The Business of Love by Charley Clarke | Goodreads
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The Business of Love

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The only thing worse than fake marrying a woman for a job is falling in love with her! An opposites-attract lesbian romance that puts the ache in fake relationship.

Driven, reserved businesswoman Mackenzie Watson has one goal—take over her family company and secure her little sister’s future. The only wrinkle is her late grandmother’s decree that her company’s CEO must be married.
Adding marriage into Mack’s well-ordered life is a recipe for disaster. Her oh-so-logical solution? She’ll just hire a woman to be her wife for a year. Besides, maybe a little chaos is exactly what she needs…

Enter Taylor Sutton, the woman Mack accidentally stood up for a date six months ago. With a mountain of college debt, the barista could seriously use the money that comes with playing Mack’s wife. The big hitch—so to speak—is that her new wife is pretentious and arrogant and Taylor can’t stand even being in the same room with her.

God, Taylor pities anyone who’d fall in love with annoying, gorgeous Mack Watson and her kissable lips.
Wait, what?


Published February 8, 2023

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About the author

Charley Clarke

5 books45 followers
Charley Clarke writers romance, both contemporary and speculative fiction. Her first novel, ALWAYS A LOVE SONG, was released by Ylva Publishing in summer 2019. She loves baked goods, long walks, and relaxing with a good book and a cup of tea. You can find her at and on Twitter @CharleyCWriter.

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Profile Image for Della B.
622 reviews123 followers
February 17, 2023
Mackenzie Watson represents the third generation of matriarchs seeking the coveted CEO position of the family global corporation. Unfortunately, there is one large obstacle blocking her way. Buried deep in the corporation’s statutes is the arcane law which states that the CEO must be married. Mack has given no time to her private life especially since her last girlfriend turned out to be a gold digger and a cheat. She swore off leaving herself vulnerable like that again.

Recent history graduate Taylor Sutton is working as a barista while she tries to figure out what to do with her degree. She is barely scratching by on her wages as she tries to figure out what she wants in life besides paying off her student loans. Giving up a year of her life to marry Mack will pay off her debt and set her up nicely for the rest of her life. Taylor can definitely fake it to make things work out for the both of them.

Clarke has given the fake romance trope a delightful new twist in The Business of Love. Mack is an irresistible character with her admirable goals and business savvy combined with her gentle approach to life. She is the shy introvert who would rather read in a corner than converse with others. Taylor is the complete opposite of Mack with her friendly and outgoing personality.

The characters make this story work really well. Although they come at life from their different perspectives, they are both genuinely good hearted people who respect each other. The empathy they show for each other is the base upon which they build their relationship.

Believable fake relationship romances are hard to find, in my opinion. Readers who enjoy this style of romance do not need to look any further. The Business of Love sets a gold star standard with its brilliant writing and loveable characters. Charley Clarke, where have you been all my life.

I received an advance review copy from Ylva Publishing and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for pipsqueakreviews.
588 reviews435 followers
February 23, 2023
Fake marriage.

I don't mind the fake marriage trope at all. It's one of those tropes that grew on me after reading many good lesfic romances like this one. This story follows two women, Mack and Taylor. One is a neurodivergent character and the other is someone with somewhat of a low self-esteem. They are in the same social circle but aren't exactly considered friends due to a small misunderstanding, but they soon find themselves in a fauxmance pretending to be a couple to fulfill a criteria that Mack needs to inherit her family's company. And what starts as a fake relationship soon turns into something more as Mack and Taylor spend more time together. The dynamics of their relationship is mostly sweet and this makes the book easy to read and I like it more that it also focuses a lot on family.

My only issue is with Mack's sister, Sophie, who thinks and speaks like an adult, which made it very odd. Other than that, I enjoyed this story.

I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Guerunche.
539 reviews38 followers
March 16, 2024
I’ve gotta say - I loved the audiobook even more than the read. That’s what happens when great narrators like Abby Craden perform a work. 4.75 stars for the audio version!

Original review:

4.25 stars

I love a good fake relationship romance! While I initially wondered if the book's premise might be quite similar to Jae's Just for Show, I was pleased when the story forged its own unique path.

