Alison Singh Gee | South China Morning Post
Alison Singh Gee
Alison Singh Gee
Alison Singh Gee is a Los Angeles-based journalist and author. Her Hong Kong-India memoir, Where the Peacocks Sing: A Palace, a Prince and the Search for Home (2013), about her comic and complex relationship with her husband's 19th-century Indian palace, was a National Geographic Traveler book of the month. She was a features writer for People magazine, and has written for Vanity Fair, InStyle, Marie Claire, the International Herald Tribune and The Wall Street Journal. In the 1990s, she was a features writer for the South China Morning Post Sunday magazine. She is presently working on her second memoir, Cooking for the Maharani: Four Continents, Six Iconic Chefs and One Tall Glass of Revenge. Picture: Larsen&Talbert

LA Chinatown was remarkable – the first community in North America planned and owned by people of Chinese descent. Photos and oral histories in a new exhibition tell its story.

Author Grace Talusan has written about growing up middle class while hiding a terrible secret, and about the educated Filipinos who work overseas as domestic helpers to support their families.

The Huntington’s recently completed US$55 million reproduction of an ancient Suzhou garden – one of the largest outside China – was conceived and built over three decades.

The Singaporean author of Crazy Rich Asians is back with a bang, having moved the crazy to Capri in his latest novel, Sex and Vanity, which, believe it or not, is an homage to E.M. Forster.


The American actress and author who shot to stardom in the 1990s after being cast in Foreign Babes in Beijing, which was watched by 600 million viewers, reveals why the Middle Kingdom is such a big part of her life and imagination.

Chinese-American writer director Angie Wang’s film based on her time as an ecstasy manufacturer and dealer is mostly autobiographical, but a few pivotal moments have been fictionalised.


Vanessa Hua’s A River of Stars explores the immigrant experience in the US from a new perspective, taking the reader inside maternity boarding houses where myriad characters, each with their own reason for being there, exist.

The action moves to China and Hong Kong in Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians sequel; there’s the same glamour, excess, and main characters, plus nouveau riche Chinese, but it is more ambitious and intricate. Expect second movie to be the same.


The American author, a guest at the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, talks about her introduction to Kowloon, discovering Facebook and why she chose to mine her family’s tragic past for her stories, and now a memoir

Ng has followed up her debut hit Everything I Never Told You with a warts-and-all look at her hometown. She tells us about her favourite Asian authors and why she has no intention of writing the Great Chinese-American Novel

When Lenora Chu’s son came home from his Shanghai kindergarten with tales of harsh treatment, the American journalist threw herself into understanding what makes Chinese schools tick, as she recounts in this rollicking read

Charmaine Craig’s novel is a fictionalised account of her mother’s extraordinary life, from growing up in Burma during the Japanese occupation to winning the national beauty pageant and becoming an army commander’s wife

With The Fortunes, a novel in four sections, Peter Ho Davies has gathered the threads of Chinese American identity and woven a brilliant, ambitious and indelible tale

The Los Angeles-based journalist’s first novel got rejected by every agent she sent it to, but her second, about a Chinese-American family’s wild road trip after they lose their fortune in the Great Recession, is shaping up to be one of the biggest books of 2016

US-based journalist’s debut novel, Sarong Party Girls, depicts a Lion City subculture of twentysomething singles desperate for foreign mates to make Eurasian ‘Chanel babies’ with. Her narrator, Jazzy Lim, is an indelible soul

One of the most talked about novels of 2016, Shelter is set in recession-hit America in 2008. Yun talks about the home invasions and home foreclosures that sparked her to write the book, and what she’s working on now

Writer whose debut novel The Piano Teacher, also set in Hong Kong, won international acclaim talks about her own experience as an expat growing up in Hong Kong, her favourite books about the city  and how she came up with the characters for her latest book

Featuring a riot of Chinese conspicuous consumption that takes in Shanghai, Paris, Silicon Valley and Hong Kong, Kevin Kwan's second book is a perfect summer read.

The 40-year-old lives the life many people fantasise about - one afternoon she's chopping tomatoes in her farmhouse kitchen, on another she's plucking peaches from the garden...

Lisa See has long been fascinated by the world of Chinese-American nightclubs. Over the years, her fans sent her photos of their mothers, aunts, fathers and uncles who had performed in the once-vibrant industry of the 1930s and 40s.

Ava Chin is known to New Yorkers as the Urban Forager, a blog she writes for The New York Times about scouring city parks and backyards for delectable edibles served up wild by nature.

Few cities in the world can compete with Shanghai for its sheer impact on public consciousness as a cultural, commercial, financial - and political - powerhouse.

Reformed bad boy Colin Farrell tells Alison Singh Gee why he's quit hellraising and gun-wielding roles, ahead of his star turn in supernatural drama Winter's Tale.