Alfonso VI of León and Castile - The Collection - Museo Nacional del Prado
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Cortés, Ramón

Madrid, 1851, 1853

See author's file

Alfonso VI of León and Castile

1851. Oil on canvas.
On display elsewhere

The Chronological Series of the Kings of Spain was a museum project planned in 1847 by José de Madrazo to adorn four of the new rooms at the Real Museo de Pinturas (Royal Museum of Paintings), then under his direction. At the height of the confrontation between the supporters of Isabella II and the Carlists, who denied the sovereign’s right to occupy the throne because she was a woman, the queen assented to the creation and display of a portrait gallery that would represent all the preceding monarchs in chronological order. To fill the gaps of the medieval kings, of whom there were no images in the Royal Collections, portraits were commissioned from a number of young painters. At the same time, given that the clear political purpose of the series was to provide visual legitimisation for Isabella’s right to the crown, a special effort was made to represent the queens of Spain’s history.

Technical data

Inventory number
Cortés, Ramón
Alfonso VI of León and Castile
Height: 222 cm; Width: 140 cm
Serie Cronológica de los Reyes de España
Royal Collection

Bibliography +

Espinós, Adela; Orihuela, Mercedes y Royo Villanova, Mercedes, "El Prado disperso". Cuadros depositados en Madrid. II. Instituto de España, Boletín del Museo del Prado, I, 1980, pp. 106.

Museo Nacional del Prado, Museo del Prado: inventario general de pinturas (I) La Colección Real, Museo del Prado, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1990.

Díez, José Luis, La pintura isabelina. Arte y política (Discurso ingreso Excmo. Sr. D. José Luis Díez García y contestación Excma.Sra. D.ª Carmen Iglesias), Real Academia de Historia, Madrid, 2010, pp. 59-70.

Díez, J.L (dir.), Pintura del Siglo XIX en el Museo del Prado. Catálogo general, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, 2015, pp. 140.

Other inventories +

Inv. Real Museo, 1857. Núm. 2961.
"R. Ramón Cortés / 2961. Retrato de cuerpo entero de d. Alonso 6º. / Lleva cota de malla, tunica verde bordada de oro, y mano carmesi forrado de armiños, y con la mano derecha tiene asido el pomo de la espada. Tiene marco amarillo con filetes dorados. / Alto 8 pies; ancho 5 pies."

Inscriptions +

R. CORTES / AÑO 1851
Signed and dated. Front, Lower right area

Inscribed in red color. Front, lower right corner

Alfonso VI
Inscribed with pen and ink. Back

Stretcher, central crossbeam

D. ALONSO VI murio 1108
Inscribed in black. Front, lower central area

Location +

Madrid - Palacio Arzobispal de Madrid (Deposit)

Update date: 06-10-2023 | Registry created on 11-05-2016

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