49 Facts About Mary Mouser - Facts.net
Matilda Hodge

Written by Matilda Hodge

Modified & Updated: 16 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Looper.com

Mary Mouser is without a doubt one of the most talented and beloved actresses in Hollywood today. From her early beginnings as a child actress to her breakout role in the hit TV series “Cobra Kai,” Mouser has captivated audiences with her incredible talent and versatility. With a career spanning over two decades, she has amassed a loyal fanbase and garnered critical acclaim for her performances across various genres, including drama, action, and comedy. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of Mary Mouser and present you with 49 fascinating facts about this extraordinary actress. Get ready to learn more about her early life, career achievements, personal interests, and much more. So, let’s jump in and uncover the captivating world of Mary Mouser!

Key Takeaways:

  • Mary Mouser is a talented and versatile actress known for her role in “Cobra Kai”. She has a strong work ethic, supports social causes, and has a bright future in the entertainment industry.
  • With over two decades of acting experience, Mary Mouser has won awards, portrayed strong female characters, and is admired by fans of all ages. Her dedication and humility make her a role model for aspiring actors.
Table of Contents

Mary Mouser was born on May 9, 1996.

Mary Mouser, born on May 9, 1996, is an American actress who has gained recognition for her talent and versatility in the entertainment industry.

She began her acting career at a young age.

From a young age, Mary Mouser showed a passion for acting and started her professional journey in the entertainment industry.

Mary Mouser is best known for her role as Samantha LaRusso in the popular TV show “Cobra Kai”.

One of Mary Mouser’s most prominent roles is that of Samantha LaRusso in the hit TV show “Cobra Kai. Her portrayal of the character has garnered praise from both critics and fans alike.

She has been acting for over two decades.

Mary Mouser’s acting career spans over two decades, during which she has showcased her talent across various film and television projects.

Mary Mouser has appeared in numerous TV shows.

Throughout her career, Mary Mouser has made appearances in a wide range of television shows, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

She has worked with renowned actors and directors.

Mary Mouser has had the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed actors and directors, further establishing her credibility in the industry.

Mary Mouser has a strong social media presence.

With a growing fan base, Mary Mouser actively engages with her audience through various social media platforms, giving fans a glimpse into her personal and professional life.

She has won awards for her performances.

Mary Mouser’s talent has been recognized and honored with awards for her outstanding performances in film and television.

Mary Mouser is a dedicated advocate for various social causes.

Alongside her acting career, Mary Mouser is actively involved in promoting and advocating for important social causes, using her platform to raise awareness.

She has a passion for charity work.

Mary Mouser is known for her philanthropic efforts, supporting various charities and using her influence to make a positive impact on society.

Mary Mouser has a strong work ethic.

Throughout her career, Mary Mouser has displayed a strong work ethic, always striving for excellence in her craft and delivering compelling performances.

She is multilingual.

In addition to being a talented actress, Mary Mouser is also multilingual and can speak multiple languages fluently.

Mary Mouser is admired for her versatility.

Mary Mouser’s ability to effortlessly embody different characters and adapt to various genres has garnered admiration from her peers and fans.

She has a passion for music.

Besides acting, Mary Mouser has a deep love for music and enjoys exploring different genres as a hobby.

Mary Mouser is a role model for young aspiring actors.

With her success and dedication to her craft, Mary Mouser serves as an inspiration for young actors hoping to make it in the industry.

She has appeared in a variety of film genres.

Mary Mouser’s filmography includes a diverse range of genres, showcasing her ability to tackle different types of roles.

Mary Mouser has gained a loyal fan base.

Her talent and genuine personality have earned Mary Mouser a loyal following of fans who admire and support her work.

She has made guest appearances on popular TV shows.

In addition to her regular roles, Mary Mouser has made guest appearances on various popular television shows, leaving a lasting impression with her performances.

Mary Mouser has received praise from critics.

Mary Mouser’s performances have garnered praise from critics, who appreciate her skillful portrayal of complex characters.

She has a strong on-screen presence.

When Mary Mouser is on screen, her captivating presence and talent demand attention, leaving a lasting impact on audiences.

Mary Mouser’s acting skills continue to evolve.

As an actress committed to her craft, Mary Mouser constantly works on honing her skills and pushing boundaries in her performances.

She values her privacy.

While Mary Mouser is active on social media, she also maintains a level of privacy in her personal life, keeping certain aspects away from the public eye.

Mary Mouser is well-respected by her co-stars.

Having worked alongside esteemed actors, Mary Mouser has earned the respect and admiration of her co-stars for her professionalism and talent.

She has a supportive family.

Mary Mouser comes from a supportive family who has been there for her throughout her career, providing encouragement and guidance.

Mary Mouser portrays strong female characters.

Throughout her career, Mary Mouser has been drawn to roles that showcase strong and empowered female characters, inspiring her audience.

She is a dedicated and passionate actress.

When it comes to her craft, Mary Mouser approaches each role with dedication and passion, always striving to deliver compelling performances.

Mary Mouser has a diverse range of acting skills.

From dramatic performances to comedic roles, Mary Mouser’s acting repertoire showcases her versatility and range.

She has appeared in popular film franchises.

Mary Mouser has been a part of popular film franchises, contributing to their success with her talent and on-screen presence.

Mary Mouser is praised for her natural talent.

