This article contains some spoilers from season 4 of Virgin River.

Virgin River just wrapped up filming for season 5, and it looks like change is coming to the hit Netflix drama. Longtime cast member Annette O'Toole is thrilled about where the show plans on taking its beloved characters, which for her starts with her own portrayal of Hope McCrea.

When folks last saw the fan-favorite mayor back in season 4, Hope accepted that she needed assistance with her car crash injuries. While speaking with Good Housekeeping, the actress shared an update on how the show will move forward with the character's recovery.

"Little by little [Hope's] getting better," she exclusively told us. "The producers want her to get back as much as she can to being the Hope that we knew originally. So, I think that's interesting, but she will be changed. I think it will have changed her for the better."

virgin river season 5 cast annette otoole interview
Annette O’Toole stars as Hope McCrea in Virgin River.

Still, folks should expect to see the character go through recovery in other ways than just her physical body. As Annette shared, Hope will still have the elements people love about her, but she'll be softer as well.

"I think she is going to be more empathetic," she revealed. "I mean, she's still who she is ... [In] season five, she's still dealing with [her injury], but less so ... By the end of season five, you're going to see pretty much how she's going to be."

While Netflix hasn't dropped any details about what fans can expect from the upcoming new season, Annette revealed a few hints about her character's trajectory. Alongside receiving aid from her husband, Doc Mullins (Tim Matheson), and fellow townsperson Lizzie (Sarah Dugdale), Hope will slowly re-integrate back into the community of Virgin River.

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Because the character famously gets into everyone's business, Annette assured us Hope will get entrenched in the townspeople's lives in ways we haven't seen her do before. While she was mum about why the mayor will share the screen with Mel Monroe (Alexandra Breckenridge) and Jack Sheridan (Martin Henderson) early in season 5, the actress shared how getting back in step with everyone will be surprising to some.

"A lot of times, especially in this new season, I'll say a phrase you wouldn't think I'd know," she teased. "I'd say, 'Oh, Lizzie taught me that phrase," or 'Denny [Kai Bradbury] said that to me.' She's still in touch with not just young people ... I think Hope really has respect for everyone. Except for the people she hates, of course."

Well, call us intrigued. We can't wait!