Workaholic businesswoman Mackenzie Watson has been working towards taking over as CEO of her family's business for years, but when the opportunity arises earlier than expected, she discovers that her grandmother's stipulation is that any CEO of the company must be married. That was never an issue while her parents were alive and her father was running the company, but Mack is single with no prospects in sight. Now solely responsible for her younger sister's care, Mack is determined to secure the position to ensure that her sibling will be set for the future. She feels she has little choice but to get fake-married until she has the permanent CEO position in hand. The challenge is to find someone willing to do it. Discreetly.

Six months prior, mutual friends tried to set Mack up on a blind date with barista Taylor Sutton, but Mack got stuck at work, standing Taylor up. Taylor figured the woman probably walked in the door, didn't like what she saw and made a quick escape. While Taylor has since occasionally seen Mack socially with their friends, Taylor sees her as an arrogant self absorbed rich girl and would be content to never see her again. Until she overhears Mack confiding in her friend about her predicament. Taylor has a mountain of crippling student loan debt and wonders if they might be able to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. She's single, after all, with no major commitments over the next year. But how can they pull off not only convincing folks that they are a couple in love enough to marry, but also actually manage to live together when Taylor can barely stand her - no matter how gorgeous Mack is?

These tropes are so much fun because when two near strangers are thrown together in a forced proximity situation, it requires them to get to know the other very quickly, which leads them to come to the realization there's much more to the other than meets the eye. As the story progressed, the more invested I became. The two MCs are refreshingly non-traditional (read it to find out why) and I grew to love both of them and Mack's younger sister, a significant secondary character in the book.

This is a solid sophomore book from Clarke and I look forward to more!
Profile Image for Cherie.
430 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2023
This is a story about Taylor Sutton who works as a barista in a book store. She’s a recent college grad and barely getting by financially. She can’t decide on what type of career she wants. Her friends hook her up on a blind date with Mackenzie Watkins. Mackenzie “Mack” is the interim CEO at the family business. For Mack to become the permanent CEO she’s required to be married. Taylor doesn’t like Mack and thinks she’s arrogant and aloof. But when she learns of Mack’s predicament she volunteers for the “wife” job and Mack accepts.

This was a fun and easy read. I was engrossed in the story and anxious to see how they would get along and make their fake marriage work. Mack��s little sister was a delightful kid and mature for her age. Mack and Taylor’s group of friends were fun and supportive. My favorite part was Taylor’s stepdad taking Mack under his wing and teaching her woodworking and his understanding of her need for quiet time due to her personality. And playing the Werewolf board game, gotta love characters who enjoy games.

ARC received for Ylva books for a voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for currentlyreadingbynat.
712 reviews75 followers
February 19, 2023
I forgot how much I loved the fake marriage trope until I started reading The Business of Love. Hats off to Charley Clarke for also managing to make it unique in its own way. I especially enjoyed Mack's character, who is neurodivergent but successful. After losing her parents suddenly, she needs a wife to maintain the reins of the family company. In steps in Taylor, and romance blooms.

One thing is certain, Clarke knows how to write relatable characters and I especially loved Mack's younger sister, Sophie. While I wasn't particularly keen on Taylor as a character, I really enjoyed the depth to their relationship development. I love a slow burn and this was definitely it, but I really enjoyed the story development while waiting for the romance.

Pick this up if you are like me and enjoy an engaging fake marriage romance.

Many thanks to Ylva Publishing for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Gail.
990 reviews48 followers
February 15, 2023
This was a quick read with a fake marriage trope.
Mackenzie/Mack has no time for anything but business. She is the interim CEO at her family business and guardian for young sister Sophie. Burnt by a bad breakup (her girlfriend Katrina had cheated on her) dating is not on her agenda. However, that doesn't stop her friends from setting her up on blind dates. That is how Taylor enters the scene - mind you, that date is a bust! College graduate, Taylor is at a bit of a crossroads and not sure what she wants to do. Her student debt is huge and working as a barista barely covers expenses. To become CEO Mack must be married and that is an archaic stipulation in succession requirements set down by her grandmother. Frustration looms but this is where Taylor may help.
Clarke's descriptions are clear. We learn about the lead characters. Their insecurities and the difficulties they struggle with. Backroom machinations to prevent Mack from becoming CEO come to bear. I liked Henry, Danny and young Sophie and the meshing of softball to help pull the story along and I wanted Katrina's meddling via her new husband exposed. The romance is slow burn with bumps before the HEA.

