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Advocates for the homeless express alarm over the Safer Kentucky Act and analyze the measure

Advocates for the homeless express alarm over the Safer Kentucky Act and analyze the measure

KY — LEXINGTON The Safer Kentucky Act, or House Bill 5, has come under fire from a number of groups. Some organizations believe that a portion of the measure specifically…

Voters Are Unsure About Many Important North Carolina Elections, According To A New Poll

Voters Are Unsure About Many Important North Carolina Elections, According To A New Poll

WNCN — RALEIGH, N.C. In ten days, on February 15, North Carolina will launch one-stop early voting. You might assume that most individuals know who they're going to vote for.…

Republicans In Congress From Alabama Banded Together To Oppose The Senate Border Bill, Saying It Doesn't Measure Up.

Republicans In Congress From Alabama Banded Together To Oppose The Senate Border Bill, Saying It “Doesn’t Measure Up.”

The Senate border security package is opposed by all eight Republican members of Alabama's congressional delegation, who argue the plan does not go far enough to stop illegal border crossings.…

Oklahoma's Summer Food Program Decision Encourages Discussion

Oklahoma’s Summer Food Program Decision Encourages Discussion

Discover why Oklahoma decided not to participate in the federal summer feeding program for kids and consider the effects on the state's Native American tribes. Summer Food Program: Handling Hunger…


Fashion sees a bleak future, but there’s still a little sparkle in street style

The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you…

Why owning lesser clothes makes you a better dresser

In but toucan komodo alas more up jeez dug loaded ravingly porcupine exuberant fortuitous unstinting lizard benignly sniffled behind hotly terrible lizard and close worm and gosh and below squirrel…

Top 10 Amazing SmartPhone You Can Buy Now On Amazon

The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you…