Installation | horion-help



Using the official horion injector

If you have an issue downloading anything, visit the issues page

Step 1: Downloading the injector

Visit the horion website and press the download button

Step 2: Launch the injecor

Navigate to your download folder and find HorionInjector.exe

Double click the executable

Step 3: Launch minecraft

Launch your minecraft bedrock client

Step 4: Inject

On the horion injector, press inject once your minecraft client has fully loaded

Step 5: Complete

Enter a game or world and use the client

Using a different injector

Step 1: Download the dll


Step 2: Download an injector

Step 3: Launch minecraft

Launch your minecraft bedrock client

Step 4: Inject

On your injector, press inject once your minecraft client has fully loaded

Step 5: Complete

Enter a game or world and use the client