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  1. Technology
August 2, 1998


By CBR Staff Writer

For some reason London’s Times newspaper last week devoted space to the American Computer Company. This New Jersey-based outfit says its transfer capacitor technology was reverse-engineered from the alien spacecraft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. According to CEO Jack Shulman, material recovered from the wreck included computer technology fifty times more advanced than anything existing on postwar earth. Only fifty times? Shulman traces the development of the transistor and America’s victory in the Cold War to recovered alien technology. His claims for his own capacitor are slightly more modest: performance 1000 times faster than anything currently available and single chips capable of storing five full-length films, the Times reports. Only five? Not a bad coup for a company with fewer employees than the average New Jersey mini-cab firm, concludes the Times columnist, who is none other than noted telekinetic Uri Geller.


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