the 21st century ! I hate to withhold that coveted 5th star, but comparing this book to the show I had to adhere to the British TV comedy to book 5 star gold standard (Monty Python's Big Red Book).
Profile Image for Tara.
66 reviews14 followers
May 13, 2012
Well I read the pocket version but it basically the same. Except the pocket version has more stuff.
Profile Image for Nic Carnes.
204 reviews11 followers
April 21, 2023
Absolute must read if you’re a fan of The Mighty Boosh. The page numbers were delightfully strange as one would hope. Eleanor’s Top Sex-Pressions had me cry laughing, it’s such a great book if you like the super strange show.
Profile Image for Jay.
1,260 reviews18 followers
March 5, 2012
This was my introduction to the Mighty Boosh and I think I'm going to have to find a way to learn more about it.

These guys are very very strange in the best of ways. I love how many little details there are all over this book. So much humor packing in these pages.

There was probably a lot I didn't get because I'd never seen anything like this before, but I still found it very entertaining.
Profile Image for Heather.
149 reviews15 followers
July 28, 2012
A mighty book, indeed; This is packed full of visuals alongside a hefty amount of writing and storytelling. It is really a companion to the show. It is a must have for a Boosh fan, and is more informative for someone looking to know more about The Mighty Boosh. This probably isn't anything illuminating for a hardcore Boosh fan.
Profile Image for Alejandra.
31 reviews22 followers
April 17, 2011
Come with us now on a journey through time and space...
Y no se equivoca; así como en la serie, el programa de radio y las presentaciones en vivo The Mighty Boosh es un viaje completo.
Además el libro es muy bonito; fotos, ilustraciones, crimps, diagramación... Excelente.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews

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