To whom it may concern

Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech at Yad Vashem at the start of Holocaust Remembrance Day events in Jerusalem yesterday evening. Israel Hayom observes that “[t]he speech took an unusual turn when he shifted language since Netanyahu normally does not use this forum to speak in English.” This is what he had to say to whom it may concern in the English-speaking world:

Eighty years ago in the Holocaust the Jewish people were totally defenseless against those who sought our destruction. No nation came to our aid.

Today, we again confront enemies bent on our destruction. I say to the leaders of the world: No amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop Israel from defending itself.

As the prime minister of Israel – the one and only Jewish state – I pledge here today from Jerusalem, on this Holocaust Remembrance Day: If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. But we know we are not alone because countless decent people around the world support our just cause. And I say to you: We will defeat our genocidal enemies. Never Again is now.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has posted the full text of Netanyahu’s remarks here and it is worth reading in its entirety. I have posted video of the English portion below via the Prime Minister’s X account.

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