20 Facts About Aramco - Facts.net
Alia Gigliotti

Written by Alia Gigliotti

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Energyintel.com

Aramco, officially known as Saudi Arabian Oil Company, is one of the most prominent and influential companies in the energy sector. Headquartered in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Aramco has a rich history and has played a significant role in shaping the global oil industry. With its immense reserves of oil and gas, Aramco has become a powerhouse in the energy market, contributing to both the kingdom’s economy and global energy security.

In this article, we will delve into some interesting facts about Aramco that highlight its magnitude, impact, and dominance in the world of energy. From its inception to its current status, Aramco has witnessed numerous milestones and continues to be at the forefront of innovation and technology in the energy sector. So, let’s explore 20 fascinating facts about Aramco and gain a deeper understanding of this iconic company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, plays a vital role in meeting global energy demands with its extensive reserves and commitment to innovation and sustainability.
  • With a strong focus on safety, research partnerships, and corporate social responsibility, Aramco continues to drive excellence in the energy industry while contributing to Saudi Arabia’s economic growth.
Table of Contents

Aramco is the world’s largest oil company.

With extensive reserves and production capabilities, Aramco plays a crucial role in meeting global energy demands.

The company was founded in 1933.

Originally named the Arabian American Oil Company, Aramco has a long-standing history in the Middle East.

Aramco is a state-owned company.

The Saudi Arabian government owns and operates Aramco, making it a vital component of the country’s economy.

It is responsible for the majority of Saudi Arabia’s oil production.

Aramco accounts for more than 90% of the country’s oil output, making it a critical player in the global oil market.

Aramco has the world’s largest proven oil reserves.

With over 260 billion barrels of proven reserves, Aramco possesses an invaluable asset that fuels its success and influence.

The company operates a vast network of oil fields and refineries.

Aramco’s operations span across Saudi Arabia, with numerous oil fields and refineries contributing to its production capacity.

Aramco is involved in exploration and production worldwide.

Beyond its operations in Saudi Arabia, Aramco extends its reach to various countries, exploring and producing oil on a global scale.

The company employs a large workforce.

Aramco’s workforce consists of hundreds of thousands of employees, both Saudi nationals and individuals from around the world.

Aramco is focused on innovation and technology.

The company invests heavily in research and development to advance its operations and find sustainable solutions for the energy industry.

Aramco is committed to environmental sustainability.

Recognizing the importance of environmental conservation, Aramco actively pursues initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.

The company has a significant presence in the downstream sector.

Aramco operates refineries and petrochemical plants, contributing to the production of various petroleum-based products.

Aramco went public in 2019.

The company’s initial public offering (IPO) on the Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange marked one of the largest in history.

It is a major contributor to Saudi Arabia’s GDP.

Aramco’s successful operations significantly contribute to the country’s economic growth and stability.

The company has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Aramco actively supports initiatives in education, healthcare, cultural preservation, and community development.

Aramco invests in renewable energy projects.

Recognizing the importance of diversifying energy sources, the company is expanding its involvement in renewable energy projects.

Aramco sponsors numerous sports and cultural events.

The company’s sponsorship extends to various sporting events, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

It operates one of the largest fleets of oil tankers.

Aramco’s extensive fleet of tankers facilitates the transportation of oil and other petroleum products worldwide.

The company has a robust safety culture.

Aramco prioritizes the safety and well-being of its employees, implementing rigorous safety protocols across its operations.

Aramco is actively involved in research partnerships.

The company collaborates with international universities and research institutions to drive innovation and technological advancements.

Aramco continually strives for excellence.

With a strong focus on efficiency, sustainability, and profitability, Aramco remains at the forefront of the energy industry.

These 20 facts about Aramco provide a glimpse into the company’s extraordinary achievements and its significant role in the global energy landscape. As Aramco continues to adapt to changing industry dynamics, it remains a driving force in meeting the world’s energy needs.


In conclusion, Aramco, also known as the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, is undoubtedly one of the most influential and popular companies in the world. With its rich history, impressive achievements, and significant impact on the global oil industry, Aramco has solidified its position as a key player in the energy sector.From being the largest oil producer to having an extensive network of refineries and distribution centers, Aramco continues to drive innovation and contribute to the overall development of Saudi Arabia. The company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness showcases its dedication towards creating a more sustainable future.With its vast reserves of oil and gas, Aramco plays a crucial role in meeting the growing global demand for energy. By prioritizing efficiency, safety, and technological advancements, Aramco remains at the forefront of the industry, ensuring a stable and reliable energy supply for the world.As Aramco continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of the industry, its legacy as a prominent and influential company is set to endure. With its strategic vision, strong leadership, and relentless pursuit of excellence, Aramco will continue to shape the energy landscape for years to come.


Q: What is the Saudi Arabian Oil Company?

A: The Saudi Arabian Oil Company, commonly known as Aramco, is a state-owned oil and gas company based in Saudi Arabia. It is one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world.

Q: How long has Aramco been in operation?

A: Aramco was established in 1933 and has been operating for nearly 90 years.

Q: What is the main source of revenue for Aramco?

A: The main source of revenue for Aramco is oil production, refining, and distribution.

Q: How much oil does Aramco produce?

A: Aramco currently produces about 12 million barrels of oil per day, making it the largest oil producer in the world.

Q: Does Aramco have any impact on global oil prices?

A: As one of the largest oil producers, Aramco’s production levels and pricing policies can have a significant impact on global oil prices.

Q: Is Aramco involved in any renewable energy projects?

A: Yes, Aramco has been investing in renewable energy projects to diversify its portfolio and contribute to sustainable energy solutions.

Q: How does Aramco contribute to the development of Saudi Arabia?

A: Aramco plays a crucial role in the economic development of Saudi Arabia by generating significant revenue, creating employment opportunities, and supporting various social and infrastructure projects.

Q: Is Aramco publicly traded?

A: Aramco went public in 2019 with an initial public offering (IPO) but is still majority-owned by the Saudi Arabian government.

Q: What are some of Aramco’s key achievements?

A: Some of Aramco’s key achievements include being the largest IPO in history, having the largest proven oil reserves, and being the most profitable company in the world.

Q: Is Aramco involved in any corporate social responsibility initiatives?

A: Yes, Aramco is actively involved in various corporate social responsibility initiatives, focusing on education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development.

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