Ambient Meditations Season 2 - Vol 39 - Dntel
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For the 39th episode of AM, the legendary Dntel takes the helm with his forward-thinking electronic selections. From his early glitchy ambient bliss to his indie-pop collab with Ben Gibbard as The Postal Service, Jimmy Tamborello has never stopped exploring. His new album The Seas Trees See, coming out on March 26th on Morr Music, is another delightful dose of Dntel’s musical whimsy, appreciation of intimate and strange moments, and an overall surreal ambient wonderland. His mix for AM reflects all of his musical sensibilities and delivers a fresh crop of tunes and artists that will be unfamiliar to most. So get ready to take a sip of some dreamy marmalade; this mix would have the Mad Hatter in ecstasy. What to drink, maybe find a very complex Cabernet and burn some incense, because you are going on a trip.

Ambient Meditations Mix by Dntel

Hydroplane – How Can You Tell Me

Polido – (…)

The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa – Vacuum Blow (Mirror FX Mix)

Afterlife – 11/30/12

Takashi Kokubo – 光と風のシンフォニー

Zoviet France – alchamagenta

Dntel – The Lilac and the Apple (remix)

Shoeg – IX 1

Soho Rezanejad & Frederik Valentin – One Of My Shades

glia & Matthewdavid – gliamd-mxd

SELA. – …just another soundcloud producer

Plaka Roela – Flores Amarillas

Robbie Elizee – The Nod Out

Dntel – What I Made

Kyle Yerhot – Store Theme

Yves Tumor – Love is The Law

FARWARMTH – All The Lights In The Heavens

Soundcloud Season 2 (Complete)

Soundcloud Season 1 (Complete)

Spotify Playlist (Updated Weekly)

More on Dntel.

Hailing from Los Angeles, Jimmy Tamborello has been a key figure in refining what today is considered electronica for over 20 years. “The Seas Trees See” is the first of two Dntel albums to be released in 2021 by Morr Music in collaboration with Les Albums Claus: a free-floating and rather loose stroke of musical genius, giving ambience a whole new meaningful context. It combines crackles and hiss with deep, yet modest, synths and poignant, yet elegant, vocals and lyrics. “Away”, its counterpart album, will follow later in 2021. It will showcase Dntel’s unapologetic love for pop music from a long-gone era, presenting yet another aspect of his multi-faceted personality. Dntel has always covered many musical grounds – from the pop-infused hits on “Life Is Full Of Possibilities” (Plug Research, 2001) to his much more abstract works on “Aimlessness” (Pampa Records, 2012), “Human Voice” (Leaving Records, 2014), and his electronics for The Postal Service (Sub Pop). Whatever his style – Tamborello has retained his very own musical voice.

When it comes to producing music, it can be a good idea to get away from the studio and find a more relaxed environment. Inspiration does not necessarily require huge bass bins. Fewer pieces of gear make it easier to really focus on ideas first and let them be. After recording “Hate In My Heart” – his most recent album, released in 2018 – this way, Tamborello continued working in that fashion, mainly jamming and getting ideas together for upcoming live shows. One of the first results of this creative process was the opening track of “The Seas Trees See” – a cover version of “The Lilac and the Apple”, originally recorded by Californian folk singer Kate Wolf in 1977. Tamborello turns the acapella song into a vocoder-like extravaganza. Working with the original recording, the track perfectly sets the tone for what “The Seas Trees See” turns out to be – a quiet yet mesmerizing journey through sound and emotion, bringing together his very own sound design, disguised samples and an incredible feel for moods and atmospheres.

“I thought a lot about making an album that you would find in a thrift store”, Tamborello remembers. Something “like a mysterious collection of sketches that leaves a lot unanswered. It doesn’t beg for attention or have any big moments.” Despite its perfect and gentle flow, it is worth digging deeper, to surrender oneself to all the painstakingly placed details. Whether the beautiful and haunting piano work on “Movie Tears” or the almost sidechained-sounding “Yoga App” – every aspect of this album has been beautifully crafted, often bringing one of life’s biggest questions to the table: What if? What would have happened if Tamborello would have done this on that track or that on this track? It is good that he did not. Small things add up to something great, diverse and riveting.

The subtlety of his latest endeavor is fascinating. It opens up a new world, in which small musical sketches mean at least as much as perfectly produced pop anthems – if not more.

David Ireland
Ever since I was a little kid, I have been obsessed with media. It sounds strange, I know. When I was just 9-years-old, I created a newspaper and offered my mother the job of editor, which she happily accepted. Distribution was small but that didn’t deter me—I had the Citizen Kane virus. And then at age 23, I started another publication called BPM CULTURE Magazine (eventually dropping the word "Culture"), which evolved into a media company called Overamerica Media Group. I found myself in the media business because I love sharing information—telling great stories, sharing ideas and most importantly, informing people about great music! Like most ‘creative types,’ I dabbled in just about everything—from DJing, to producing, and even to creating a record label. And my list of other interests (hobbies) goes on and on; I will leave that for my autobiography. After Overamerica, I spent some time on the client side in fashion, then consulting for various start-ups, only to lead me back to where I started—a start-up media company. It all happened over dinner one night, a friend said why don’t you start up another magazine about EDM—Magnetic was born.
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