Flights Summary - BookBrief

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

"Flights" is a fragmented novel that explores the nature of human travel and the connections between people and places.


"Flights" is a novel written by Olga Tokarczuk, a Polish author who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2018. The book was first published in Polish in 2007 and later translated into English by Jennifer Croft, winning the Man Booker International Prize in 2018. "Flights" is a genre-defying work that blends elements of fiction, travelogue, and essay, offering a unique exploration of human mobility and the concept of travel. In this summary, we will delve into the intricate narrative of "Flights," examining its plot, characters, themes, and the profound insights it offers.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview and Setting

"Flights" is not a conventional novel with a linear plot. Instead, it is a collection of interconnected narratives, anecdotes, and reflections that revolve around the themes of travel, movement, and human anatomy. The story spans various locations, from airports and hotels to historical sites and medical museums, reflecting the transient nature of human existence. Through a series of vignettes and observations, Olga Tokarczuk leads the reader on a journey through time and space, intertwining historical accounts with contemporary experiences.

Main Characters

Below are the main characters in "Flights" along with brief descriptions of their roles in the narrative:

KunickiA man in search of his missing wife, who embarks on a journey through Croatia.
AnnushkaA woman who accompanies her husband as they travel to Italy with their disabled son.
Chopin's HeartThe preserved heart of composer Frédéric Chopin, serving as a focal point for reflection on the nature of human remains.

Story Points Over Chapters

Part 1: Flights

The opening section introduces the theme of travel and mobility, with the narrator reflecting on the act of flying and the transient nature of human existence. The story delves into the experiences of travelers at airports, emphasizing the sense of dislocation and anonymity that accompanies air travel.

Part 2: Anatomy

This section explores the human body and the historical significance of anatomical specimens. The narrative delves into the preservation of human remains, including the heart of composer Frédéric Chopin, and reflects on the ethical and philosophical implications of preserving body parts.

Part 3: Flights

The theme of travel is revisited, with the narrative shifting between various characters and their experiences of movement and displacement. The interconnectedness of different journeys is highlighted, emphasizing the transient and interconnected nature of human lives.

Part 4: Flights

In this section, the narrative delves into the experiences of travelers, from tourists to pilgrims, as they navigate through different cities and landscapes. The stories intertwine, offering a multifaceted exploration of human mobility and the search for meaning in travel.

Main Events

"Flights" is characterized by a series of vignettes and interconnected narratives, rather than a traditional sequence of events. However, some significant moments include Kunicki's search for his missing wife in Croatia, Annushka's journey to Italy with her disabled son, and the reflection on the preserved heart of Frédéric Chopin. These events serve as focal points for the exploration of broader themes related to travel, human anatomy, and the transient nature of existence.

Themes and Insights


  • Travel and Mobility: The novel delves into the experience of travel, exploring the transient nature of human existence and the interconnectedness of different journeys.
  • Human Anatomy: Through reflections on anatomical specimens and preserved body parts, the book examines the ethical and philosophical implications of human remains.
  • Displacement and Dislocation: The narrative emphasizes the sense of displacement experienced by travelers, reflecting on the impact of movement on individual identity.


  • Interconnectedness of Lives: "Flights" highlights the interconnected nature of human lives, weaving together diverse narratives to emphasize the universal experience of mobility and transience.
  • Ethical Considerations: The novel prompts reflection on the ethical implications of preserving human remains, raising questions about the commodification of body parts and the significance of honoring the deceased.

Reader's Takeaway

"Flights" offers a thought-provoking and multidimensional exploration of human mobility, travel, and the nature of existence. Through its interconnected narratives and reflections, the novel invites readers to contemplate the transient nature of life, the ethical considerations surrounding human anatomy, and the interconnectedness of individual journeys. Olga Tokarczuk's evocative prose and compelling storytelling create a captivating reading experience that lingers in the mind long after the final page.


In conclusion, "Flights" by Olga Tokarczuk is a literary work that defies traditional categorization, offering a rich tapestry of narratives, reflections, and themes. By delving into the experiences of travelers, the significance of human anatomy, and the interconnected nature of human existence, the novel invites readers to embark on a profound and introspective journey. With its compelling storytelling and profound insights, "Flights" serves as a testament to the enduring power of literature to provoke contemplation and expand the horizons of the imagination.

Flights FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Flights'?

    Flights is a novel that falls under the genre of contemporary fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'Flights'?

    The author of 'Flights' is Olga Tokarczuk, a Polish writer and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

  3. What is the main theme of 'Flights'?

    The main themes of 'Flights' include travel, human anatomy, and the concept of movement and migration.

  4. Is 'Flights' a collection of interconnected stories?

    Yes, 'Flights' is a novel that weaves together various narratives and stories, creating a tapestry of interconnected experiences.

  5. Does 'Flights' explore the idea of wanderlust?

    Yes, 'Flights' delves into the theme of wanderlust, portraying the desire for travel and exploration.