
Castle Campbell



Get up close to the Lowland stronghold of a powerful Highland clan. This forbidding fortress high above Dollar Glen belonged to the Campbell earls of Argyll, an important family in medieval Scotland.

What to see and do

  • Take in the location high above Dollar Glen – Castle Campbell is one of the most dramatically positioned castles in Scotland
  • Step inside one of Scotland’s best-preserved tower houses, a structure built back in the 1400s
  • Stroll down the loggia, an open walkway more often found in the warmer climates of Italy and Spain
  • Explore the attractive terraced gardens where the Campbells could walk and enjoy spectacular views down the glen
  • Spot ‘John Knox’s pulpit’ in the garden – said to be the site of a sermon given by the firebrand Protestant preacher in 1556
  • Take our fun fact-finding quiz 

Opening times

29 Mar to 30 Sept:
Daily, 10am to 4.30pm (last entry 4pm).
Closed for lunch 12.30pm to 1.30pm (last entry 12 noon).

1 Oct to 28 Mar:

Historic Scotland