I rec'd a copy through Ylva Publishing and my review is unbiased and voluntary.
Profile Image for Netgyrl (Laura).
561 reviews146 followers
April 19, 2023
3.5 Stars - It was nice.

A nice story about nice people (after they get over the bumpy start). Much of the book is about the MCs getting to know each other. I am all for the slow burn, but for me, the chemistry level was so low during this part of the story that it was a bit boring on the romance front, but the great characters and side stories kept me interested.
Profile Image for Clara Addicted to sapphic books.
202 reviews126 followers
May 20, 2023
3.5 ⭐I needed a light read, so fake wedding + first wrong impression was the perfect combo. I love when hate becomes love.
The fact that Mack is autistic and mistaken as aloof, when she is actually socially anxious and need to feel safe to open up was well written. At first, Taylor even thinks Mack is cold and contemptuous, she doesn't understand what their mutual friends likes in her. It is explained that Taylor feels this way because of her own insecurities about her life and body, but I had trouble buying it. I even found her judgmental and childish for holding such a strong grudge on Mack. That's why I think it took me half the book to really open up to her. I couldn't understand why someone so compassionate and kind hearted could be so unfair at first. Now I admit I might felt that way because I really loved Mack's character and wanted to protect her. I needed the MC to start their fake relationship to dip my toe then totally dive. The communication between the two characters, the way they take care of each other almost immediatly, the domesticity they settle in day after day was really heart warming to read. Mack and Taylor perfectly balance each other.

I will be honest, my mind tricked me into comparing it too much to Who'd have thought by G Benson the first chapters. Even if I didn't connect to both characters like I wished, I had a good time reading the book. It's really sweet with low angst.

All fake romance lovers should give it a try.
298 reviews11 followers
February 22, 2023
f/f sweet, slow burn with extra depth
I am a sucker for fake-relationships. Throw in an enemy-to-(fake-)lover vibe and I am in. I really liked this sweet and very slow burn f/f romance where the two main protagonists start totally off on the wrong foot. I loved how those initial scenes gave spice to the novel and at the same time revealed so much about the insecurities and flaws of the two main characters, Taylor and Mack: Taylor with her low self-esteem and insecurities about her body (and her non-existing career), Mack who is a workaholic with social anxiety and an very bad experience in her past.
I was initially not quite sure if I liked those two, but then the story takes its turn into fake-relationship territory and Clarke lets us in into their world: both come out with flying colors as „good people“ and had me cheering for them all along. BTW who wouldn‘t like little Sophie, their „little sister“ - an adorable side character who captured my heart. Another great side characters was Henry, Mack‘s father-in-law, who takes her in and under his wings.
The background-story about „battling“ for becoming CEO was not quite so clear-cut and would have needed in my opinion some more work to make it well-rounded and believable.
Ylva has added another very good, sweet romance to its selection. It is an easy, low anxiety read - just right for a relaxing evening or weekend. I am looking forward to read more of this new-to-me-author.

Thanks to Ylva for the ARC. The review is left voluntarily.
Profile Image for Sarah.
103 reviews11 followers
February 24, 2023
3,25 stars

"The Business of Love" was an entertaining opposites-attract slow burn romance with a fake relationship.
I liked Mack a lot. She was such a caring older sister, ambitious and kind.
I just could never warm up to Taylor. Her character did definitely grow, but there was still something that was bothering me about her, even though I'm not sure what exactly it was. For a character driven reader it takes away some of the enjoyment if you don't like one of the main characters very much.
Other than that it was a nice read. The romance was very slow but felt realistic and the communication between Mack and Taylor was great after they sorted out the misunderstanding from the beginning of the book. That's just a long way to say I liked it, but didn't love it.
Profile Image for Pam Holzner.
687 reviews52 followers
March 19, 2023
3.5 and rounded up?

