Scoutabout 2024 | Surrey Scouts

Scoutabout 2024

Between: 28th June 2024 - 30th June 2024 Location: South of England Showground, Ardingly Sections: Scouts, Adult Volunteers Event Organiser: Paul Iverson

Scoutabout is back!


What is Scoutabout?

Scoutabout is an extraordinary event that only happens once every three years – 5,000 Scouts and Guides aged between 10 and 14 from all over Surrey participating in a weekend of fun, learning and activities.

Where is Surrey Scoutabout?

At the South East of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex – the only local place big enough to take us all!

When is it?

Scoutabout happens every 3 years and the next event will be on the weekend of 28th-30th June 2024.

So what happens at Scoutabout?

Scoutabout offers over 200 activities including – Caving, Canoeing, Paragliding (pre-booked only), Archery, Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Crafts, Shooting and all sorts of other activities!

Scoutabout Information

Scoutabout Fees

Scouts / Guides: £43 for the weekend

Leaders / Central Staff: £18 for the weekend

Young Leaders: £18 for the weekend

Adult Day Visitors: £5 for the weekend

Pitch and Strike  – Free – up to 10pm Friday and after midday Sunday.


These prices include camping fees and activities. Each group will need to bring their own camping and catering equipment and is required to bring their own food.

Each group is responsible for arranging their own transport to and from the event. To ease congestion, please seriously consider travelling by minibus or coach rather than cars. Both mini buses and coaches will be allocated ‘Fast Track’ entry into the site.

In order to secure your registration, a non-refundable deposit of £100 is required at the time of registration. Details of where to send the payment will be emailed to you within a few minutes of receiving your registration.

Phase 1 – Register Troop or Unit by 31st January 2024

Phase 2 – Register activities and upload risk assessment  – opens January 2024

Phase 3 – Register participants’ full details from 1st February 2024

Phase 4 – Health forms issued for completion online – mid May 2024


Scoutabout Booking System

Welcome to the Scoutabout Online Booking System

Scoutabout is a weekend activity camp for Scouts and Guides from Surrey.

Further details about Scoutabout 2024 can be found on this event page.

If you have any questions regarding Scoutabout, please contact


Click here to register the interest of your Scout Troop or Guide Unit.


Activity Providers, Service Teams and other adults that will be helping with Scoutabout (and not connected with a registered group) can also register below.

Making a payment for Scoutabout

The Scoutabout Administration Team would prefer all payments via BACS. In order to pay via this method, you will need the information below:

CAF Bank

Sort Code : 40-52-40

Account No : 00013107

Account Name: Surrey County Scout Council

Please use payment reference: SAB24 followed by your booking reference.

For example, if the 99th Bentley Copse had the booking reference 12345, the reference would be: SAB2412345


If your Group is unable to pay via BACS, please make out a cheque payable to Surrey County Scout Council and send it along with your booking receipt, which will be sent to you via email automatically once you have registered to:

Scoutabout Administration

Katy Cozens

3 Skimmer Street




S42 5WJ


Once your payment has been received, you will receive and email confirming your payment. These payments are also viewable from the View Payments and Balance page on the online booking system.

Scoutabout Activities

 Help Make Scoutabout Special

The main reason Scoutabout has been so successful for many years, is because of the volume and variety of Activities that are available at the event. Whilst a number of these activities will be provided by Commercial Organisations and Specialist Scouting Teams, the vast majority of the activities provided are run by volunteer Leaders and Members of the Scout Network, Scout Active Support and Trefoil Guild.

The expectation is that every Scout Troop or Guide Unit will provide an activity at least one activity at the event. In most cases leaders of Scout Troops and Guide Units will be able to staff these activities, it is always sensible to gain additional support from Parents and other leaders to ensure that activities can run for the whole session and ensure at least one leader is available to support the members of their troop or unit.

We are now asking all registered groups and any additional providers to register their activity using the online booking system. This will allow the Activities Team to review the activities and approve any budget that may be required. Whilst some repetition is acceptable due to the size of the event, we are sure you will understand that too much repetition would be detrimental and therefore we do reserve the right to ask you to consider an alternative activity should this occur. This will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

When planning your activity, please consider carefully the impact of single use plastic such as cups and if at all possible, act to minimise the use of single use plastic.

To register please visit the online booking system, if you already have a login, please use this and register your activity via the booking site.


A list of previous activities is provided below – this is not a definitive list of activities that will definitely be present at the coming event – they are just typical events.

Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
Aerial runway Abseil wall Air rifle shooting Air rockets Amateur radio station
Angry pigs Animal athletics Archery Assault course Assorted small skills activities
Astronomy roadshow Badge and keyring making Bag decorating Bag-a-tel Bath bombs
Bead bracelets Bead flags Beat the goalie! Biscuit decorating Boccia
Bootcamp challenge Braid / cordage making Broomstick pioneering Bungee run Bungee trampoline
Buzzer heads Bus driving Candle dipping Canoeing and Kayaking Car driving
Catapults Cave bus Chariots building and Racing Chocolate hedgehogs Clothes magnets and mini badges
Coconut shy Cornhole Creating and using natural inks Crossbows (lightweight)Dunk tank Dunk tank
Fairground stalls Fake wounds Fitness challenge Friendship bracelet making  Friendship people / Ziparoo keyrings
Geckos Giant bubble making Giant Jenga Giant Kerplunk Giant sack race
Giant water rockets Glitter tattoos Hair chalking Henna tattoos High ropes
Hoopla hoop challenge Human Hungry Hippos Jianzi competition Knife skills Kubb
Last one standing Lawn snooker Lego communication challenge Lego describe and build Low tightrope/slackline
Macrame keychains Make the tallest tower Marble maze mayhem Marbling Maze challenge
Meal ordeal Mini LED torches Miniature railway Mocktail making Morse, Enigma and lock picking
Nail painting Necklace making Nerf gun alley Onion bhaji making Oragami
Pancake cooking Paper plane competition Paracord bracelets and woogles Parascending Peg making
Pole lathe Popcorn making Pyrography Ropeless pioneering Scalextric racing
Scoutabout temporary tattoos Scuba diving Silk clay pencil toppers Slingshot paintball Soap flannel bunnies
Spider mountain Sup activity Swedish Kubb Team building exercises Team Challenge
Tent peg and string art work The Black Hole The numbers board game Tie dyeing Tin Can Alley
Tomahawk throwing Water balloon pendulum Water rockets Water stock What three words quiz

Scoutabout Service Teams

Scoutabout is a large activity camp for Scouts and Guides held over the weekend of 28th – 30th June 2024. The event is attended by approximately 5000 young people and over 1000 leaders.

The Scoutabout Team is currently looking for individuals willing to help support the smooth running of the event during the weekend.  They are open to adults as well as Explorer Scouts and Rangers aged between 14 and 18.  This year’s teams are:


Scoutabout Activities Team 2024 Youth and Adult teams are now full.

Scoutabout Fire Safety Team 2024 Youth and Adult teams are now full.

Scoutabout 1st Aid Team 2024 Youth and Adults teams are now full.

Scoutabout Gate Team 2024 Youth and Adults teams are now full.

Scoutabout Media Team 2024 Youth and Adult teams are now full.

Scoutabout FM Team 2024 Youth and Adult teams are now full.

Scoutabout Site Team 2024 Youth and Adult teams are now full.

Scoutabout Stewarding Team 2024 Please contact to register.

Scoutabout Tuck Shop Team 2024 Youth and Adult teams are now full.


Scoutabout Explorer and Ranger service team advert 2024


Further details about a Service Team can be found by clicking on their name.

For Leaders, Helpers, Sectional Assistants, Scout Network, Senior Section Members over 18 years old, Trefoil Guild and Scout Active Support Members there are several opportunities including the Stewarding Team, Catering Team (supporting the 200 or so Service Team Members that will be running the event) as well as general support with Activities etc.

To register your interest, please click on the correct link below:

Scoutabout Documents and Downloads

Find what you need below (links will go live as the documents are produced):

Inclusivity documentation:    Inclusion Letter 2024      Inclusion and Diversity Questionnaire 2024

Scoutabout 2024 Poster
Scoutabout Explorer and Ranger service team advert 2024
Scoutabout 2024 Clothing
Parascending forms 2024 Parascending forms 2024
Risk Assessment form templates if needed Scouts  Girlguides
Risk Assessment Guidance – Scouts   Girlguides Guidance
Scoutabout site 2024 A4 – Site Plan A4
Final Details for Leaders 2024
Scoutabout programme 2024
Scoutabout site 2024 A4 – Colour Zones
Scoutabout 2024 Site Risk Assessment
Summary of – MajorIncidentPlan2024
Scoutabout 24 Expenses form
Green Card-Scouting-and-alcohol
Surrey Scouts Young Leader Scheme Scoutabout 24 Flyer June 24
Inclusivity documentation:    Inclusion Letter 2024      Inclusion and Diversity Questionnaire 2024

Leader Support

Scoutabout Leader Support Information

The role of the Leader in Scoutabout is:

