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Redefining ‘Aging’

In reality, aging is much more exciting than you imagine


​Pioneering a New Era of Caring for the Elderly

Moving beyond traditional care models, we provide continuous professional care and an age-friendly living environment. Designed around universal values, our model champions a more healthy, positive and active lifestyle for the elderly.

Forward Living, a member of CTL Group (Culture Homes’ parent company), is a senior living community that will reside in a nine-storey building in Fu Tei, Tuen Mun. Applications are now accepted, Forward Living will provide professional care services and quality accommodation for people aged 60 or above and those in need.


Enables residents to lead their own lives according to their lifestyle preferences and personal interests.



We are committed to offering the core elements of good living: eating well, sleeping well, living well and enjoying life to the full.

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A pleasant and secluded natural environment that enhances quality of life for all residents.

Comfort with Independence


We encourage residents to be creative and engage in various social activities, based on their personal preferences, that will broaden their circle of friends.

Socially Inclusive


We provide various channels for residents to continue learning and enrich themselves with the latest knowledge and insights.

Lifelong Learning

*All photos were taken on the actual site.

Life Sharing

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