"Korean duo" Na Sang-ho (27) and Oh Se-hoon (25, Matida Zelvia), who are eating together in Japan, s.. - MK
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Lee Geunseung
Input : 
2024-04-21 17:37:42

"Korean duo" Na Sang-ho (27) and Oh Se-hoon (25, Matida Zelvia), who are eating together in Japan, scored and led the team to victory.

Machida Zelvia won 2-1 against FC Tokyo in the ninth round of the J1 League in the 2024 season at Ajinomoto Stadium in Tokyo, Japan, on April 21.

Machida was a 4-2-3-1 formation. With Oh Se-hoon starting as a striker, Na Sang-ho played as a central attacking midfielder.

The name of Na Sang-ho.
Na Sang-ho (pictured right). Photo = Korea Football Association
Oh Sehun.
Oh Se-hoon. Photo = Korea Football Association

In the 14th minute of the first half, Na Sang-ho scored his debut goal.

Na Sang-ho connected Keiya Sento's corner kick with a non-stop shot to break the net.

Machida allowed Tokyo midfielder Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa to tie the game on a penalty kick in the 25th minute of the first half.

It was Oh Se-hoon who led Machida to victory.

Oh Se-hoon shook the net in the 25th minute of the first half by connecting the cross of right fullback Mochizuki Henry Hiroki, who participated in the attack, with a diving header.

Machida managed to secure three points while keeping Oh Se-hoon's winning goal well.

Machida became the sole leader in the J1 League with the victory. Machida has six wins, one draw and two losses (19 points) in nine J1 League games this season. Machida is one point ahead of second-place Cerezo Osaka.

Machida is a promotion team from the J2 League in the 2023 season and is making a splash in the J1 League this season.

Oh Sehun.
Oh Se-hoon. Photo = Korea Football Association

Oh Se-hoon is at the center of it.

Oh Se-hoon has three goals and one assist in nine J1 league games this season. Oh Se-hoon had two goals and six assists in 25 games in the J2 League last season while wearing a Shimizu S-Pulse uniform. After the 2023 season, he moved to Machida and is actively playing as a main striker for the team.

Na Sang-ho also scored a horse-riding goal. Na Sang-ho has one goal in four J1 league games this season. He seemed to falter for a while due to injury, but he showed his presence by scoring in his fourth game of this season.

The name of Na Sang-ho.
Na Sang-ho. Photo = Korea Football Association

It is not the first time that Na Sang-ho plays in the J1 League.

Na Sang-ho has been in Tokyo for a year and a half since the 2019 season. Na Sang-ho scored two goals and one assist in 25 J1 League games in the 2019 season. Na Sang-ho had a hard time at the time, losing out in the main competition with Takefusa Kubo, a leading Japanese national soccer team star.

Na Sang-ho left FC Seoul for Machida after the 2023 season. It was a re-challenge for the J1 League.

Machida, with the strong performance of the "Korean Duo," recaptured the lead in the J1 League. Attention is focusing on whether Machida will be able to continue the momentum of the promotion team.

Lee Geun-seung, reporter for MK Sports.

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