pretty good, I guess. I liked the characters. I like fake romances. I liked that there were many scenes in which the characters interact. I just finished relistening to "Always a Love Song" by the the same author. I really liked that story. Perhaps this would have been better for me as an audio book. There wasn't any angst. Instead we have an evil ex stirring up trouble. I call this the turn to "us against them." It's not my favorite but it does provide a sort of build up to a climax and resolution. The ending was nicely paced. I read this on kindle-unlimited but I'm not sure I liked it enough to want to buy a permanent copy ... probably if there was an audible version but not otherwise.
Profile Image for Carol Hutchinson.
929 reviews67 followers
March 22, 2023
Heart-warmingly Beautiful!

To secure her position as CEO of her family company, Mack has to be married. Taylor, a woman Mack accidentally missed a date with has college debts and dreams that an arrangement of marriage with Mack would take care of. Together they agree terms but when their arrangement needs to be believable, and they start learning more about one another, they might just find what they’ve both been trying to avoid.

Such an adorable fake romance. The tension between Mack and Taylor at first was sizzling and I wonder how they were ever going to make their deal to get married believable when they could barely stand one another. Mack’s sister played a huge part in warming Taylor to Mack’s awkwardness and heart breaking situation, and I’m so glad she was there because without her, these two definitely would have been found out sooner.

I loved Mack, she had insecurities but also social anxieties that I could completely relate to. Once Taylor began to understand and get perspective about why Mack behaved the way she did, it seemed to be easy for her to be less stubborn and try to make things easier for Mack. The slow burn way these two end up falling for one another is just magical!

Taylor had an uprightness at first that made it easy to understand why Mack was finding connecting with her personally and being vulnerable around her. When they started working together though, Taylor softened and it was obvious she carried her own insecurities about emotions and affections. As a team they were unstoppable and I am so glad they entered into this arrangement because without it they never would have realised how well suited they were and would have probably had happiness pass them both by.

Really enjoyed this and got fully immersed in the story that just got better and better as it progressed. A great story, with lots of heart and love that all romance lovers will definitely enjoy!
161 reviews6 followers
March 8, 2023
Four and a half stars, rounded up. I love the fake romance trope. There’s something about the fake feelings bleeding into real feelings and causing all sorts of confusion before the HEA that appeals to me. Although the reasons for the ‘need’ for a fake relationship often seem overly contrived, it can be a great vehicle for throwing together two people who wouldn’t normally meet.

That’s not the case with The Business of Love, though. Mack and Taylor have met and they move in the same friendship circles. They were even set up on a blind date once. Because Mack stood Taylor up, though, Taylor doesn’t exactly have warm feelings towards Mack. Mack’s introverted awkwardness in social situations doesn’t help either. A business arrangement of a fake marriage to help Mack’s career and pay off Taylor’s student loans would be beneficial to both, however.

I enjoyed Clarke’s characterisations, especially of the two leads. I could relate to Mack feeling uncomfortable in social situations and taking herself off to read in a quiet corner. I could also relate to Taylor’s choosing to study a subject with no obvious career path. (Fortunately, being Australian, my studies were not also financially crippling!) Both leads are warm hearted and likeable, in their different ways. Mack’s affection for her younger sister, Sophie, is evidence of her capacity to love.

Clarke’s secondary characters add depth to the story. I like children who are portrayed as little adults – it’s often been my experience that children respond maturely when they are treated maturely (and the opposite is also true). Sophie is therefore delightful. The friendship group is very sweet, helping the pair to get along. The necessary balance to all the sweetness comes in the shape of Mack’s scheming, evil ex. While it adds the necessary tension to a story, I’m not fond of the evil ex trope. It smacks of bitterness and poor judgement on the victim’s behalf. Breakups are often acrimonious, of course, and the hurt can lead to poor behaviour, but it’s just too easy to label someone as evil and turn them into a caricature. I prefer the more subtle approach, like Jae’s characterisation of Abby the ex in Just for Show which is another good fake romance story.

