Capricorn Horoscope for Today - Tuesday, 4 June 2024
5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Horoscope

Tue, 4th June 2024
by Oscar Cainer

Sometimes we can surprise ourselves with what we say. We hear ourselves expressing views (or ideas) that don't seem to fit with our usual mindset/attitude. It can be disconcerting. But it's our inner voice (which doesn't always get heard) taking a chance to express itself. Pay attention to your intuition today. Its whisperings are worth heeding. They might surprise you. But they won't lead you in the wrong direction. Although your heart might astonish your mind, it won't let you make a poor decision. It's guiding you to make a good one.

Now, do you want to know more about what's going to happen to you, when it's going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, 'spookily accurate' horoscope birth-chart report, and you'll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!








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Full Moon in Fiery Sagittarius

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Capricorn - Your June Monthly Horoscope: With the power available to you this month, you can work wonders... or create chaos. I know that sounds extreme. But few things in this world are more dangerous than people who don't appreciate the extent of their power; they often end up doing more damage than good. So, go gently in June. If you apply your energy with care, and work as collaboratively as you can, you can use your influential position to encourage a cooperative effort that not only leads to success. It creates harmony. The gains you make will benefit everyone.

Capricorn -

Capricorn - Yesterday's Forecast:
Although they say there's 'no such thing as a free lunch', we know that's not true. And we know too, that despite anyone's situation (and the time of day) we're all entitled to eat. Nature does whatever it can to provide for us. Carrots don't grow with a price tag attached to their tops! Can you feel the natural support being offered to you now? Whether it's material, psychological or spiritual, if you're in need of something, ask. If you accept what comes your way with gratitude, the process will continue. And there'll be enough to share.

Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.

Capricorn - Sun Jun 02, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: When we don't like what someone says, rather than taking issue with the part we don't accept, we find it easier to disagree with their whole argument. That's because no matter how much we think we judge things objectively, we can't help having an emotional response. And heartfelt reactions are not only hard to articulate, they have an overriding effect that pushes logic out the window. You can create harmony this New Moon week. If you seek areas of common interest, you can increase your understanding with someone.

Capricorn - Sat Jun 01, 2024:
Your June Monthly Horoscope: With the power available to you this month, you can work wonders... or create chaos. I know that sounds extreme. But few things in this world are more dangerous than people who don't appreciate the extent of their power; they often end up doing more damage than good. So, go gently in June. If you apply your energy with care, and work as collaboratively as you can, you can use your influential position to encourage a cooperative effort that not only leads to success. It creates harmony. The gains you make will benefit everyone.

Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!

Capricorn - Fri May 31, 2024:
The greater our insecurities, the greater our need to be in control. When we're worried and anxious, we bolster ourselves by turning our attention to issues that we can influence; it makes us feel better about whatever we feel powerless to affect. You, though, have the power to change more than you think. Just because you're facing unexpected developments doesn't mean you don't have the ability to deal with them. This weekend, if you're prepared to adapt, what unfolds will turn out to be empowering... and very useful.

Capricorn - Thu May 30, 2024:
To create a mood or an atmosphere, lyricists and poets choose their words with care. Photographers construct their compositions to reflect the ambience of the picture they're trying to portray. Painters work with colours. And composers use musical notes. We might not have those particular talents, but we all know how our attitude can affect other people's moods. With gentleness and kindness, you can touch someone's heart today. What will you create? A deepening of a relationship that brings colour into your world.

Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

Capricorn - Wed May 29, 2024:
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you try to speak, but can't say anything? Or when everyone's speaking a language that you don't understand? The situation you're dealing with is more 'real' than any nightly imagining. Not only are you feeling misunderstood - it's like the person you're trying to communicate with speaks Martian! If instead of trying to explain and work out what they think you take action today, you'll find a way to connect that enables you to start working together. And that's a good place to start!

Capricorn: - Tue May 28, 2024:
With so much online advice at our fingertips, we can all analyse ourselves and try to work out what makes us who we are. From looking back to seek better understanding, to working out ways to realise our potential, to finding ways to better communicate, we do what we can to release our potential. Yet although it's good to think, actuating our thoughts is harder to do. As Jupiter links with your ruler, a flash of understanding will positively transform a recent challenging experience. And show you how to make exciting progress.

Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Capricorn - Mon May 27, 2024:
You're worrying about a sensitive situation. But because you care, and feel responsible for the outcome, you're not making a realistic assessment. Jupiter in Gemini brings the clarity to see that other people's opinions are part of the problem. And that you owe it to yourself to do what you know is right. Don't start doubting your ideas. Your vision came from inspiration; and a decision you reached a while ago deserves to be implemented. When you exhibit confidence, others will trust your choice. And you can all move forwards.

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