About Us - St Brendans College Killarney

St Brendans College Killarney

As a college, St. Brendan’s has a long tradition in the provision of educational excellence for the young men of Killarney and its hinterland. Situated in its own beautifully appointed gardens, on the doorstep of the Killarney National Park, with buildings of architectural significance, emblematic of our rich educational past, now being refurbished and revitalised with cutting edge educational technology and with a vibrant, energetic staff committed to the provision of a dynamic education, St. Brendan’s is poised to offer your son a rich and rewarding holistic educational experience.



Immersed in a Catholic ethos, at St. Brendan’s we strive to fulfil our mission for each student, ensuring through the relationships, the breadth of educational programmes, the special educational and pastoral supports, the co-curricular programmes and the centrality of a values- based education, that we meet each student’s needs. In doing so, we are determined to provide a holistic education for your sons, ensuring a positive experience which will lead to educationally-equipped, mature, reflective, self-aware young men, ready for the challenges of our dynamic world.



As a school community we invite the engagement of you, the parents, as partners in the process towards your sons’ holistic development. Regular two-way communication, parent evenings, parent-student-teacher meetings, parent education opportunities, involvement in a proactive Parents’ Association, engagement in policy development and whole community celebration serve as the hallmark of this partnership.



A further hallmark of the education provided in St. Brendan’s is the importance of the Students’ Council as a vehicle through which our students gain a sense of engagement with the organisation and priorities of the school community of which they are key members. In this way the quality of leadership and the awareness of the importance of natural and social justice can grow and develop in our young men.



Undoubtedly, choosing a school for your son is a significant decision in the life of a family. I invite you to sample a snapshot of life in St. Brendan’s by viewing our prospectus which is on this website, to view our short introductory video (produced and filmed by our Transition Year class).  Unfortunately, you cannot visit us for an Open Night this year, but please feel free to call to the school should you wish.