No Time To Die: New Bond Movie's Release Date Set For November - GameSpot

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No Time To Die: New Bond Movie's Release Date Set For November

After being delayed all the way to November, the wait for the new James Bond movie will now be a few days shorter.


Ready for some good news, finally? We've got some, assuming you're a fan of James Bond. The wait for the next James Bond movie will be a bit shorter than expected. After it was delayed until November due to COVID-19, in June, No Time to Die was shifted forward and will release five days sooner than expected in the United States. [Update: No Time to Die has been delayed until 2021.]

As announced in the tweet below, No Time to Die's release date is now November 20 in the US. As per usual for a 007 movie, it'll be out prior to that in the UK, where it debuts on November 12 (as previously scheduled).

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Now Playing: No Time To Die - 007 James Bond Official Trailer

No Time to Die was originally expected to be out this past April, but it was among the many movies to have their release dates moved back due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some films are still shifting around, although X-Men spin-off New Mutants and Christopher Nolan's Tenet are actually hitting theaters around the world after numerous delays. Other movies have seen more extreme delays, such as Fast & Furious 9, which was pushed back a full year to 2021. Depending on the performance of a movie like Tenet and other unforeseen events, it's possible No Time to Die's date could shift again.

The last Bond film, Spectre, was released five years ago in 2015, making this the longest wait in between 007 romps since Daniel Craig took over the role from Pierce Brosnan in 2006's Casino Royale. And No Time To Die hasn't exactly had a smooth production; uncertainties surrounding it have ranged from whether Craig would return to the role of Bond, to changes in directors and writers. The COVID-19 delay was just the movie's latest setback.

However, we're still very excited for the secret agent with a license to kill to return to the big screen. If you want to know why, check out everything we know about James Bond: No Time to Die.

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