dict.cc | no regrets | Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch
 ⇄SuchrichtungÜbersetzung für 'no regrets' von Englisch nach Deutsch
to express no regrets about sth.kein Bedauern äußern über etw.
to have no regrets about sth.etw. nicht bereuen
I have no regrets (about anything).Ich bereue gar nichts.
I have no regrets about ...Ich bedaure nicht, ...
I have no regrets about my decision (to ...). Ich habe meine Entscheidung (, ... zu ...,) nicht / nie bereut.
5 Übersetzungen
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  • Despite this, Carter has expressed no regrets over his decision to support what he still considers the "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan.
  • In the interview, she said she has no regrets. "It is over," Glaspie said.
  • His wife convinced him to think about it for a length of time before deciding one way or the other, so there would be no regrets down the road.
  • Breathed said that he had no regrets in leaving political cartooning, as he believed the atmosphere became too bitter for him to make quality cartoons.
  • On March 13, 2010, Badu said the video was a protest against "groupthink" and was inspired by Matt and Kim's music video "Lessons Learned." Badu has also said she has "no regrets".
  • She added years later that while she had no regrets about posing in "Playboy", some of her family members disapproved because of how young her son was at the time.
  • He announced his plans to retire at the end of the 2007–08 season, saying that he would do so with "no regrets".
  • Frank's editor Michael Bate, called the spoof, intended to mock her unpopular father for bringing her to public adult oriented events, "clumsy" but had no regrets.
  • Kurosawa began writing the script with Eijirō Hisaita, whom he had collaborated with on "No Regrets for Our Youth" and "The Idiot", both starring Setsuko Hara.
  • Gunn has stated on multiple shoot interviews that he has no regrets with his gimmicks as he was performing a job and doing what was asked of him to do.
  • He stated later that he had no regrets about leaving: "I really had to leave because of ill-health.
  • During questions from the Belgian parliamentary commission into this decision he repeatedly acknowledged no regrets about the decision.
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