The Boss Baby by Marla Frazee | Goodreads
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The Boss Baby

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From the moment the baby arrived, it was obvious that he was the boss.

The boss baby is used to getting his way—drinks made to order 24/7, a private jet, and meetings around the clock. But when his demands aren’t getting proper responses, he has to go to new lengths to achieve the attention he deserves.

32 pages, Hardcover

First published August 31, 2010

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About the author

Marla Frazee

67 books167 followers
Marla Frazee was awarded a Caldecott Honor for All the World and A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever and the Boston Globe Horn Book Award for Picture Book for The Farmer and the Clown. She is the author-illustrator of Roller Coaster, Walk On!, Santa Claus the World’s Number One Toy Expert, The Boss Baby, and Boot & Shoe, as well as the illustrator of many other books including The Seven Silly Eaters, Stars, the NYT bestselling Clementine series, and God Got a Dog. Marla has three grown sons, a Little Free Library in her front yard, and a studio in her back yard under an avocado tree.

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Profile Image for Kris (My Novelesque Life).
4,666 reviews200 followers
May 6, 2017

(Review Not on Blog)

A cute picture book that reveals the real truth about who is the boss when it comes to infants! It is a very simple and short story so there is not much of a plot. There are some great illustrations.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
4,543 reviews
December 10, 2010
From the moment he arrives, the new baby is The Boss. He holds lots of meetings, makes demands, has his own car and private jet, etc.--and, oh my gosh, the fun is in the accompanying illustrations that show him, for example, throwing a tantrum in his crib while Mom and Dad watch in terror (the "meeting") or swinging on a little rocket toddler swing (the "private jet"). The premise is so much fun and is carried out with great skill by Frazee's charming text and especially the humorous, detailed illustrations. The illustrations aren't quite like those in All the World (which I loved even better) but they are still outstanding and have a fun early 1960s feel.

I imagine every parent has, at some point or another, felt like the baby was the "boss" of the household and, while the baby here comes off as largely selfish and whiny, I suppose most babies are (if we're being honest!) I think my only teensy complaint is that this baby seemed calculatingly so, whereas my personal belief is that babies cry and demand because it's in their survival nature. But, there is a really cute moment at the end of the book where The Boss Baby learns the most important thing he can receive, so that redeemed it for me ;-) Overall, highly recommended to fans of Frazee and those seeking a humorous look at having a baby in the house!

Profile Image for La Coccinelle.
2,253 reviews3,564 followers
October 4, 2018
I didn't realize that this had been a book first! I'd heard of the movie, of course.

This is actually pretty cute. The story is fairly basic, and probably aimed more at adults (sleep-deprived parents in particular), but little kids will probably find the boss baby in his power onesie (complete with tie!) pretty amusing. When you look at things the way the book does, you can really see how a new baby might seem like the boss of the household... and this story highlights that in a very cute way.
Profile Image for Tina Haigler.
304 reviews107 followers
October 30, 2021
This was funny and cute! I prefer to read the book before watching the movie, but unfortunately I wasn't aware that the movie was based on a book. Even so it still made me chuckle quite a few times. As a mom and someone who has worked in an office before, this was spot on. The baby definitely makes the schedule, especially the one involving sleep. I loved the lined artwork. It was done with paint and pencil, and reminded me of some of the old comics I used to read in the Sunday paper. I recommend this for ages 12 and under, especially if there has been a baby in the home.
Profile Image for Erica.
1,392 reviews466 followers
September 4, 2013
I've just finished the board book edition and I can't help but think this would be more appropriately housed in the New Parents section of the bookstore/library because, really, cute as it is, it's pretty much the basic truth of having a baby in the house.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
579 reviews18 followers
August 28, 2015
"He made demands. Many, many demands. And he was quite particular. If things weren't done to his immediate satisfaction, he had a fit."

I LOVE The Boss Baby. It's hilarious, accurate, and has wonderfully funny illustrations. The way babies take over your life is depicted here as a demanding boss in the form of a suit-wearing bossy baby. He demands frequent meetings (many in the middle of the night), drinks made to order 24/7 (in the form of bottles), and has an office (smack dab in the middle of your house in the form of an exersaucer). I love the exhausted "employees," AKA parents, and the many demands the baby makes on them. One of my favorite illustrations is when his boss perks are being shown, and he is lying in a baby tub, AKA a "spa." All in all, this book is hilarious and easy to relate to. I love the illustrations and Caleb seems to enjoy them too. We borrowed this from the library but I plan on buying a copy for his shelves soon!

First read: 8/14/15
Profile Image for Christabelle.
391 reviews9 followers
February 25, 2018
This one is cute! I was excited to find it after my kids found the movie. Definitely a fun read.
Profile Image for Josiah.
3,241 reviews148 followers
September 28, 2015
This book represents well everything that I've come to expect from Marla Frazee as an author and illustrator. The artwork is impressive enough on its own merits that I'm certain it must have presented a serious challenge for a piece of the 2011 Caldecott hardware, and the story's comedy is effervescent and always surprising, sure to bring about laughter in readers of any age. I have the feeling that Marla Frazee has become one of those authors whose every published work from now on will be discussed as a viable contender for the Caldecott, and I can't say that she hasn't deserved for her picture books to be viewed with that sort of automatic respect.

When my youngest sister was born she was never all that much trouble, so I can't directly relate to the parents in this book, run ragged as they are by the new baby who demands nearly every moment of their free time to be used in taking care of him. I do know that some babies can be quite a handful, though. The "Boss Baby" in this book is pictured as sort of a miniature Mafia don, giving orders to his parents in less-than-English baby talk and expecting to be made the center of all their activity. If the Mafia connotations might be considered too strong for some curious young readers, the option is subtly given to view the "Boss Baby" as simply a domineering business boss instead, and some of the humorous comparisons shade more toward that line of thinking. Either way, the baby has set up total control in his house and taken over as the de facto man in charge; that is, until his parents are just too tired to heed his relentless commands any longer. At that point, a new tack is in order for the baby to regain the attention of his caregivers, one that could never fail to work.

