Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! - A-Z Animals

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Latest from A-Z Animals

15 Steps to Take in June to Maximize Your Garden’s Potential

As June arrives with longer days and warmer temperatures, your garden is about to explode with new growth. It’s the perfect time to get your hands dirty. Here are 12… Read More

By Kellianne Matthews 1 hour ago

The 10 Biggest Animals That Ever Walked the Earth

If you’ve ever seen an elephant or a giraffe up close, you know those animals can seem massive, but would you believe that some of the animals which have roamed… Read More

By Rebecca Bales 1 hour ago

12 Animals Bold and Brave Enough to Take on a Lion

The lion is a large, fearsome cat of the Panthera genus, typical to Africa and India. It has a muscular, deep-chested body, a short round head, round ears, and a… Read More

By Emmanuel Kingsley 3 hours ago

Amazing! 12 Types Of Hybrid Animals That Actually Exist

What is a hybrid animal? What are the different types of hybrid animals? Are they creatures that only exist in fables and myths? No! In fact, many crossbred animals are… Read More

By Rebecca Bales 4 hours ago

The 15 Laziest Animals in The World

Sure, last weekend, you enjoyed a 32-hour stream-a-thon and are now social media friends with the delivery driver. Still, you’re probably more active than the layabouts who made our 15… Read More

By Rebecca Bales 5 hours ago

9 Monkey Breeds That People Keep as Pets… But Is It Safe and Ethical?

Monkeys are very diverse, intelligent, and interesting creatures, so it should be no small wonder that people like to keep them as pets. We’ve seen real and fictional people keep… Read More

By Kyle Glatz 6 hours ago

4 Extinct Types of Lions (1 Has Been Gone for 12,000 Years)

The majestic lion is a true symbol of power and strength. With its glorious mane, predatory prowl, and fearsome roar, it seems only fitting to discover that there is only… Read More

By Taiwo Victor 7 hours ago

Sperm Whale vs. Great White Shark: Which Ocean Mammoth Is More Powerful?

Both are feared in the ocean and they’re typically too busy hunting their favorites to interact with one another. But in the case of a giant sperm whale vs. a… Read More

By Angie Menjivar 7 hours ago

Our Top 10 Picks for the Coolest Animals in the World

What makes an animal cool? Is it their appearance, their walk, their attitude? According to the dictionary, 'cool' means fashionably attractive or impressive. We think the following animals have tons… Read More

By Heather Hall 8 hours ago

The 7 Main Types of Animals And Their Characteristics

There are many different types of animals in the world, but some of the largest categories include:

Mammals around the world!


The official mammal class is Mammalia. Animals that are considered mammals include warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair or fur and whose babies drink milk. Unlike other animal types like birds and insects, all mammal babies drink milk that comes from their mother’s bodies. This is one of the key ways to know if an animal is a mammal.

See the complete list of mammals.

Close up of a colorful lizard


Lizards, dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, and snakes – all belong to that ancient and stout class of animals known as the reptiles. This is a diverse group with more than 10,000 different species and a huge representation in the fossil record. Once the dominant land vertebrates on the planet, reptiles still occupy just about every single ecosystem outside of the extreme north and south.

See the complete list of reptiles.

Beta fighting fish


Fish are aquatic vertebrates. They usually have gills, paired fins, a long body covered with scales, and tend to be cold-blooded. “Fish” is a term used to refer to lampreys, sharks, coelacanths and ray-finned fishes, but is not a taxonomic group, which is a clade or group containing a common ancestor and all its descendants.

See the complete list of fish.

Colorful birds


Birds, members of the class Aves, include more than 10,400 living species. Their feathers distinguish them from all other classes of animal; no other animals on earth have them. If you see an animal with feathers, it’s undoubtedly a bird. Like mammals, birds are warm-blooded vertebrates with four-chambered hearts. However, they are more closely related to reptiles and are believed to have evolved from dinosaurs.

See the complete list of birds.

Golden eyed leaf frog


The official class of amphibians is Amphibia. To have the classification of an amphibian, an animal must be a vertebrate, require water to survive, be cold-blooded, and spend time both on land and in water. Though other animals only live on land or in the water, amphibians have the unique ability to thrive equally in both. Amphibians cover over 6,000 different species across the globe, but about 90% are frogs.