  • To promote Scoutabout to the Scouts/Guides.
  • To send out materials advertising Scoutabout to the Scouts/Guides.
  • To register and give preliminary numbers for your Troop/Unit.
  • To provide an activity for the event. Scoutabout anticipates approx. 4,500 Scouts and Guides will attend and we need over 200 activities to make this activity camp as successful as previous years.
  • To provide a well-considered Risk Assessment (RA) for the activity, preferably using the Scoutabout RA form.  If a generic RA form is used, please ensure that the extra information requested on the Scoutabout RA form is provided.
  • Ensure there are enough leaders to support the activity as well as giving leaders time for a break and a chance to wander around the event.  It is worth finding parental help or help from Leaders of other sections.
  • Ensure that all adults helping have a DBS.
  • To provide final numbers to the booking site.
  • To ensure that health forms are filled in.
  • Ensure that Scouts/Guides and adults all have their forms returned.
  • Ensure that Scouts/Guides and leaders have their wristband for entry to the site.  The LEADER is responsible for making sure that the wristband is correctly marked for activities that they cannot do.  If the wristband is replaced for any reason during the event, it is still the Leader’s responsibility to make sure it is correctly labelled.
  • Ensure that activities are set up and ready before the activity sessions start. Vehicular access will be restricted during Scoutabout
  • Work with your District/Division to provide appropriate transport for equipment and Scouts/Guides. Coaches and minibuses will be fast-tracked
  • Work with your District/Division to provide central catering. This reduces the amount of equipment required, reduces the potential fire risks and reduces the number of caterers required
  • We do not expect Scouts/Guides to be accompanied by leaders during the activity sessions but they are still your responsibility.
  • You are responsible for your Scouts/Guides behaviour, health, hygiene and happiness. Scoutabout, will provide adult assistance, first aid etc to support you.
  • Check the lost property for random scarves and trainers before you leave!
  • Arrange time to walk around the activity sites, make contacts, pinch ideas, network and enjoy yourselves!
  • Ensure that your expense claims are handed in.  Payment will be by BACS.
  • Feedback to your ADC/Divisional Commissioners or direct to the Scoutabout team so we can make future events even better.
  • REMINDER: All Scout troops are required to follow the usual Nights Away process with a Risk Assessment which covers camping, catering and transport (where centralised). This must be submitted to Districts as per usual.
  • Girlguiding – Going Away With Scheme requirementsBoth Surrey East and Surrey West organise the Residential Event Notification form (REN) to be completed at County level (one for each County).The Going Away With Licence holders for Scoutabout 2024 are:Girlguiding Surrey East  – Jane LuffGirlguiding Surrey West – Janet CowleyJane and Janet co-ordinate with the division sub camp leaders to ensure:
    • Going Away With Licence and adult to child ratios are covered.
    • Emergency Home Contacts are put in place at unit, district or division level.
    • Risk Assessments are produced by leaders at the relevant level(s) to cover the elements they are responsible for organising such as camping, catering, subcamp first aid provision, finances and transport to/from the event.

    All Girlguiding volunteers attending the event are checked to ensure they have an in date DBS and valid Safe Space trainings relevant to their role at the event as part of the REN sign off process.

    If you have any queries about what you are required to do, please contact your division’s subcamp leader in the first instance.

ADC or Divisional Commissioner Support

Scout ADC or Girl Guiding Divisional Commissioner Support

The role of the Scout ADC/ Girl Guiding Divisional Commissioner in Scoutabout is:

  • Promote Scoutabout amongst the Scout Troops and Guide Units.
  • Ensure that each Troop/Unit has the opportunity to attend
  • Ensure that each Troop/Unit attending provides or supports an activity.
  • Help leaders to consider using parental help to run activities or to help with central catering. This will help leaders so they can have a look around and it can also be a very useful recruitment tool
  • Arrange and co-ordinate transport. We expect over 6,500 people to attend so coaches and minibuses will be fast-tracked
  • Ensure that all Risk Assessments are completed and returned on time
  • Liaise with the Scoutabout team if issues arise in the planning or preparation stages for the event
  • Liaise with your SASU, Network and Explorer Scout teams to get them to support or provide an activity.
  • Arrange and co-ordinate central catering. Combining Troops/Units will reduce the amount of catering equipment required, reduce potential fire risks and reduce the number of caterers required. Ideally we would like to see catering at District or Division level.
  • Act or appoint someone as Contingent Leader responsible for the layout of your District/Division campsite and the maintenance of good camping standards
  • Liaise with the Scoutabout team if issues arise during the event
  • Ensure your Troops/Units provide the activities they have agreed to
  • Ensure that all Scouts and Guides from your District/Division leave the site with appropriate supervision.
  • Leave your District/Division site clean and tidy and don’t leave anything behind
  • Collect feedback and provide this to the Scoutabout team.
  • REMINDER: All Scout troops are required to follow the usual Nights Away process with a Risk Assessment which covers camping, catering and transport (where centralised). This must be submitted to Districts as per usual. Please ensure that your troops have met this requirement.

