Some Love In The Flesh participants sitting on wicker chairs in a row, talkingBBC

Where are the final Love In The Flesh couples now?

BBC Three’s dating show Love In The Flesh brought couples together who’d only spoken online. Who found real romance?

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Can real love come from dating apps? That’s what BBC Three’s Love In The Flesh aimed to find out.

Couples who’d only ever talked online were brought together in a beach house and sent on various dates by presenter Zara McDermott, in a bid to see if a real life connection could come from their online match.

There were challenging moments as couples had to open up to each other and face awkward truths – in the case of former couple Hannah and Brandon, where he had to admit he didn’t feel an attraction.

Eight days later, only three couples remained – but did their bond go from the beach house into the real world?

Shelby and Millie

Millie and ShelbyBBC

Both women were a little nervous of opening up and being vulnerable, but by the final episode, Shelby and Millie dropped the L bomb – well, sort of. They agreed that what they were feeling could be “the start of love”.

On leaving the beach house, things seemed great and the pair continued seeing each other, but when Millie’s health took a turn for the worse, things became rocky. A past accident left her with long-term damage to her leg, and despite Shelby being keen to support her, a relationship was too much for Millie to handle on top of hospital visits and surgery.

The pair are still friends, though, and don’t regret their time on the show.

Jess and Kwame

Jess and KwameBBC

A drawn-out, five-year connection in which this pair didn’t even FaceTime was finally brought into the real world on the show.

During those five years, Jess and Kwame temporarily stopped talking, dated new partners, and Jess even had a baby. When she split with her son’s father, she and Kwame rekindled their chat, and were excited to finally meet. LINK TO JESS PIECE

But sparks didn’t immediately fly – in fact, the opposite, when Kwame fell asleep mid-conversation with Jess.

After a make-or-break conversation, things improved, and it looked like romance might be on the cards. Back in the real world, they’re still seeing how things go – Jess is hoping that changing jobs (she’s currently working demanding shifts as a carer) will give her more time to see Kwame to find out if they really can find love in the flesh.

Chibz and Shazelle


Chibz was almost ready to give up on any hope of romance with Shazelle. Over the two years that the pair were talking and FaceTiming, they arranged to meet twice – and both times, she stood him up.

As soon as they met, though, the connection was there, and the pair fell for each other, despite Shazelle momentarily having her head turned by Kwame.

In real life, things have come on leaps and bounds – they’ve met each other’s families are they’re searching for their first home together to raise their baby. Yes, that’s right – Shazelle is expecting the very first Love In The Flesh baby!

Didn’t see Love In The Flesh? Watch it all on BBC iPlayer