Eddsworld WTFuture / Recap - TV Tropes

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Recap / Eddsworld WTFuture

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Edd's future self goes back in time to kill the present Edd in order to spare him from his horrible future where Cola is now outlawed.


  • All for Nothing: The events of the episode are all undone by Matt after he goes back to the past and causes the entire story of the world to be centered all around him. At least Edd's still alive.
  • Army of The Ages: Future Edd tries this after his first attempts to kill Edd fail. It doesn't work out too well.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: While Future Edd is about to shoot his present self, while Edd is telling him it might cause a time paradox, the video starts glitching and it shows Edd Gould confused until he gets scared by the Blue Screen of Death and runs away.
  • Can't Take Anything with You: Parodied in a deleted scene where he mocks "those Austrian guys" for telling him his clothes cannot travel with him.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • When the trio leaves the garage in their cars, Future Edd says "Broccoli!", just like in "Hello Hellhole".
    • At one point Future Edd travels back in time to the first "Zombie Attack" episode five years prior.
    • Future Tom mentions the laser his present self took on the face in "Zanta Claws II", saying it gave him cancer.
  • Cyborg: Future Matt has a mechanical eye and metallic chin, though Future Edd messing up the past causes him to lose these.
  • Death Glare: The diner waitress gives one to Matt when he tries to hit on her.
  • Deleted Scene: A 15-second long scene that parodies Terminator.
  • Hypocritical Humour: Future Edd claims temporal paradoxes aren’t real, but refuses to help the past Matt from “Zombeh Attack” due to “timelines and paradoxes and stuff”. Then again, he did see reality glitch between the two events.
  • Killed Off for Real: Hellucard is killed by Future Edd and doesn't appear alive in any episode afterward (not counting comics or his genderswap version).
  • Kryptonite Factor: Super Guy states that his only weakness is lasers. Guess what Future Edd zaps him with.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: While Future Edd is chasing the trio down, a man is complaining to a food truck worker that he wanted his chicken extra crispy. His arms then get zapped by a laser beam, reducing them to bones. While the worker is terrified, the guy's only reaction is angrily exclaiming "THIS CHANGES NOTHING!"
  • One-Way Visor: Future Tom wears one, as a result of him getting cancer.
  • In Their Own Image: Matt does this when he travels back in time.
  • Temporal Suicide: Future Edd tries to do this to his present self in order to not have to bear a Cola-free future.
  • Time Travel: The entire episode uses this trope.


Video Example(s):


Future Edd causes a paradox

Future Edd tries to kill his past self but time paradox ensues.

How well does it match the trope?

4.71 (7 votes)

Example of:

Main / BreakingTheFourthWall

Media sources:
