15 Eerie Indications Your Past Lives Are Seeping Into The Present

Erin McCann
Updated April 22, 2024 727.2K views 15 items

If you've ever experienced memories that do not seem to be your own, had the feeling of déjà vu, or dreamed vividly about people and places you've never seen, these may be signs you've led a past life. Also known as reincarnation, living more than one life is a popular belief in Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as in New Age spirituality. Recognizing signs of past lives can give insight and meaning to the life we currently have. 

Dr. Ian Stevenson is probably the most famous researcher of reincarnation and evidence of past lives, collecting stories of reincarnation from children who remember their former selves. His work is seen as the strongest reincarnation proof to date. Some of the evidence he collected can be found in the anecdotes below.

Were you once a gladiator? Did you help build the Pyramids? Perhaps you fought in the Revolutionary War? How would you even know? Read on for the most common indicators you've lived a past life.

  • You Have Vivid, Recurrent Dreams

    You Have Vivid, Recurrent Dreams

    Dreams can be a reflection of many things, including issues your brain is trying to process, stress, or past trauma. They can also be a sign you've lived a past life. Specific places or people that seem oddly familiar and recognizable in your dreams but are foreign to you in waking life may actually be things you've experienced before. A woman who dreamed of herself in 1940s clothing, speaking to a group of soldiers, later discovered through a past life regression that she had previously died during World War II. 

  • Some Of Your Memories Seem Out Of Place

    Some Of Your Memories Seem Out Of Place

    Memories play an important part in our functioning as human beings. Without our memory, we wouldn't be able to remember who, what, or where we are, as well as anything outside of ourselves. But having memories of places, people, or specific events we've never experienced is a likely sign of a past life.

    A young boy told his mother he used to be someone else. Further investigation revealed memories of living and working in Hollywood, including specific facts like having three sons. The boy was even able to recognize himself in an old photo from a movie set. 

  • You Experience Déjà Vu

    You Experience Déjà Vu

    You may visit a place you've been before or meet someone you used to interact with, sparking memories of your past experiences with these people or places. However, when you have the same feeling of past recognition but in a situation that's completely new, it's known as déjà vu. This disorienting feeling can be triggered by sight, smell, sound, taste, or touch, and it is claimed 60-70% of people have experienced this feeling at some point.

    A woman visiting a Titanic artifact exhibition suddenly had feelings of claustrophobia and seasickness from being on a rocking ship. She also noticed a ring from a passenger on display that she immediately recognized as her own. 

  • Certain Cultures Or Time Periods Attract You

    Certain Cultures Or Time Periods Attract You

    Perhaps you have an affinity for ancient Greece, the Japanese Edo period, or World War I, but you have absolutely no reason why. Having an attraction to certain cultures, environments, or time periods with no explanation could also be a sign you have lived a past life.

    A woman who always chose to be the Native American when playing with her sister suddenly felt a sense of fear and dread when traveling through Arizona. A past life regression revealed memories of fighting with white settlers as a Native American and being killed on the same mesa she had seen.

  • Unexplained Phobias Or Fears Haunt You

    Unexplained Phobias Or Fears Haunt You

    Most people experience some sort of fear in their lifetime, and about 4-5% of Americans yearly experience a phobia or irrational fear. When a person's fear or phobia can't be explained, though, it is a possible sign of a past life.

    A woman who had acute phobias of the dark and things wrapped around her neck for reasons she couldn't explain was believed to be the reincarnation of a young girl who was strangled. A picture of the young girl was discovered and found to be extremely similar to the woman at the same age. When this connection was revealed, the woman's fears and nightmares suddenly disappeared. 

  • Languages You've Never Learned Are Understandable To You

    Languages You've Never Learned Are Understandable To You

    Understanding and being able to speak languages you've never learned could mean you've led a past life. Also known as "xenoglossy," stories of the phenomenon can be found throughout history, even in the Bible. A woman who suddenly started speaking German when hypnotized was believed to have previously lived life as a German girl. It was found she could understand and speak 237 German words, many not previously spoken by the people interviewing her. 