Scoutabout FAQs

Scoutabout FAQs

How much does Scoutabout Cost?

The cost of the event itself is £43 per Scout/Guide and £18 for Leaders which covers site hire, activity hire and provision, badges, infrastructure etc.  You will need to add the cost of transport and food to the event cost.

Why does each Troop/Unit have to run an activity?

We buy in some key activities but for the event to be a success, over 4,500 Scouts and Guides need to be entertained.  Scouts/Guides have all sorts of interests and we don’t want them to spend all day queuing for the bigger rides.  The sheer variety and creativity provided by the groups makes Scoutabout an exciting event for the Scouts/Guides and to do that all leaders are asked to help with activities.  In the end it is a matter of logistics.  Troops/Units bringing Scouts/Guides expect them to be entertained and we rely on the leaders to help.  It keeps the costs down and over 200 activities make Scoutabout one of the largest activity camps that Scouts/Guides ever attend.

I don’t have many Scouts/Guides or leaders coming.  Do I still need to run an activity?

Obviously we want there to be as many activities as possible.  If you only have a few Scouts/Guides and have combined with another Troop/Unit to ensure attendance it is usually possible to run one activity between you. This should be agreed with the Scoutabout activities team first.  If you have lots of Scouts/Guides attending, it is expected that an activity will be provided.  It would be worth asking parents and other section leaders for help.

What first aid facilities are available?

Leaders are responsible for the health, hygiene and happiness of their Scouts/Guides including minor first aid in the same way as other campsites. We have a centralised 1st aid team for more serious accidents/incidents.

Can I drive onto the site?

Only vehicles with a site access pass will be allowed on site on Friday Evening and Sunday afternoon. Other vehicles will be directed to the car park

Can parents come on to the site at the end of the event?

Parents will not be invited to enter the site as a part of Safeguarding procedures.  Should a parent need to enter the site, they will be escorted.

Can I swap attendees if one Scout/Guide drops out at the last minute and another one can come in their place?

Yes you can swap attendees on the online booking system. If you need to swap participants on the day, you’ll need to visit the late registrations tent on arrival.

Can leaders bring their children?

It may be necessary for some leaders to bring their children because of childcare and they will need to be supervised by the leaders. They will not be permitted on the activities

Do I have to escort Scouts/Guides around the site?

Leaders are not expected to escort Scouts/Guides around the site.  The Scouts/Guides should buddy up and go around with their friends.  They meet up with their leaders at mealtimes because the leaders are running activities at other times.  Leaders should manage to find time to have a wander around the site and look at activities, pinch ideas, network and see what the Scouts/Guides are doing.

What toilets are available?

Toilets have been bought in and are kept cleaned throughout the weekend by the service teams.  They are positioned around the site and near the camping areas.  There are also some toilet blocks that are already on the site.

Power on Site

No generators are to be brought into the camping areas.

How do I claim my expenses?

You fill in a claims form and submit it to the County office and you will be paid by BACS.

Will there be a burger van on site?


Who is responsible for making sure the wristbands have the correct details on them?

The LEADER is responsible for making sure that the wristband is correctly marked for activities that they cannot do.  If the wristband is replaced for any reason during the event, it is still the Leader’s responsibility to make sure it is correctly labelled.


Scoutabout Team

Paul Iverson

Scoutabout Event Leader

Katy Cozens (Admin)

Katy deals with all Scoutabout admin

Kevin Yeo (Admin)

Kevin deals with the booking site

Richard Ayears

Site Manager

Mark Wingett

Activities Team Leader


Alistair Tickett

Media Team Leader

Deputy County Commissioner (Media & Communications)

Ian Macqueen

Deputy County Commissioner (Events)

Marcus Martin-Burns

County Youth Commissioner

Sarah Harrison

Youth Service Team Sub-Camp Leader

District Training Manager

Jane Luff

Surrey East County Girlguiding Scoutabout Rep

County Outdoor Activity Advisor

Mary Zoeller

Surrey East County Girlguiding Scoutabout Rep

Janet Cowley

Girlguiding Surrey West County Scoutabout Rep

Scoutabout 2022 Gallery

View the Scoutabout 2022 gallery HERE and see what it is all about!

Scoutabout 2024
Scoutabout 2024










South of England Showground, Ardingly

Nature and the outdoors are languages that can be learned. Once you identify a beech tree, tie a clove hitch or cook a simple meal over a fire that you’ve built yourself, you’ll never forget it.'
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls