The Meaning Behind The Song: It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World by David Ruffin - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World by David Ruffin


The Meaning Behind The Song: It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World by David Ruffin

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
“It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World” David Ruffin Van McCoy & Joe Cobb Who I Am October 1, 1975 R&B Van McCoy

David Ruffin’s song “It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World” is a powerful anthem that reminds us of the importance of embracing diversity and unity. Released in 1975 as part of his album “Who I Am,” this R&B track highlights the need for humanity to come together, putting aside differences and embracing each other’s unique qualities.

The lyrics of the song emphasize the idea that for the world to thrive, it takes various types of individuals from all walks of life. Ruffin sings, “You know it takes all kinds of people to make a world. Oh yes, it does. Listen, the preacher, the baker, the candystick man, gardener, teacher, lawyer, preacher.” These lines showcase the wide array of professions and roles that contribute to the fabric of society.

The song’s chorus repeats the message, emphasizing that it truly takes all kinds of people to build a world. Ruffin sings, “When will we learn to live together like sisters and brothers? When will we turn the tide of hate to loving each other?” These questions prompt reflection and challenge listeners to consider how they can contribute to fostering unity and acceptance.

Personally, “It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World” has always resonated with me. Growing up in a diverse community, I witnessed firsthand the beauty that emerges when people from different backgrounds and perspectives come together. This song reminds me of the value of appreciating and respecting each other’s differences, as it is these differences that make our world rich and vibrant.

Additionally, the lyrics speak to the importance of not just demanding respect but also giving it. Ruffin sings, “You can’t demand people’s respect if you’re not gonna give it. And what’s the use of reading your Bible if you’re not gonna live it?” These lines serve as a reminder that actions speak louder than words and that true unity and acceptance can only be achieved when we embody the values we espouse.

The bridge of the song features an energetic instrumental break, accompanied by ad-libs from Ruffin. This section adds a dynamic touch to the song, enhancing its uplifting and empowering message.

As the song concludes, Ruffin sings, “It takes the typist, the chauffeur, talkin’ ’bout the real estate broker, the dancer, the singer, the square and the swinger. It takes them to make a world.” This final verse reiterates the idea that every individual, regardless of their profession or persona, plays a vital role in shaping our world.

In conclusion, “It Takes All Kinds of People to Make a World” by David Ruffin is a timeless reminder of the importance of unity and diversity. Through its powerful lyrics and infectious melody, the song encourages listeners to embrace one another’s differences and work together to create a world that celebrates and values every individual. As I listen to this song, I am reminded of the countless experiences and interactions I have had with people from all walks of life, and it reinforces my belief in the incredible strength we possess when we come together as one.

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