Blackpool to Manchester train from £6 with Northern Rail - Omio

Blackpool to Manchester train

Thu, 23 May
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Cheap train tickets from Blackpool to Manchester

Showing times and prices for 23 May


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Blackpool to Manchester is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
13:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
09:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
13:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
14:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
11:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes

Train timetableBlackpool to Manchester

Showing trains for tomorrow, Thursday, 23 May
Transpennine Express
Blackpool North (BPN)
09:22Manchester Oxford Road (MCO)
1 change
Northern Rail
Blackpool North (BPN)
09:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
09:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
10:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Blackpool North (BPN)
10:09Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool North (BPN)
10:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
10:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
11:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Blackpool North (BPN)
11:09Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Transpennine Express
Blackpool North (BPN)
11:22Manchester Oxford Road (MCO)
1 change
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
11:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
12:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
12:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
13:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
13:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
14:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change
Northern Rail
Blackpool South (BPS)
15:09Deansgate (DGT)
1 change

This is the last train of the day.

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Train times from Blackpool to Manchester

Showing times and prices for 23 May

Fastest Journey

1 h 3 m


1 h 21 m

Trains per day



65 km

Of the 17 trains that leave Blackpool for Manchester every day 9 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Transpennine Express
Blackpool North (BPN)
09:22Manchester Oxford Road (MCO)
1 change
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
13:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
11:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
10:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes
Northern Rail
Layton (LAY)
12:39Deansgate (DGT)
0 changes

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Virgin Trains
East Coast
Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from Blackpool to Manchester

distanceDistance40 miles
durationAverage train duration1 h 7 min
priceAverage train ticket price£12 (€13)
frequencyTrain frequency25 a day
changesDirect trainYes, there are 18 direct trains a day
carriersTrain companiesNorthern Rail (3), TransPennine Express or Virgin Trains

Trains from Blackpool to Manchester cover the 40 miles long trip taking on average 1 h 7 min with our travel partners like Northern Rail (3), TransPennine Express or Virgin Trains. Normally, there are 25 trains operating per day, including direct services available. While the average ticket price for this route costs around £12, you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as £6. Travellers depart most frequently from Blackpool North and arrive in Manchester Piccadilly.

Train companies: Northern Rail (3), TransPennine Express and Virgin Trains trains Blackpool to Manchester

Travel between Blackpool and Manchester from £6 with Omio’s train partners Northern Rail (3), TransPennine Express and Virgin Trains! You can find the best timetables and tickets when comparing and booking the most popular journey for you.

Avanti West Coast is a train company based in the United Kingdom. It operates high-speed trains between London and major cities in the UK, including Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The company offers a range of ticket types, including Standard, First Class and Advance tickets. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power sockets, comfortable seating and a range of food and drinks. The most popular routes for Avanti West Coast are London to Birmingham, London to Manchester and London to Glasgow. The company operates a fleet of Pendolino and Super Voyager trains, which offer a smooth and comfortable journey.

Virgin Trains from Blackpool to Manchester train information:

  • Average Duration: 1 h 18 min
  • Cheapest Price: £66
  • Virgin Trains frequency: 1 a day

Trains from Blackpool to Manchester: Journey Details

Trains from Blackpool to Manchester depart early in the morning, with the first service leaving just after 5:00 a.m. Trains leave roughly every hour, until when the last service leaves just before midnight. Most services have one change; others have two or three changes. Journeys can last between 1:20-2:15, depending on the number of changes. Train services between Blackpool and Manchester are provided by Northern Trains and First TransPennine Express.

Taking the Train from Blackpool

Blackpool South station is located in the centre of Blackpool, a short distance from the city's famous illuminations. There is no taxi rank at Blackpool South station, so prior booking is essential. The city centre can easily be reached on foot or by bicycle. The nearest bus stop is Royal Oak, which is a few meters from the station. The bus services 5 and 15 arrive and depart from the station, running from early in the morning until early evening. The number 15 runs until midnight.

Getting into Manchester by Train

Manchester is a city that has quickly become one of the top tourist destinations in the U.K. It is characterized by its red brick buildings and its location as the media hub of the north. Trains from Blackpool to Manchester arrive at four stations; Deansgate, Oxford Road, Victoria and Piccadilly. Piccadilly is the nearest station to Manchester coach station, where national and local bus services arrive. All of the stations are served by bus services that run throughout the day and evening. Taxi ranks are located adjacent to all of the stations.

FAQs: Blackpool to Manchester train

FAQs: Travel by train from Blackpool to Manchester easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Blackpool to Manchester.
Cheap train tickets from Blackpool to Manchester can start from as little as £6 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Blackpool to Manchester is £12; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The train time to Manchester from Blackpool is on average 1 h 7 min   for the 40 mile long journey, but the time it takes to go between Blackpool and Manchester by train can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Blackpool to Manchester leaves at 07: 25. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Blackpool to Manchester leaves at 23: 25.
Yes, there are 18 direct trains a day from Blackpool to Manchester with Northern Rail (3). Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer direct trains.
For the route from Blackpool to Manchester you can take a train with Northern Rail (3), TransPennine Express or Virgin Trains. Be sure to check out all possible train companies that offer services to Manchester from Blackpool on Omio to compare what amenities they may have.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 23: 25.

When departing from Blackpool, you have various train station options to start your route from including Blackpool North, Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Blackpool South. When arriving in Manchester, you can end your journey in train stations like Manchester Piccadilly, Manchester Airport and Manchester Victoria.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Blackpool North, which is located around 0.9 miles (1.5 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Manchester Piccadilly, located 0.5 miles (767 m) away from the city centre.

A day trip to Manchester from Blackpool is worth doing with a journey time of 1 h 7 min each way. Check with Omio app   the best way to travel.
The cheapest month for a train from Blackpool to Manchester is November.
You have options as you can travel to Manchester from Blackpool 2 different ways: train or coach.

Important Stations and Airports in Blackpool and Manchester

Blackpool North is the most popular Blackpool railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Blackpool for your journey to Manchester.
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 8002006060
Public transport options for Blackpool North
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Replacement transport will pick up/drop off at the station entrance
Metro: Nearest tram stop half a mile
Amenities at station
Public transport options for Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Pick Up / Drop Off at the bus stops on Burlington Road West (Outside the Henson Hotel towards Preston) & (Outside the Big Blue Hotel towards Blackpool South) approximately 120 yards from the station.
Metro: Nearest tram stop half a mile
Amenities at station
Public transport options for Blackpool South
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Pick Up / Drop Off at Station Entrance on Waterloo Road (bridge above station)
Metro: Nearest tram stop one mile

More options for your journey from Blackpool to Manchester

Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

HomeTrainsTrain Times to Manchester Blackpool to Manchester train

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