Fees | King's College, Taunton

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King's College Prep - Standard Fees (per term)

Year 7 and 8 - £7,250 day / £10,790 full boarding (UK-based)
Year 5 and 6 - £5,550 day / £8,880 full boarding (UK-based)
Year 3 and 4 - £4,290 day / £8,370 full boarding (UK-based)
Year 1 and 2 - £3,560 day
Reception (4-5 years) - £3,395 day
Nursery (2-4 years) - £72.50 per day, £42.50 per half day

Other Fees

King's College - Standard Fees (per term)

Fees at King's College are inclusive, so extras are kept to a minimum.

UK-based Boarders - £14,880 per term
The boarding fee includes all meals, stationery, laundry (but not dry cleaning) and most textbooks
Please click here for international fees

Day pupils - £9,710 per term
The day fee includes meals, stationery and most textbooks

Day pupils may make occasional overnight stays in their house, subject to the rules laid out in our policy on Occasional Boarding in the Policies section. Such stays are charged at the rate of £62 per night.

The termly fee is fully inclusive of all 'extras' of general application (eg. meals, laundry, most textbooks and stationery). Parental approval is sought for all additional charges over £30.

Other Fees

Childcare Vouchers

King’s College Prep School is happy to accept Child Care Vouchers (CCVs) from parents for qualifying activities for pupils* as defined by the law.

Parents can use vouchers as payment towards any form of care or supervision outside the hours allocated to compulsory education. In practice, this means that King’s can accept CCVs for:

  • The charges for boarding for pupils* in the school.**
  • The fees for any child aged three until 31 March, 31 August or 31 December next after the child celebrates their fifth birthday. Children within their correct national curriculum year group can use CCVs for nursery and some Reception fees, depending on date of birth.
  • After school clubs which take place outside the normal school day for pupils* in the school. After school care and clubs would fall into this category.**
  • Holiday clubs organised and run by the School for pupils in the school*.

* Aged 15 or below (16 if they are disabled)

** For out of school clubs and boarding fees the care must be invoiced separately to the education fees and provided out of school hours and on the school premises.

Child Care Vouchers are provided by employers to employees under certain qualifying conditions, and the voucher amount is free from tax and National Insurance contributions. It was closed for new entrants from 4 October 2019 – further details can be found at https://www.gov.uk/help-with-childcare-costs/childcare-vouchers. Details on the replacement offering can be found at https://www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare

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