BLSA | The 1635 Society
Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 (CAA) and Your Support

How Will You Leave Your Legacy?

Boston Latin School students are among the most gifted and highest achievers in the world. Our mission, as it always has been, is to ensure that these exceptional young people receive a vibrant, rigorous education that challenges, inspires, and supports the whole student in mind, spirit, and body encouraging all to reach their highest potential.

Many types of planned gifts support this mission and preserve the future of BLS. With your gift, you will become part of The 1635 Society, a growing group of alumni, friends, and supporters who are making a difference at Latin School.

We invite you to join us. Please consider a confidential, no-obligation conversation to start this journey with us.

The Most Popular Planned Gifts

Gifts From Your Will
General Bequest

Through a provision in your written and executed will, you can make a gift in the form of cash, securities, real estate, or personal property. There are many types of bequests. Choose the one that best fits your needs and intentions.

Beneficiary Gifts
Retirement Accounts

Naming the BLSA as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, Keogh, profit-sharing pension plan, or other donor-advised funds, will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings.

Gifts That Pay You
Charitable Gift Annuity

You can turn underperforming assets (stock, cash in a savings account, CDs, savings bonds, etc.) into a gift to the BLSA that provides income to you. Your Charitable Gift Annuity will give you quarterly, fixed payments for life and tax benefits, too.

Current Gift Options

Gifts of Stock
Appreciated Stock

When you donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares instead of cash, you'll receive charitable deductions at full, fair market value while reducing capital gains impact.

Charitable IRA Rollover
Charitable IRA Rollover

If you're 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift directly from your IRA to the BLSA. While there is no charitable deduction for a rollover gift, you do avoid the income tax on the donated portion of your required minimum distribution.

Gifts of Property
Real Estate and Other Valuables

Like stock, the fair market value of gifts of appreciated assets such as real estate, artwork, and other well curated collections, can be deducted from your income tax today and reduce your estate taxes in the future.

The 1635 Society

The 1635 Society — named for the year of our school's founding — honors those individuals who have included the BLSA in their estate plans. By arranging for such deferred gifts, alumni, parents, and friends of Latin School play a vital role in securing the future of the nation's oldest, public educational institution. We hope you'll join us in honoring BLS's history with a gift to support its future.



“We consider planned giving to be an opportunity to support BLS and the excellent institution of education it has always been.”

Harry '41 and Frances Foden

Let's Talk

For more information, please submit this form or find our contact info below.

Contact Us

Marybeth Oskowski
Senior Director of Development
Boston Latin School Association
300 Fenway, Palace Road Building, Suite B313
Boston, MA 02115-4303

If you are working with a professional advisor or advising a donor, here's a handy guide for including the BLSA in a charitable estate plan.

Download Advisor Guide