See the complete list of amphibians.

Queen butterfly danaus gilippus on blue hydrangea flowers.


The definition of an invertebrate is any animal that does not have a backbone or vertebral column. The most prolific and easily recognizable members of the invertebrate family are insects. It’s estimated that upwards of 30 million individual species of invertebrates may exist accounting for between 90-95 percent of all organisms on the planet.

See the complete list of invertebrates.

Queen butterfly danaus gilippus on blue hydrangea flowers.


All insects are part of the taxonomical phylum Arthropoda, and they are collectively referred to as arthropods. It is common to see this name misspelled as “anthropod,” but this is not the correct term. They can be found in nearly every environment on the planet, and they currently account for over half of all known living organisms in the world. They have undergone many cycles of evolution depending on the resources available to them.

See the complete list of insects.

Explore Types of Wild Animals from Around the World

We track thousands of animals from every continent and corner on earth, and are adding more every day!

  • African Animals – Africa is home to some of the most incredible and dangerous animals in the world.
  • Asian Animals – Asia has the world’s longest coastline, and an amazing diversity of exotic animals, birds, and more.
  • Central American Animals – Discover the the nearly 400 different animals we track in Central America today.
  • Eurasian Animals – Eurasia has some of the rarest animals in the world, like Siberian Tigers and Snow Leopards.
  • European Animals – We track over 500 different animals in Europe, including wolves and bears.
  • North American Animals – North America has many beautiful national parks that house some of the rarest animals on earth.
  • Marine (Ocean) Animals – The ocean is teaming with life, from the smallest shrimp to the largest animal ever – the Blue Whale!
  • Oceanian Animals – Oceania has many islands, and the world’s highest concentration of marsupials.
  • South American Animals – Home to the stealthy Jaguar, the friendly Capybara, and many more!

See Endangered and Extinct Animals Lists

A-Z Animals follow’s the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species definitions of threatened and endangered animals. Please consult the lists below to learn more about which animals need our help the most

  • Extinct – Species that no longer exist on earth
  • Extinct in the Wild – Species that are only known to survive in captive or cultivated environments
  • Critically Endangered – Animals that face an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
  • Endangered – Animal species that face a high risk of extinction in the wild
  • Vulnerable – Animal species that face a risk of extinction in the wild
  • Near Threatened – Species that are facing population challenges and likely to become vulnerable to extinction soon
  • Least Concern – Animals with strong populations that are not expected to face extinction risk in the near future
  • Data Deficient – Species where we lack adequate information to assess the risk
  • Not Evaluated – Animal species that have not been evaluated yet

Types of Animals By Letter: Explore A to Z Animal Lists

See lists of animals that start with every letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. We track all types of animals like lions and tigers, dogs and cats, even dinosaurs and spiders. Choose your favorite letter below to see all animals that start with it today.

