節慶極品烤乳豬 - 專欄 - Annie Leong Look & Cook 東周網【東周刊官方網站】
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主頁  > 專欄  > Annie Leong Look & Cook 2009 年 12 月 30 日


梁許安璞(Annie Leong)於2005 年4 月開始撰寫這個專欄,隨後更出版了《安璞.滋味.知美》及《安璞.滋味.知緣》兩本烹飪書。憑着她對食物的極端執着與狂熱,對任何菜式都鍥而不捨地解構烹調技巧及製作完美食譜,深得忠實讀者的擁護。梁太於2007年10 月成立了www.cookwithannnie.com 網站,透過網站的討論區,與會員直接互動,交流各式各樣的題材、疑問和意見,也為她帶來更多刺激的新方向。梁許安璞熱情傾注的非凡入廚之旅,就只等你開卷一讀! annie.leong@singtaonewscorp.com




Roast Suckling Pig Extraordinaire

乳豬(約4.5公斤) 1隻 1 suckling pig (about 4.5kg)
鹽(幼海鹽為佳) 3湯匙 3 tbsp salt (preferably fine sea salt)
烤焗時額外用鹽 2茶匙 Extra 2 tsp salt during roasting
白胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 tsp white pepper
紹興酒 3湯匙 3 tbsp Chinese Shaoxing wine
溶化牛油 半杯 1/2 cup melted butter for roasting


乳豬拆骨步驟╱Boning a suckling pig

1. 首先移除脊柱:沿着脊骨的連接肌肉組織切開,然後鬆開周圍的肉和肋骨。
The first thing is to remove the spinal column : Cut through the connective tissue along the spine, then loosen the surrounding flesh and the ribs.
To free the spine, work the knife blade along the entire length, starting from where it joins the head, lifting the bone away as you cut. The whole of the spine bone should come away easily.
Removing the ribs : With your fingers pulling the meat away, insert the knife blade crosswise under the tips of the ribs. Slide the blade towards the back to free the rib cage and remove.
Excising the shoulder blade : The shoulder blade is covered by a layer of flesh, so cut this open a little to locate the shoulder blade, then follow the contours of the bone carefully with the knife blade.
Removing the pelvic bone : Carefully cut around the edge of the pelvic bone, then locate the tips of the thigh bones. Cut through the cartilage to separate the bones. Now follow the contours of the pelvic bone with the knife blade and scrape all surrounding flesh away to remove the pelvic bone. I leave the leg bones in place.
With the skin side up, punch holes into the skin all over the pig so fat can escape during cooking. This will help to make the skin crisp.

烤乳豬/Roast Suckling Pig

To heighten the flavour of the meat, you first need to dry it thoroughly. Then rub the pig with the 3 tbsp Shaoxing wine, and leave it to marinate for 1/2 hour and for the wine to dry out. Now rub 2 tbsp salt inside the body cavity, and 1 tbsp salt on the pig's skin. Sprinkle white pepper all over the pig. Leave the pig on a tray and place in the fridge uncovered, overnight, skin side up. The next day, dry the pig thoroughly inside and out with a towel.
Prepare the stuffing (see below), and stuff the pig until the entire cavity is filled. Do not pack the stuffing too tight as it will expand during roasting. Sew the pig with trussing needles.
Place the pig on its belly on a baking rack and put this in a large roasting pan. Smear the pig all over with melted butter, then rub 1 tsp salt into the skin.
Place the pig, belly up, on the lowest position of the oven, and roast in a preheated oven, with the fan on, at 220℃ (425℉ or Gas Mark 7) for 15 minutes, to get the skin crackling. Now baste the skin with butter, and roast a further 15 minutes.
Now take the pig out from the oven; turn it skin side up. Cover the ears and tail with aluminum foil to prevent burning. Brush with more melted butter, and rub 1 tsp salt all over the skin. Put it back into the hot oven, and roast for 15 minutes. (You need to switch off the fan in the oven.)
Baste the pig with more fat and continue to roast at high temperature for 10 minutes.
Then turn the heat down to 170℃ (325℉ for Gas Mark 3) and roast for 1 hour. Continue to baste the pig every 20 minutes. The pig is ready when the skin has turned to crisp brown crackling.
If at this time, the skin is still on the soft side, turn the temperature up to 220℃, with the fan on, continue to roast for 10-15 minutes. Baste the skin with oil every 5 minutes until it turns crispy.(You need to keep watch craefully, because the pig can be easily burnt at this stage.)
Remove the pig from the oven. Pull out the trussing string, and place the pig on a platter. Crave the pig into slices, and serve!


  1. 拆去乳豬骨時,要用一張鋒利的短尖刀,盡量將刀貼近骨頭,慢慢地把肉削離骨,而不是切斷。
  2. 削肉時刀口時刻向下,否則很容易弄傷自己。
  3. 在最後的高溫烤焗時,最好同時把風扇開上。
  4. 這一章示範了拆骨和烤焗乳豬的方法,至於釀料方面則可隨個人喜好,選擇不同材料,例如蘋果核桃餡、鼠尾草洋葱餡、水果餡、肉腸餡等。總之,款式千變萬化。
  1. For boning the suckling pig, use a short sharp knife. Work slowly, keeping the knife as close to the bones as possible. Scrape the meat away from the bone rather than cutting it.
  2. The blade of the knife should always face down towards the meat; otherwise, it is extremely easy to cut yourself.
  3. For the final high-temperature roasting, it is best if you can have the convection fan on.
  4. This recipe sets out to demonstrate the boning and roasting of the suckling pig. For the stuffing, you can substitute your favourites, e.g., apple walnut stuffing, sage and onion stuffing, fruit stuffing, stuffing with sausage meat... the list just goes on. Enjoy!
釀料(餡料) For the stuffing(Filling)
糯米 4杯 4 cups glutinous rice
金華火腿粒 1/2杯 1/2 cup Chinese Jinhua ham, diced
冬菇(浸透及切粒) 3/4杯 3/4 Chinese mushrooms, soaked and diced
竹筍粒 1/2杯 1/2 cup bamboo shoots, diced
瑤柱(蒸軟及拆絲) 1/2杯 1/2 cup dried scallop, steamed and shredded
洋薏米(冷水浸兩小時) 1/2杯 1/2 cup pearl barley, soaked 2 hours in cold water
白果 1/2杯 1/2 cup gingko nuts
蓮子(浸透) 1/2杯 1/2杯 1/2 cup lotus seed, soaked
蝦米蓉 2湯匙 2 tbsp dried shrimps, minced
葱粒 3湯匙 3 tbsp spring onion, diced
紹興酒 1湯匙 1 tbsp Chinese Shaoxing wine
生抽 2湯匙 2 tbsp light soya sauce
1茶匙 1 tsp sugar
胡椒粉 少許 dash white pepper
食油 2湯匙 2 tbsp oil
Soak the glutinous rice in water overnight. The next day drain the rice and steam uncovered until cooked. Blanch lotus seed, gingko nuts and pearl barley until semi soft.
Heat up a wok with no oil, then toast the minced dried shrimp on medium-low heat, until dry. Add the 2 tbsp oil to the dried shrimp. Turn heat to medium and fry until fragrant. Now add the diced spring onion; stir-fry with the dry shrimp until fragrant.
Add in the rest of the ingredients : Jinhua ham, Chinese mushrooms, bamboo shoots, shredded scallop, pearl barley, gingko nuts, and lotus seed. Stir to mix well, then sizzle in the wine and season with light soya sauce, sugar and white pepper.
Add the steamed glutinous rice into the wok and mix thoroughly with all the ingredients. Dish up and set aside to be stuffed into the pig.