The Boss Baby is a fresh and very funny story, and I have no doubt that beginning readers are really going to have a great time with it, as did I. I'm glad I went to the effort to track down a copy and experience the book for myself.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
374 reviews
February 12, 2011
After my daughter was born, I was always asked in conversation, "are you going back to work?" I would smile, tilt my head toward the sleeping (or screaming) bundle in the room and say, "nope, she's my boss now." This usually got a chuckle because it was funny.

Only, I wasn't joking.

I'm tickled pink that Marla Frazee could put into words and pictures what it is TRULY like to have a miniature person "running the house." The exhaustion, the frustration, and ultimately, the sheer happiness of parenthood. I can see this being a GREAT gift for new parents, but it was also a winning book for my own little boss (now almost four). For her, the moral of the story is that fussing and making demands won't get the best results. It is always, always better to be like Boss Baby and use your words.
Profile Image for Becky B.
8,230 reviews130 followers
May 17, 2018
A tongue-in-cheek look at what life is like with a baby in the house.

You have to read this with just the right amount of humor. Take it too seriously, and oh boy. But if you recognize the humor and the truths Frazee is playing on, this is a funny look at how a baby can completely reorganize a household and become the center of their parents' world.
Profile Image for Jennifer Brown.
2,466 reviews76 followers
August 7, 2017
Cute book for the kids. I am not a parent, but I am sure this is the reality of all parents and their babies!!! :-)
Profile Image for Maria.
748 reviews47 followers
April 29, 2022
My 4 year old keeps asking to play "boss baby" with her baby sister based on the netflix show, so I checked this out from the library for her but... the art is pretty ugly. I like the idea, though CEOs are much more like toddlers than infants imho
Author 1 book64 followers
October 28, 2018
The boss baby gets his own way-drinks made to order, private jet plane, and meetings around the clock.

What great imagination. My son, Aaron brought this book home and insisted I read it. "Dad, you like chapter books, right?" Oh boy, was he right. I loved this book and told my eight-year-old so.
Profile Image for Arminzerella.
3,745 reviews89 followers
December 23, 2011
When the Boss Baby arrives, he immediately takes control of his parents’ lives – “He put Mom and Dad on a round-the-clock schedule, with no time off.” Dressed in black footie pajamas that look just like a power suit (with a convenient flap at the back) and a tie, the Boss Baby proceeds to throw his weight around. It’s truly remarkable how many parallels there are between insufferable bosses and squalling babies – Marla Frazee is a genius. This is funny on so many levels. The illustrations are great – showing baby on his baby monitor/walkie talkie/cell phone, sitting with arms crossed and an angry expression in his rolling walker (looks just like an executive’s desk!). Parents (especially ones who’ve had their lives similarly destroyed) will LOVE this. Older siblings should appreciate it, too. Babies, however, are unlikely to see the humor, and will demand overtime and plenty of kissing-up from their parental employees.
Profile Image for Russell.
420 reviews11 followers
June 5, 2014
A hilarious and entertaining read, though sending completely the wrong message. No child of mine has been such a domineering insolent little tyrant, and no supervisor of mine has been so awful and disrespectful. Should we really be comparing our progeny to Joffrey Baratheon from A Game of Thrones or Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada?

That said, the book is amusing, and well illustrated. Particularly I just wouldn't let any child of mine read the book, as I'd prefer to maintain a level of loving respect and discipline in my household.
Profile Image for Becky Ginther.
467 reviews34 followers
January 7, 2014
This is a cute little picture book that I think would be a funny gift to give to first time parents with a new baby. Basically, the story is a big metaphor comparing a baby to the boss of a big company - he's spoiled, gets everything he wants, tells everyone else what to do and has everyone cater to him, etc. The illustrations are fun and work well with the tone of the book, and it's a good laugh. A cute, clever little book.
Profile Image for Lacey Louwagie.
Author 7 books63 followers
January 30, 2016
This is definitely one of those picture books that is as enjoyable for adults as for kids, if not more so. While children may giggle at the "boss baby" in his little business-suit onesie and his furrowed brow, only adults will truly appreciate the horrible hours he requires of his "employees" or the "executive perks" such as drinks on demand. Would make a fun gift to expectant parents at baby showers. The text is clever, but the illustrations are what really steal the show.
Profile Image for Katt Hansen.
3,689 reviews98 followers
February 21, 2016
Here is that perfect gift for anyone who is expecting their first child. I'm not calling this a picture book for children (though they will likely laugh and enjoy the story). This is pure fun for adults who've been there, and those who are about to be there. The baby is BOSS of the household, and there's no two ways about it.

Humorous and highly accurate, I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Profile Image for Jennifer B..
1,279 reviews28 followers
September 23, 2017
I'd avoided reading this because I was sure I'd hate it. But I figured I'd take the 5 minutes to see what all the fuss is about. Yup. I hated it. And to think they made a movie. From the first trailer I knew I'd hate that. I'll be sure to stay away.
Profile Image for Natassia_trav.
92 reviews31 followers
May 27, 2019
Svi oni koji doma imaju maloga šefa sigurno će se razveseliti i nasmijati uz ovu kratku, ali slatku slikovnicu. U jako malo teksta i nekoliko izvrsnih ilustracija sadržana je osnova roditeljstva male bebe (barem smo se suprug i ja prepoznali u navedenim situacijama). ;)
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