A African Sugarcane Borer
Animals that Start with A

Example: The African Sugarcane Borer

A Butterfly
Animals that Start with B

Example: The Butterfly

A Corkie
Animals that Start with C

Example: The Corkie

A Darwin’s fox
Animals that Start with D

Example: The Darwin’s fox

A European Corn Borer
Animals that Start with E

Example: The European Corn Borer

A Forest Cobra
Animals that Start with F

Example: The Forest Cobra

A Gharial
Animals that Start with G

Example: The Gharial

A Hyaenodon
Animals that Start with H

Example: The Hyaenodon

A Inchworm
Animals that Start with I

Example: The Inchworm

A Japanese Macaque
Animals that Start with J

Example: The Japanese Macaque

A Kangaroo Mouse
Animals that Start with K

Example: The Kangaroo Mouse

A Liopleurodon
Animals that Start with L

Example: The Liopleurodon

A Mexican Fireleg Tarantula
Animals that Start with M

Example: The Mexican Fireleg Tarantula

A Nut Weevil
Animals that Start with N

Example: The Nut Weevil

A Ornate Box Turtle
Animals that Start with O

Example: The Ornate Box Turtle

A Patas Monkey
Animals that Start with P

Example: The Patas Monkey

A Quetzal
Animals that Start with Q

Example: The Quetzal

A Robin
Animals that Start with R

Example: The Robin

A Sumatran Elephant
Animals that Start with S

Example: The Sumatran Elephant

A Ten-Lined June Beetle
Animals that Start with T

Example: The Ten-Lined June Beetle

A Underwing Moth
Animals that Start with U

Example: The Underwing Moth

A Viperfish
Animals that Start with V

Example: The Viperfish

A Walrus
Animals that Start with W

Example: The Walrus

A Xiphactinus
Animals that Start with X

Example: The Xiphactinus

A Yellow Tang
Animals that Start with Y

Example: The Yellow Tang

A Zebra Snake
Animals that Start with Z

Example: The Zebra Snake

Everything To Know About Pet Dogs, Cats Birds, and More

Some of the most popular types of animals on earth are pets. A pet is a domesticated animal that lives with a person or family, usually in a house. The most common pets include dogs, cats, fish, and birds, but there are also many amazing exotic pets like reptiles, lizards, and more! Horses, goats, and pigs can also be pets too.

Pet Dogs

Dogs are the most popular type of pet on earth with nearly 500 million worldwide. Thats almost one dog for every 15 people on earth! There are hundreds of different dog breeds. The Irish Wolfhound is the largest dog breed, and was bred to hunt wolves. Chihuahuas are the smallest, and were likely bred for companionship or to hunt small rodents. The most popular dog breeds are below.

A Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier

Friendly, lovable and very strong!

A Irish Setter
Irish Setter

Has a beautiful coat that's flowing and feathered!

A Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

Trusting, kind and gentle!

Pet Cats

Cats are the second most popular pet on earth with nearly 400 million worldwide. Thats almost one pet cat for every 20 people on earth! You can read about the hundreds of different cat breeds, from the large to the small. The most popular cat breeds are below

A Abyssinian

One of the oldest cat breeds in the world!

A Australian Mist
Australian Mist

The only cat breed to originate in Australia.

A Ragdoll

One of the larger breeds of domestic cat!

Pet Product Reviews

Pets are important members of our families and should be cared for. The AZ Animals team reviews the latest research on pet health, consults veterinarian best practices, and works directly with vet health specialists to review the best products for your dog, cat, and other pets. We’re excited to share our expert pet product recommendations with you, including the best dog food, best cat food, and best tanks for your pet fish

More Animal News, Facts, Rankings, and More!

200+ Lion Names and Meanings For Each

If you’re looking for a name that’s as impressive as this big cat’s vocalizations, you’re in the right spot. Whether you prefer a playful name like Simba or something with… Read More

By Crystal 9 hours ago

The States With the Most Rivers in America

The American topography is fantastic and has enamored geologists and other scientists for centuries. When it comes to rivers, some states have very few, but others have many rivers. The… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 9 hours ago

Scary Animals: The 10 Creepiest Animals in the World

Natural selection rarely favors the beautiful. In the Cold War known as 'the evolution', a willingness to go extreme is often the best way to find a unique niche within… Read More

By Lex Basu 1 day ago

Male vs. Female Monkeys: Breaking Down the 7 Key Differences

In general, it is not a great idea to keep a monkey as a pet as they require very specialist care and expertise. However, that does not stop us from… Read More

By Sharon Parry 1 day ago

The Average Lifespan of Great White Sharks and Threats to Their Longevity

Great white sharks are the world’s largest predatory fish. Most of us are familiar with this specific shark thanks to movies such as Steven Spielberg’s Jaws. When many people mention… Read More

By Volia Schubiger 1 day ago

Monkey Lifespan: See How Long the Different Types of Monkeys Live

Monkeys are primates, like apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans! Do monkeys live as long as humans? Are monkeys the same as apes and gorillas? Since primates have few predators do… Read More

By Cindy Rasmussen 1 day ago

Massive Venomous Spiders Set to Invade New York

Experts and pest control companies have warned New Yorkers that Joro spiders will be invading the New York area pretty soon. Joro spiders are native to Asia but were brought… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 1 day ago

Great Hammerhead vs Great White: The Key Differences Between These Famous Sharks

The great hammerhead shark head and the great white shark are shark species known for their "greatness" in size. The great hammerhead shark belongs to the Sphyrnidae family and is… Read More

