Ciego | Spanish to English Translation -
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See the entry forciego.
-I blind
Presentyoconjugation ofcegar.


An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).
1. (without sight)
a. blind
Mi hermano se quedó ciego con ocho años.My brother went blind when he was eight.
2. (emotional)
a. blind
Estaba ciego de ira y ya no entraba en razón.He was blind with rage and would no longer see reason.
3. (obstructed)
a. blocked
Ya no bajaba el agua porque la tubería estaba ciega.The water wouldn't go down because the pipes were blocked.
b. blind
Es una lástima que haya un muro ciego aquí por donde podría entrar mucho sol.It's a shame to have a blind wall here where a lot of light could come in.
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
Regionalism used in Spain
a. wasted
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
Mi hermano se puso ciego la noche de su cumpleaños y ya no recuerda nada.My brother got wasted the night of his birthday and he doesn't remember anything.
b. plastered
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
Estábamos ya tan ciegos cuando salimos para farrear.We were already so plastered when we went out to party.
c. blind drunk
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
Todo el mundo se puso ciego después del partido y empezó a hacer mucho jaleo en la calle.Everybody got blind drunk after the game and started to make a big racket in the street.
d. pissed
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
(United Kingdom)
Estaba tan ciego que se durmió allí mismo en la acera.He was so pissed that he fell asleep right there on the pavement.
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
Regionalism used in Spain
a. stoned
Estaba tan ciega que se comió una caja de bombones entera.She was so stoned that she ate a whole box of chocolates.
6. (unquestioning)
a. blind
El capitán les exigía fidelidad ciega a sus soldados.The captain demanded blind loyalty from his soldiers.
A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g. el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo).
masculine noun
7. (anatomy)
a. cecum
Regionalism used in the United States
(United States)
El ciego se ubica al principio del intestino grueso.The cecum is located at the start of the large intestine.
b. caecum (United Kingdom)
Resulta que su tía tiene un tumor pequeño en el ciego.It turns out that his aunt has a small tumour on her caecum.
This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. el doctor, la doctora).
masculine or feminine noun
8. (person without sight)
a. blind man (masculine)
Le dejó su asiento a un ciego en el tren.She let a blind man have her seat on the train.
b. blind woman (feminine)
Una ciega me pidió ayuda porque estaba perdida.A blind woman asked me for help because she was lost.
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