The Masked Singer's Seal clears up rumor about one of his most beloved movies

The former child star under the mask tells EW he can't believe how many people guessed his identity.

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Masked Singer, season 11, episode 9, "Group B Finals: Soundtrack of My Life."

He didn't quite Seal the deal, but The Masked Singer's cuddliest wildcard sure put on a show.

Wednesday's Group B Finals, which was also Soundtrack of My Life night, said goodbye to two contestants. The first sent home was Seal, the costumed singer — not to be confused with the singer Seal who was on The Masked Singer season 2 wearing a Leopard costume.

After his rendition of Run-DMC's "It’s Tricky" and a bonus clue about once having a wild night with Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg, the judges laid out their guesses for his secret celebrity identity, all sticking with former child stars. Ken Jeong was convinced he was Sixth Sense actor Haley Joel Osment (who was recently confused with Joel Osteen by Kendrick Lamar). Rita Ora pegged him for Jerry O’Connell, while Robin Thicke first went with Macaulay Culkin, but later changed his guess to match McCarthy-Wahlberg, who was convinced since his first performance that Seal was Corey Feldman.

Seal performs on 'The Masked Singer'.

Michael Becker / FOX

McCarthy-Wahlberg's instincts were spot-on as Seal was indeed revealed to be the star of Goonies, Stand by Me, License To Drive, and BFF of the late Corey Haim.

Below, Feldman speaks to Entertainment Weekly about struggling with claustrophobia in that bulky costume, what really happened during his party with McCarthy-Wahlberg, how director Jordan Peele is reviving his long-lost movie from the dead, and clears up a rumor about Stand by Me.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: That costume looked pretty cumbersome. How was it to maneuver in it, and were there any mishaps that we didn’t see on the show? 

COREY FELDMAN: The suit was very uncomfortable. Yes, very sweaty. A lot of people don't realize how sweaty that damn thing is because there is room to move around. That's not really the problem: not having room to move around. It's more the fact that you're so just strapped in, and there's no oxygen flow other than that little area that comes through the face. But it's pretty constrictive as far as the claustrophobia goes, and I'm pretty claustrophobic, so it was a little bit overwhelming in that regard. But that said, you are having so much fun, everybody on the crew is so incredible, everybody was so helpful and so nice, and every accommodation was made to ensure our comfort and our safety, so I have no complaints.

Jenny guessed you really quickly. Were you surprised by that or did you see it coming?

I was surprised. I was also surprised how quickly everybody guessed me the second go around. What's weird to me is I've been watching people online, and it's like people just know. And I'm like, My God, I watched the show, and I don't recognize any voices. The clues don't work for me at all. I would not be very good at this if I were a detective of some sort. Inspector Clouseau I am not.

You had some very fun banter with Jenny about a certain time you’d hung out together before. What exactly went down that night?

We were both at a big party at the Playboy Mansion. I believe we had met there a couple times, and she was with her husband at the time, which is no longer her husband, and I was with my wife at the time, which is no longer my wife.… We invited them to come hang out for an afterparty, and she came in a giant limo, which also included Michael Andretti and George Maloof, so she had some very powerful players that rolled up at my house together. She hung out, I think, for like an hour. Nothing too exciting. I mean, it was always lovely to see Jenny, so she in herself is exciting, but there's no sordid details. 

Rita guessed that you were Jerry O’Connell, your Stand by Me costar. That movie is so beloved, but there was this rumor going around that Jerry also mentioned on The Talk: Someone said Kiefer Sutherland used to bully the rest of you on set to stay in character, which Jerry and Kiefer both denied. Do you remember anything like that?

Oh my God, he was so mean. He was beating the kids up all the time, basically just using them as his own whooping cushion. No, I'm just joking! There was nothing like that on this set. Nope. Don't remember anything negative from the set of Stand by Me at all. I mean, we were four kids growing up in the middle of the summer, literally just as you see in the film, and just as you see in the film, the older boys really kept to themselves. We didn't really spend much time with them or hang out with them much because a lot of our scenes weren't really overlapping.… Obviously it couldn't have been too bad, because Kiefer and I went on to work on [The Lost Boys] immediately following that. Since then, Kiefer and I haven't been the closest of friends, but that's okay. I did get very close with his brother [Angus], ironically, during the filming of the second Lost Boys film. 

STAND BY ME, Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Jerry O'Connell, Corey Feldman
Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Jerry O'Connell, and Corey Feldman in 'Stand by Me'.

Everett Collection

Your movie The Birthday has been lost for 20 years, but Jordan Peele has been championing it as a must-see, and it is finally getting a theatrical release this fall. What can you tell us about it?

I'm so excited! I feel like a Pointer Sister right now. But seriously, it is about the coolest thing I could ever have to look forward to. I'm so beyond grateful to Jordan Peele and to his partner Ian Cooper.… I actually saw Jordan on the Seth [Meyers] show talking about me and saying how he was a fan of mine and that he used me as his muse for his film writing. And I thought, My God, that's crazy. How did that happen? And out of nowhere, I got an invitation to go to the premier of his film Nope.

We immediately became fast friends, and he said, "What are you doing these days? What are you up to?" I said, "Well, this and that." I said, "It's a bummer, the one movie that I really always wanted you to see, I wanted everybody to see, was The Birthday, and it's a shame it never got released." And he said, "Well, how do I see it?" I said, "Well, the only way would be for you to come over to my house and watch it because I only have one copy." Because it never came out on DVD, it never came out on Blu-ray, it was never released in the theaters, it was never released anywhere in America, quite sadly. It was only released in Germany and in Spain. And so he said, "Well, I want to see it."

So he and Ian both came over to my house. They sat down, they watched the film, and at the end of it, Jordan looked at me and he said, "This is a cinematic masterpiece, this is your finest work, and it must be seen." And I said, "From your lips to God's ears. I appreciate it. That's incredible. But unfortunately, I have no way of doing that." And sure enough, about two months later, he called me up and said, "Hey, guess what? We're doing a little film screening–kind of festival that I've thrown together at Lincoln Center in New York, and I want to feature The Birthday as part of this film festival, and I also want to feature four of your other films if that's okay." And I was like, "Are you kidding? I'd be honored." So we were able to scrap together the last remaining print, and get it sent over. It got a tremendous response.

And here we are: Alamo Drafthouse Theaters is releasing the film this fall in theaters.… I think there's something like 40 theaters to start off, but we'll see what happens. I'm hoping that it gets a tremendous response as I expect it will. It is a brilliant film, and I'm very, very proud of it.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - SEPTEMBER 16: Corey Feldman performs during Riot Fest 2023 at Douglass Park on September 16, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois
Corey Feldman performs during Riot Fest 2023 in Chicago.

Daniel Boczarski/Getty

Anything else coming up for you?

The other exciting news is that I am going to be touring this summer with Limp Bizkit. This is going to be my first arena tour with my band. I've spent, I don't know, 40 years in the music industry, trying to get to this point. So it's been a slow, slow, slow burn, a slow build. But here we are: We're finally at the point where we're doing some arena shows, and I'm really excited to spread my music to more fans this summer. And by the way, if you want to come meet me after the show, we do have VIP tickets available at my website, which is

The other thing I want to say is I do have a big surprise that I will be announcing on May 22, so just a few weeks away. That's about all I can say for now.

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