TakeMyFlight - Unwanted flight ticket marketplace
Award-winning flight ticket marketplace

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Great opportunities

Sell your unwanted flight tickets
Purchase incredible last-minute flight deals
Right from your phone with the Take My Flight app!

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Buy and Sell Flight Tickets

When searching for cheap flights near me, you can count on to get you the fastest, cheapest flights that can’t be found anywhere else.

And for those looking to sell flight tickets they no longer need, Takemyflight is the ideal platform to showcase your tickets and get them sold sooner

  • Our exclusive app was built with travellers in mind.
Unique and Awesome Design New Flight Alert Notifications Customisable Filters Free Worldwide Listings Chat with sellers

Check what people say
About us!

“Platform sounded like a great solution to a very real issue in the travel industry!

Sydney, AU

“I find Takemyflight really convenient and easy to use. Fully satisfied. Great Job!

London, UK

“Platform sounded like a great solution to a very real issue in the travel industry!

Sydney, AU

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Still looking for something? We have answers for your questions!

Can I resell my flight ticket? Is my ticket transferable?

In order to resell your plane ticket, your airline should allow name changes. Some bookings are not transferable, so it’s worth speaking with your airline before listing.

How do I change the name on my reservation?

Changing the name on the reservation can be done by calling the provider the original booking was made with. TakeMyFlight.co is not responsible for transferring the name on reservations.

How much does it cost to change the name on my reservation?

It depends on the airline. Most airlines allow you to change the name on bookings, but it’s important that sellers identify these costs before listing the unwanted reservation.

When is the airline's deadline for name changes?

It depends on the airline. In most cases, it is between 2 hours to 1 day before the scheduled take-off time of the outbound flight. Most airlines allow name changes only for the entire itinerary (outbound and inbound flights)

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