In fiction, though, it’s always satisfying to see an enemy bested and receive their comeuppance – a pleasure not always obtainable IRL. So, injustices need to be righted and the heroes should receive their just rewards. However, in fake relationship stories, the pair are trying to achieve a good outcome using deception. Do the ends justify the means? It’s a question that most writers of fake relationship stories address, even if not overtly. Do the parties come clean and request forgiveness or do they continue on as if the relationship had always been real? It’s always interesting to see how writers manage it and perhaps indicative of their moral compass. I’m not going to spoil the ending here, but Clarke’s resolution is deftly handled and satisfying.

All in all, I enjoyed The Business of Love and if you like fake romances then you’ll enjoy it, too.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, and I’m voluntarily leaving my honest review.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
387 reviews24 followers
March 4, 2023
Paying someone to marry you is an old theme but this one somehow seemed different. The 3 main characters, the married couple and young sister are very sweet and destined to fall in love. No big upset or angst, just a very slow burn romance but necessary to make the relationship grow in a realistic way.
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Celina.
1,190 reviews60 followers
August 21, 2023
Taylor was rather annoying. So judgemental and quick to make conclusions even when the situation didn't warrant that. So, I was not her fan. Now, Mac, my baby.
Profile Image for Siddie.
321 reviews3 followers
April 25, 2024
Taylor is very unsure of herself. She is a barista working in a small book and coffee shop. She has large student loans to pay off, and is only just keeping her head above water.
Mack has worked her way up through her family’s company, and is hoping for the top job. She is a hard worker, good at her job, but a very quiet person.
Taylor and Mack are set up for a blind date by mutual friends, but it doesn’t happen. Taylor is left waiting for a no-show Mack. This exacerbates Taylor’s insecurities, and as a result she really has a thing against Mack.
The sudden death of Mack’s parents changes everything for her and her young sister Sophie. Suddenly Mack has to become her sister’s guardian, and then the news that she has to be married to run the company is a shock.
I enjoyed this story. It got better the further I read - the beginning seems like a rewriting of a common trope, but after the marriage the story got much better.
This is very good story - it deserves a five star rating, even though I have some small reservations.
36 reviews
March 3, 2023
Absolutely loved it! Great slow burn, fake-relationship and the author really made me feel the connection between the mc's.
Really enjoyed the feelings and relationship between basically all characters, great story overall!
Profile Image for Ashlee.
298 reviews22 followers
March 15, 2023
Mackenzie 'Mack' Watson has a big issue. She's prepped to take over her family company as CEO after her parents unexpected death but there's a stipulation that she must be married. Taylor Sutton has issues with Mack but needs some help that only Mack can provide and when she inadvertently hears about Mack's problem they come up with a way to solve both.
These two characters have some great chemistry right from the beginning. They misunderstand each other at first but they can't seem to stop themselves from reacting to each other. I loved Sophie and she added so much to the story, especially loved her relationship with Taylor. The slow burn here was painful but amazing and it was so much fun to see their relationship evolve throughout. This will definitely be going back into my TBR pile for a reread as these two will be sticking with me for sure.
Profile Image for Maya Turner.
313 reviews6 followers
May 12, 2023
Coming almost directly off “The Fiancée Farce,” this was everything I wanted. Mack is not a single parent, but she is taking care of her kid sister, so there is one element I love (single “parent” romance). Fake marriage, lovely!! Excellent communication throughout (and, unlike the aforementioned book, no third act breakup to mar this one)!!