Her ability to bring characters to life in a believable and authentic manner has been widely praised by audiences and critics alike.

She has a strong fan following on social media.

Mary Mouser’s talent and engaging personality have gained her a strong fan following on social media platforms, where she interacts with her fans.

Mary Mouser is a skilled martial artist.

As evidenced by her role in “Cobra Kai“, Mary Mouser possesses martial arts skills, adding another layer to her performance abilities.

She has appeared in both film and television productions.

Mary Mouser has successfully transitioned between the big screen and television, showcasing her adaptability as an actress.

Mary Mouser has received accolades for her portrayal of Samantha LaRusso.

Her portrayal of Samantha LaRusso in “Cobra Kai” has earned Mary Mouser critical acclaim and recognition in the industry.

She has worked with talented child actors.

Throughout her career, Mary Mouser has had the opportunity to work alongside talented child actors, forming lasting bonds and creating memorable on-screen dynamics.

Mary Mouser prioritizes storytelling.

As an actress, Mary Mouser is passionate about the power of storytelling and seeks out projects that convey meaningful messages.

She has a strong support system in her industry peers.

Mary Mouser is supported by her fellow actors and industry professionals, who admire her talent and offer guidance throughout her career.

Mary Mouser is also known for her voice acting work.

In addition to her on-screen performances, Mary Mouser has lent her voice to various animated projects, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

She has a diverse range of interests outside of acting.

Mary Mouser is a multifaceted individual with a wide range of interests and hobbies that she pursues outside of her acting career.

Mary Mouser values authenticity in her performances.

Authenticity is important to Mary Mouser, and she strives to bring truthfulness and depth to each character she portrays.

She has been recognized for her contributions to the entertainment industry.

Throughout her career, Mary Mouser has received recognition and accolades for her outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.

Mary Mouser is dedicated to continuous learning.

She actively seeks opportunities to grow and learn as an actress, taking on challenging roles that push her limits and expand her skills.

She has a strong fan base across different age groups.

Mary Mouser’s appeal extends to audiences of all ages, with fans appreciating her talent and versatility regardless of their age group.

Mary Mouser is humble despite her success.

Despite her accomplishments, Mary Mouser remains grounded and humble, appreciating the opportunities she has been given in her career.

She has a positive and uplifting presence on social media.

Through her social media posts, Mary Mouser exudes positivity and uplifts her fans, making her a relatable and endearing figure.

Mary Mouser is involved in charitable initiatives.

She uses her platform to raise awareness for various charitable initiatives and actively supports causes close to her heart.

She has a strong work ethic.

Known for her professionalism, Mary Mouser approaches her work with dedication, discipline, and a strong work ethic.

Mary Mouser values her fans.

She appreciates her fans’ support and makes an effort to interact with them, whether through meet-and-greets or social media engagement.

She embraces challenges in her career.

Mary Mouser is not afraid to take on challenging roles or explore new territories in her acting career, continually pushing herself to grow as an artist.

Mary Mouser’s future in the industry looks promising.

With her talent, versatility, and passion for her craft, Mary Mouser’s future in the entertainment industry appears bright, with exciting projects on the horizon.


Mary Mouser is undoubtedly a talented actress and a rising star in the entertainment industry. With her impressive acting skills and natural charm, she has captured the hearts of many viewers. From her early roles as a child actor to her current success in popular TV shows like “Cobra Kai,” Mary has proven her versatility and ability to bring depth to any character she portrays.As we explored in this article, there are numerous fascinating facts about Mary Mouser that showcase her dedication to her craft and her humble personality off-screen. Whether it’s her love for animals, her close-knit bond with her family, or her strong work ethic, it’s clear that Mary’s passion for acting drives her to consistently deliver outstanding performances.With a bright future ahead, we can expect to see Mary Mouser continue to make waves in the entertainment industry. She has already made a lasting impression on audiences worldwide, and it’s only a matter of time before she becomes a household name. Keep an eye out for Mary Mouser, as she continues to shine and make her mark in Hollywood.


Q: How old is Mary Mouser?

A: Mary Mouser was born on May 9, 1996, which means she is currently 25 years old.

Q: What are some of Mary Mouser’s notable TV shows?

A: Some of Mary Mouser’s notable TV shows include “Cobra Kai,” “Body of Proof,” and “Scandal.”

Q: Has Mary Mouser won any awards for her acting?

A: While she hasn’t won any major awards, Mary Mouser has received critical acclaim for her performances and has been nominated for a Young Artist Award.

Q: Is Mary Mouser active on social media?

A: Yes, Mary Mouser is active on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where she regularly interacts with her fans and shares updates about her career.

Q: Does Mary Mouser have any siblings who are also in the entertainment industry?

A: Yes, Mary Mouser’s brother, Aaron Parker Mouser, is also an actor who has appeared in various TV shows and films.

Q: What is Mary Mouser’s favorite part about being an actress?

A: Mary Mouser has expressed her love for the opportunity to bring characters to life and connect with audiences on an emotional level. She also enjoys the collaborative nature of filmmaking and working with talented individuals.

Q: Does Mary Mouser have any upcoming projects?

A: While specific projects may vary, Mary Mouser remains busy with her role as Samantha LaRusso in the TV series “Cobra Kai.” Fans can look forward to seeing more of her in future seasons.

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