The past tense (video) | Verb tenses | Khan Academy

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The past tense

The past tense in English describes events that have already happened. How to form the past tense in English: take the present tense of the word and add the suffix "-ed"" . For example, to turn the verb "walk" into the past tense, add "-ed" and you get "walked."

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Video transcript

- [Voiceover] Hello, friends, and welcome to the distant past, because today we're talking about the past tense, which refers to stuff that has already happened. There are many ways to form the past tense, but for now I just wanna focus on the basic version, which is just adding "-ed". So if you take a word like "walk" as in, "I walk to the store," no, not the store, to the moon. I'm going to the moon on foot, try and stop me. That's in the present tense, but if I wanted to put that in the past, I would say, "I walked to the moon." I've got very strong legs and good shoes. So this sentence is happening now. It's the present. This sentence happened earlier. It's the past. SO, the simplest way to figure out whether or not something is in the past tense or if you want to put something in the past tense, is this thing, this "ed" ending. So you go from "walk" to "walked", "talk" to "talked", "sneeze" to "sneezed", "jump" to "jumped" and "open" to "opened" So, if it doesn't end with with an "e", you add an "ed". If it does end with an "e", you just add the "d". That's how to form the past tense. That's what the past tense does. It's stuff that's already happened, and most of the time when you wanna form the past tense out of a word, you just add "ed". You can learn anything. David, out.