By Emmanuel Kingsley 1 day ago

The Smallest Monkeys in the World

As most monkeys are arboreal and adapted to move swiftly through the trees, most of them are small in size, at least when compared to apes such as chimps and… Read More

By Rebecca Bales 1 day ago

The Biggest Animals Ever: 5 Giants from the Ocean

Hundreds of years ago, something peculiar happened…  People started finding dragon teeth along the creeks and the shores of oceans. Big, six-inch-long dragon teeth.  How could that be possible? Well, today we know… Read More

By Heather Hall 1 day ago

Lions vs Tigers – 5 Key Differences (And Who Would Win in a Fight)

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! This classic quote may come to mind when you think of two of the world's largest cats - the lion and the tiger.… Read More

By Heather Ross 1 day ago

12 Animals That Don’t Have a Brain and How The Heck They Survive!

Not all animals have brains, and all of them happen to be sea creatures. You're probably asking yourself how you survive without a brain. Well, let's find out. From the… Read More

By Heather Hall 1 day ago

13 Incredile Lion Facts That Show How Amazing The King of the Jungle Is

Lions are one of the most incredible animals on the planet. They're not only one of the largest predators in the world, but they also hunt in large groups. We've… Read More

By Dana Mayor 1 day ago

The Most and Least Dog Friendly States

Dogs are some of the most popular pets in America. Dogs provide owners with more stress-free lives. These cuddly and cute animals will always have your back and brighten your… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 2 days ago

The 15 Biggest Deep-Sea Creatures

On land, the African elephant is the largest animal to walk the Earth. Weighing up to six tons, it's over three times as heavy as the average-sized SUV. However, it… Read More

By Jennifer Geer 2 days ago

Top 10 Heaviest Animals in the World

A heavy animal is generally a big animal, but some big animals aren’t as heavy as a person would suppose. The ostrich, which can grow to nearly 7 feet tall,… Read More

By Heather Hall 2 days ago

10 Dog Food Myths Every Pet Owner Should Know

It is very common for dog owners to worry about what they are feeding their dogs. This situation is not helped by the amount of conflicting information online and in… Read More

By Sharon Parry 2 days ago

Baby Lions: 5 Adorable Cub Pictures and 5 Interesting Facts About The Cute Apex Predators

Lion babies! They're born cute and cuddly and grow up into apex predators that rule savannas. Let's dig into five facts about lion cubs and more importantly dive into five… Read More

By Heather Hall 2 days ago

The 7 Most Travel-Friendly Dog Breeds

Summer is travel season, and if you're a dog lover, you can't leave your baby behind! But traveling will be miserable for both of you if your dog is a… Read More

By Drew Wood 2 days ago

Cute But Deadly: The 10 Most Vicious Animals That Look Cute!

Cute but deadly animals are something of a rarity in nature. Normally, dangerous animals have bright colors or look vicious to let you know they're dangerous. Some, however, are deceptively… Read More

By Lex Basu 2 days ago

See all of A-Z Animals News and Information.

Animal Reference Guides And Educational Resources

We believe if people are more educated about the world’s animals, they will better car for them. That’s why we are building the world’s greatest animal encyclopedia, completely free to you. Please take a moment to learn more about animals today using these helpful guides and resources:

  • Reference Library – See helpful information on conservation, classification, animal evolution, and more
  • Glossary – A list of scientific and technical animal terms, with definitions
  • Animal Habitats – Learn all about different animal habitats
  • Diet – The different animal diets like omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores defined with examples
  • Behavior – Learn all about animal intelligence, communication, community, language, migration, and more.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What are the 6 types of animals?

The 6 types of animals are mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and invertebrates. Additionally, animals are classified in many different ways, which you may learn about in this complete guide to animal classification.

What are the 10 most popular animals?

The 10 most popular animals on AZ Animals are:

  1. Lion
  2. Panther
  3. Amur Leopard
  4. Polar Bear
  5. White Tiger
  6. Wolf
  7. Millipede
  8. Arctic Fox
  9. Marble Fox
  10. Rhinoceros 

How many animals are there?

There are over 1 million known animal species and more than 98% of those are insects, which are indeed animals.