Proantic: Galerie Raphaël Bedos

Galerie Raphaël Bedos

Curiosités, Art Populaire, Compagnonnage
Galerie Raphaël Bedos


Curiosités, Art Populaire, Compagnonnage

Raphaël Bedos, former student of the Ecole du Louvre, chose the hotel Le Pelletier de la Houssaye to make it an essential setting for collectors of rare and unusual objects from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. You will find in our Cabinet of Curiosities regional furniture, masterpieces of companions and their tools, ironwork (locks, keys), collections of glazed earthenware, glassware but also sculptures and works of art. Raphaël Bedos participates in the enrichment of national collections by working in coordination with the Louvre, Cluny, Decorative Arts and MUCEM museums. We count among our faithful many connoisseurs, curators, collectors and enlightened amateurs.
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Galerie Raphaël Bedos
Curiosités, Art Populaire, Compagnonnage
Galerie Raphaël Bedos

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