The Meaning Behind The Song: Don't Stand So Close To Me by The Police - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Don’t Stand So Close To Me by The Police

The Meaning Behind The Song: Don’t Stand So Close To Me by The Police

Don’t Stand So Close To Me is a song written by The Police, an iconic British band that has made its mark in the world of rock music. The song was released in 1980, and it quickly climbed the charts, becoming a hit in both the UK and the US. Its popularity has continued throughout the years, and it has been covered by several artists since its original release. However, the song’s catchy melody is juxtaposed against its dark lyrics, making it an interesting topic for exploration.

Overview Of The Song

The song revolves around a taboo topic that is still relevant today – relationships between teachers and students. It tells the story of a schoolgirl who is infatuated with her teacher, and the teacher’s struggle to keep his distance from her. The song’s chorus, “Don’t stand so close to me,” serves as a warning to the girl, as the teacher is aware of the potential damage that could come from their relationship.

Despite its controversial subject matter, the song is catchy and upbeat, with a memorable guitar riff and a chorus that’s easy to sing along to. It has become an anthem for those who have experienced inappropriate or unwanted attention from those in positions of power, and its meaning has only become more poignant with time.

The Inspiration Behind Don’t Stand So Close To Me

The song was inspired by lead singer Sting’s experience as a teacher before he became famous. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he shared that he had taught English and music at St. Catherine’s School in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, before he became a rock star.

He explained that the song was inspired by a real-life incident where a young student had developed a crush on him.

“I realized that I was letting her down gently by telling her to go away,” he said. “But I also realized that the situation was full of danger. So I went home and wrote the song Don’t Stand So Close to Me.”

The Impact of Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Don’t Stand So Close To Me has had a lasting impact on popular culture, both in the music industry and beyond. The song has been covered by several artists, including Glee, The Black Eyed Peas, and even Sting himself.

The song’s lyrics have been referenced in several movies and TV shows, including The Office, Gossip Girl, and Stranger Things. Its message is still relevant today, as stories of inappropriate relationships between students and teachers continue to make headlines.

In 2019, Sting teamed up with singer-songwriter Shaggy to release a remix of Don’t Stand So Close To Me, with updated lyrics that reflect the #MeToo movement and the ongoing conversations surrounding sexual harassment and abuse.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Sting shared his thoughts on the updated version of the song. “The song is a bit of a cautionary tale,” he said. “You have to be very careful when you have that kind of power over young people. You’re responsible for their well-being, and you’re responsible for their education. You’re also responsible for their emotional state.”

The Song’s Message

At its core, Don’t Stand So Close To Me is a cautionary tale about the dangers of power dynamics and the potential for abuse when those in positions of authority cross boundaries with their students.

The song’s chorus, “Don’t stand so close to me,” serves as a warning to the young girl who is infatuated with her teacher. The teacher is aware of the potential for harm and is trying to keep his distance to protect both himself and his student.

The lyrics of the song touch on themes of temptation, guilt, and the consequences of inappropriate behavior. It paints a bleak picture of a relationship that can never be, emphasizing the sense of longing and the loneliness that can come from unrequited love.

The Legacy of Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Four decades after its original release, Don’t Stand So Close To Me remains a powerful and thought-provoking song. Its message is still relevant today, as we continue to grapple with issues of power dynamics and abuse of authority.

As Sting himself said in an interview with NME, “There’s always a darkness in things that are what we call ‘catchy’. It’s like candy – it might look delicious and sweet, but it’s not necessarily good for you.”

Ultimately, Don’t Stand So Close To Me serves as a reminder that power and authority come with a responsibility to do what is right, even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable. It’s a song that still resonates with people today, and its impact is likely to be felt for years to come.


In conclusion, Don’t Stand So Close To Me is a seminal song that has left an indelible mark on the music industry and popular culture as a whole. Its message is as relevant today as it was when it was first released, serving as a powerful reminder of the dangers of power dynamics and the importance of respecting boundaries.

Its catchy melody and memorable lyrics have made it a timeless classic that will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. The song’s influence on music, movies, and TV shows is a testament to its impact. It’s a song that deserves to be celebrated and remembered for the important message it conveys.

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