  • You Feel Older Than You Actually Are

    You Feel Older Than You Actually Are

    If you've ever been called an "old soul," you may have experienced a past life. Many spiritual people believe this advanced intuition, or inner knowing of things without explanation, to be a sign your soul has reincarnated several times. Many children who show evidence of past lives remember their previous parents. One little boy even told his mother, "That's not how my other mommy used to make my sandwiches, she did them differently."

  • Your Body Experiences Unexplained Pains

    Your Body Experiences Unexplained Pains

    Physical pain is an unfortunate fact in many people's lives. But pain with no reasonable medical explanation can be viewed as a possible past life sign. Often, when people undergo a discovery process such as past life regression, their symptoms disappear when the cause is understood.

    Such is the case with a woman who complained of constant back pain that no doctor could diagnose or cure. Past life regression therapy revealed she was mauled by a bear in a past life, and, in sudden death, her soul carried the physical pain of the attack along with it.

  • You Have A Birthmark

    You Have A Birthmark

    Many babies are born with birthmarks, which may include hemangioma or port wine stains, and some people believe these to be signs of trauma in a past life. Dr. Ian Stevenson investigated 210 cases of birthmarks and defects in children with memories of past lives. His studies included a boy born without fingers who remembers his fingers being amputated, a boy with a chest birthmark having memories of being shot in the chest, and a woman who believed a birthmark on her leg was caused by a snakebite in a past life.

  • You Question Your Gender Identity

    You Question Your Gender Identity

    You may have been a different gender in a past life. Some reincarnation believers wonder if one's gender is decided according to the time period your past life is in (so, for example, a person who needs to participate in martial activities might be born male during a time period in which only men fought in wars), and how being that gender can help teach you whatever spiritual lesson is needed.

    A young girl born with a birthmark near her groin complained about missing Japan. She also demonstrated masculine traits, such as preferring boys' clothing, and she was angry about having a period. It was believed she was a male soldier in a previous life who died when shot near the groin.

  • You Have A Soulmate

    You Have A Soulmate

    It may be just a romantic dream, but finding a soul mate can be a sign of a past life. One evidence of a soul connection is said to be a feeling of having known the other person for a long time, even upon just meeting. For example, a young engaged couple who experienced a very fast and intense relationship underwent a past life regression and discovered they had in fact been lovers in a previous life. 

    This doesn't mean your soul mate is the person you're destined to be romantically involved with, though. Soul mates can appear as friends, teachers, or even enemies.   

  • The Earth Does Not Feel Like Home

    The Earth Does Not Feel Like Home

    Have you ever felt like you just didn't belong on Earth? If people's behaviors don't make sense to you, life doesn't seem to be reality, or you just feel "different," you may have led a past life. It is believed souls that reincarnate from other planets view Earth differently, and may feel misunderstood and alone during their life. They also feel a strong urge to return "home." 

    One person wrote about this feeling, commenting, "I can spend hours and hours just staring off into them [the stars], admiring their beauty. When I do this it comforts me. I don't feel so alone in this world. But I scan the stars, like I'm searching for home, but I've forgotten exactly where it's at."

  • You Did Really Well In History Class – Without Really Trying

    Have you ever aced a history test without really trying? Have you shown a strange aptitude for information about a particular historical time or place? If so, these may be signs of a past life, and they may just point to where and when you lived before. Like an inexplicable historical fascination, strong historical knowledge that you don't really know how you acquired is a signal of a past life.

  • You Have A Strong, Reliable Intuition

    Are you able to sort of predict things before they happen? Do you often have a 'sense' of something even before it has been explained to you? Some experts on the topic of past lives and reincarnation believe that a strong intuitive ability may signal past lives. How so? The thinking here is that a well of past experiences, which you would've learned and grown from, inform the way you experience things in your present life.

    Like being an 'old soul,' strong intuition involves wisdom – the wisdom to interpret, predict, and respond to the things that are or will be happening to you.

  • You Don't Have A Strong Connection With Your Parents

    Sure, lots of adults don't have awe-inspiring relationship with their parents, and this can happen for a myriad of legitimate and complicated reasons. However, for some with weak parental bonds, this lack of a relationship may be indicative of a past life, especially if they feel an inexplicable affinity for another set of parents whom they don't really even know.

    If you're having dreams about other parents, have vivid recollections of living with another set, or simply seem incapable of bonding with your current parents, you might've had a stronger connection in a past life and died young.