The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Swan by BTS - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Swan by BTS

The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Swan by BTS

BTS is widely known for their thought-provoking and deeply meaningful music. The band has released several epic hits over the years, but their latest single “Black Swan” stands out as one of their most powerful and emotionally charged songs yet. The song has quickly become a fan favorite and has attracted critical acclaim from music industry professionals. In this article, we’re going to dive into the meaning behind “Black Swan” and explore why the song resonates with so many people.

The Inspiration Behind Black Swan

“Black Swan” is inspired by the ancient Greek philosophy of rejecting the idea of the unchanging and eternal being and embracing change as part of the natural order of things. The “Black Swan” metaphor refers to a rare and unexpected event that has a major impact and transforms the status quo. The song is inspired by a quote from the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who said: “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

The Symbolism of Black Swan

The song is loaded with symbolism. The “black swan” symbolizes change, struggle, and death in various cultures. It represents the subconscious mind, darkness, and the unknown, things that are often kept hidden from view. The line “the heart no longer races, when hearing the music play” signifies the loss of passion or drive, a feeling that BTS has experienced in their careers. The song talks about the fear of losing interest in something that you love so much.

The Significance of Music and Dance

In the song, BTS refers to their music as a way to express themselves fully. The lyrics underscore the significance of music and dance in their lives. They question if they would be able to recover from the emptiness of not having music in their lives. The song is a tribute to the power of art and the way that it can impact our mood and emotions.

The Importance of Being Authentic

“Black Swan” also reflects BTS’s commitment to be honest and authentic in their music. The song highlights the importance of embracing vulnerability and showing an unfiltered version of oneself to the world. BTS has never been shy about discussing personal struggles with mental health and societal expectations in their songs, and “Black Swan” is yet another example of their courage to bare their souls through their art.

The Influence of Society on Our Identities

The song suggests that society has a significant impact on the way we see ourselves. From a young age, individuals are socialized and conditioned to conform to societal expectations regarding gender roles, success, relationships, and more. BTS speaks about their fear of losing themselves to these societal pressures. The lyrics reveal a deep desire to escape societal norms and expectations and to regain a sense of individuality and authenticity.

The Emotional Impact of Black Swan on Fans

BTS’s music has always had a tremendous impact on their fans, and “Black Swan” is no different. The song tackles themes of mental health, authenticity, and societal pressures, which are all issues that resonate deeply with the band’s fans. The lyrics have been described as “raw,” “honest,” and “emotional,” and have been praised for their relatability.

BTS’s Creative Process Behind Black Swan

The creative process behind “Black Swan” involved collaboration with the Slovenian ballet troupe, MN Dance Company. BTS’s leader RM revealed the team came across “Swan Lake,” a ballet about a prince who falls in love with a swan, and the idea resonated with the group. The conversations between BTS and MN Dance Company focused on the concept of the black swan and how it relates to BTS’s music and artistry. The members of BTS were heavily involved in the songwriting process and even helped to edit the music video.

What Does Black Swan Mean to BTS?

“Black Swan” holds a special meaning for BTS. The song is a representation of their journey as artists and the fear of losing their passion for music and dance. It also reflects the pressure that they feel as public figures to conform to societal expectations and to maintain their place at the top of the music industry. BTS has played a significant role in challenging societal norms, and “Black Swan” is a testament to their commitment to remain authentic and true to themselves.

What Does Black Swan Mean to Fans?

“Black Swan” resonates with fans on various levels. The lyrics are relatable to young adults who face pressure to conform to societal norms and feel lost in the process. The song shows that it is okay to struggle and maintain integrity in the face of adversity. Fans appreciate the honesty and vulnerability that BTS displays in their music. The visual aspects of the music video depicting MN Dance Company performing ballet resonated with fans who enjoy BTS’s fusion of various art forms.

How Has Black Swan Impacted the Music Industry?

“Black Swan” has been dubbed a “game-changer” in the music industry. The song is a testament to BTS’s versatility as artists and their ability to experiment with different genres while remaining authentic. It satiates the thirst of fans who were waiting for the release of the highly anticipated album “Map of the Soul: 7.” The song is a hit not only in South Korea but also internationally. The song and its music video ride high in the charts, receiving critical acclaim worldwide.

What Is the Message of Black Swan?

The message of “Black Swan” is to embrace change and find inspiration in the things that challenge us. The song urges listeners not to be afraid to show their vulnerabilities and be authentic in their experiences. It provides hope for those who feel lost and trapped in societal norms, encouraging them to follow their passion despite the struggles they may face.

What Makes Black Swan So Special?

“Black Swan” is one of BTS’s most emotionally charged and powerful songs yet. The lyrics and the symbolism behind the “black swan” metaphor resonate deeply with BTS’s fans. The song is a testament to BTS’s commitment to remaining authentic and true to themselves, both as artists and as individuals. The collaboration with MN Dance Company adds an extra layer of artistry, making the song even more special.

How Does Black Swan Connect with BTS’s Other Songs?

“Black Swan” is the lead single from BTS’s album “Map of the Soul: 7.” The album is a follow-up to “Map of the Soul: Persona,” which also had themes of self-discovery and introspection. BTS’s music has always had a significant impact on their fans, and “Black Swan” is another example of their ability to tackle complex issues and relate to their listeners.

Why Is Black Swan So Popular?

“Black Swan” is popular for several reasons. The song’s lyrics and the music video are both visually stunning and emotionally charged. The song tackles themes that resonate deeply with BTS’s fans, such as authenticity, mental health, and societal pressure. The collaboration with MN Dance Company adds an extra layer of artistry, making the song even more powerful. The song’s popularity is a testament to BTS’s ability to remain relevant and to connect deeply with their fans.


“Black Swan” is a song that is loaded with symbolism and resonates deeply with BTS’s fans. The song’s themes of authenticity, mental health, and societal pressure are all issues that individuals face in their lives. BTS’s ability to tackle these complex topics while remaining true to themselves is a testament to their artistry and their commitment to pushing the boundaries of the music industry. The song is a tribute to the power of art and its ability to impact our mood and emotions.

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