Letra de Angel Eyes de Olivia Newton-John | Musixmatch

LetraAngel Eyes

Olivia Newton-John

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Última actualización realizada el: 27 de julio de 2022
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(Macauley/Potger) Tossing and turning last night I was burning

For you my love I couldn′t sleep or face one more night on my own Somehow the wind and the rain seem to call out my name In the still of night The sound that I heard was your voice And the words, oh I knew You called me angel eyes Child of the morning You and I will soon be together My darling Angel eyes, I'll be beside you Through the night you called me your angel eyes Closing my eyes I could still visualize All those golden days In letters you write you promise we′ll share them again Oh darling nevertheless still I have to confess That last night I cried When a voice in the rain softly called out again I'll be home Don't cry my angel eyes Child of the morning You and I will soon be together My darling Angel eyes, I′ll be beside you Through the night you called me your angel eyes Angel eyes, child of the morning Your angel eyes

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