The only complaint I have, and it is minimal, is the time jumping forward so often early on. I just wanted more of Taylor and Mack!!
Profile Image for Fran Sappharc.
586 reviews28 followers
February 20, 2023
A fake turns real romance. Despite it being a well worn trope, this felt fresh. I think because the relationship between the two mains was pretty balanced and we saw the relationship evolve, rather than be told about it.
The story held my interest tho, for me a bit more depth in some areas would have been good. The ex girlfriend/enemy. The business rival in Vancouver aftermath.
My only complaint really is that the cover, although attractive doesn’t match the description of either the scene or characters in the book. Not a deal breaker and perhaps the description was so good in the book that it made it obvious the cover didn’t match, or perhaps that one main was a size 18 and the other more suit orientated that made it jarring, also neither wore white at their wedding….. but the cover matched the synopsis. Anyway, it’s not about the cover, tho I have gone on! It’s about the content and I enjoyed the book!
Profile Image for Blanche Maze.
Author 7 books37 followers
March 9, 2023
Adorable and addictive

- I would like to thank Ylva Publishing for the eARC -

Mackenzie has no choice. If she wants to stay CEO of her family's company, she has to be married. Only problem is: she doesn't date. Between taking care of her little sister and her job, she has no time for relationships. With no other choice, Mack hires Taylor, a woman she accidently stood up months ago, to be her wife. In need of the money, Taylor accepts, even if she doesn't hold Mack in high regards. But being married to someone means being close to them. And when feelings come into the mix, it can backfire very easily...

Fake dating is one of my favorite tropes. So when I heard about a fake marriage, sapphic romance, I was IN! I was not let down by this book, let me tell you. It was amazing from start to finish. I immediately got attached to the two women, to their issues and lives. I loved their interactions and the constant sexual tension between them even when they were too much in denial to see it themselves. The romance was really sweet, a good old slowburn that had my heart soaring with happiness. I loved how they got to know one another more intimately, discovering the truth behind the predjudices each of them had. The secondary characters were also really entertaining and I especially liked Mack's little sister and the role she played in everything. The plot was good as well, with twists and turns that were a bit predictable but didn't make the book any less enjoyable. It was addictive, it was cute, it was queer, in a word: AMAZING.

I highly recommend this adorable sapphic romance that will give you all the feels.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no. She had a crush on her wife."

TW: sexual content, death, accident, misogyny
Profile Image for Sheila.
739 reviews
April 19, 2023

First impressions are never always right. Just like one should never judge the book by the cover. In life we must realize that people have more depth and more than meets the eye. Sometimes you can miss an opportunity of a long lasting relationship if you don’t give people a chance.
Profile Image for Christina.
349 reviews17 followers
February 14, 2024
3.5 stars. I thought the dynamic between a neurodivergent character with a low-self-esteem character was very well done and added to the believability in the difficulty overcoming a bad first impression. I liked the growth of the relationship and wish the character of the sister was a bit more realistic. Regardless, an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Rachel’s Sapphfic Reviews.
162 reviews73 followers
April 16, 2023
There’s a full review from me for this wonderful book on The Lesbian Review website.

I loved this book, the author nailed the dialogue and relationship dynamics between the characters! Brilliant book with a heartwarming story.
Profile Image for Star.
438 reviews191 followers
December 10, 2023
Content warnings: references to parental death, alcohol consumption, references to past toxic relationship.

Rep: Mack is cis, white lesbian who is also autistic. Taylor is cis, white lesbian, and fat. Other queer side characters.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Fake marriage but they end up falling for each other? Gets me every single time!

I adored Mack and Taylor's dynamic - their botched first date, to their eventual feelings. It just made me smile a whole lot.

Plus Sophie was a cutie.

My only real gripe is that it felt like the author doesn't really understand what it's like to be plus sized. Maybe I'm wrong, but there are instances in the book where Taylor, who is a US size 18 (no idea what that translates to where I'm from) but most of the time, plus sized clothes are a lot harder to find in stores, and she was quite able to find a lot of stuff - including baseball clothes for her wife's sister's team.
And there was one instance of Taylor bringing her knees up to her chest - again, not impossible for a fat person to do, but there is a lot more to it than that.

And the cover. If that's meant to represent Taylor - why is it a skinny woman? Taylor is the one who wears a wedding dress in the book (not white, but my point still stands) so we'd assume that the cover is her, but that is far from a fat person on the cover.
Profile Image for mili.
362 reviews10 followers
August 23, 2023

this one was definitely an interesting story with a lot of potential
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