13682EEE-98E6-4DB9-A0AE-84D4A61F3A1FWe are sad to report the death of the legendary Dik Mik who was the keyboard warrior in the classic Hawkwind and whose swooshes of noise not only opened up new constellations of sound but made him inaverdently one of the key musicians of his time. A harbinger of future eletronic based music it would be fair to argue that DikMik was a pioneeer of not only industrial music like Throbbing Gristle but also much electronic music from Aphex Twin and beyond.

He is also remembered as a genuine character, part of the heart and soul of the classic Hawkind chaos and the man who brought his mate Lemmy into the band because he needed a speed buddy – stuff like that is part of rock lore and we love the stories of the pair’s madness but we just want to thank the cosmic warrior for creating a whole new way of -playing music which is often overlooked…


RIP DIkMik. Hawkwind’s electronics manipulator, played on some of their best records 69-73. Safe travels…

From Hawkwind’s facebookm page…

“We are very sad to let you know that our old friend and band mate DikMik, (Michael Davies), passed away early this morning. He will be loved and remembered for his innovative contributions not only to Hawkwind, but to a whole musical genre of which he was an important pioneer…

Dave Brock….”I remember when DikMik joined the band, he bought himself an audio generator from Tottenham Court Road, got himself a Watkins Copycat echo unit, a fold up card table, (complete with green baize), and became one of the innovators of electronic music!

It was on DikMik’s suggestion, and later persistence, that we got Lemmy to join the band and you know the rest!

Goodbye old chap your legend lives on……x”

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  1. It was Dik Mik who made me realise that synthesisers could sound cool. A true originator, may the ripples he created continue for years to come.

  2. oh fuck. my parents were friends with him when i was small and wanted to get in touch with him. go party with len, lemmy, alex, malcolm, bon, dave … now ! fuckk.. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. Me and my Hawkwind-fan friend really liked his petname DikMik. And that he played audio generator too, never saw anyone else played this ‘instrument’ on any other album cover. DikMik and Nik in the same band, cool ;-)


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