William A. Seiter - Hollywood Walk of Fame
Star Facts
  • Category Motion Pictures

    Address 6240 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

William A. Seiter
New York City,
New York,
Death Date:
Addition Websites

William A. Seiter

William A. Seiter is an American film director. He was born in New York City. After attending Hudson River Military Academy, Seiter broke into films in 1915 as a bit player at Mack Sennett’s Keystone Studios, doubling a cowboy. He graduated to director in 1918.

At Universal Studios in the mid-1920s, Seiter was principal director of the popular Reginald Denny vehicles, most of which co-starred Seiter’s then wife Laura La Plante. This period also included The Beautiful and Damned and The Family Secret.

In the early talkie era, Seiter helped nurture the talents of RKO’s comedy duo Wheeler & Woolsey in such rollicking features as Caught Plastered and Diplomaniacs. He also directed the Laurel and Hardy feature Sons of the Desert, their only film together. Other films include Sunny, Going Wild, Kiss Me Again, Hot Saturday, Way Back Home, Girl Crazy, Rafter Romance, Roberta, Room Service, Susannah of the Mounties, Allegheny Uprising, You Were Never Lovelier, Up in Central Park, One Touch of Venus.

Among the many stars directed by Seiter during his long career were Shirley Temple, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Henry Fonda, Margaret Sullavan, Jack Haley, Deanna Durbin, Jean Arthur, John Wayne, Fred MacMurray, Lucille Ball, Rita Hayworth and the Marx Brothers.

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