Cheap Direct Flights | Pegasus Airlines
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Direct Flights

Direct Flights

What is a direct flight?

A direct flight means traveling from one city to another without changing the plane. Non-stop flights have not a stopping point. When the aircraft is landed, you reach your destination. Non-stop flights are the most preferred flight option because they are fast and practical.

Domestic direct flights in Türkiye

Pegasus Airlines serves domestic direct flights from major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir to other cities such as Antalya, Adana, Hatay, Konya, Kayseri, Samsun, Trabzon, Kars, Van, and Malatya.

International direct flights from Türkiye

Pegasus Airlines offers direct flights to main European countries such as London, Berlin, Hamburg, Manchester, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Marseille, Paris, Lyon, Milan, Zurich, Prague, Venice, Odessa, Kiev, Moscow, Lviv, Athens and major Asian locations such as Tehran, Beirut, Basra, Kuwait, Erbil, Dubai, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Bishkek, Almaty and Osh.

How to find cheap direct flights?

You can buy flight ticket at a much more affordable price by paying attention to the following points.

Get your ticket at the best time of the year

Each city and country has its own structure. Therefore, there may be differences in flight density depending on time. For example; It is quite difficult to find cheap flight tickets to Italy or Spain in the summer. On the other hand, it is possible to travel to these countries at attractive prices in autumn or winter.

Book your flight early

The seats are sold at higher prices after the cheapest seats are sold. This can be costly if you book late, especially during busy travel periods.

Don’t miss out to alternative airports

Today, there is a second airport in almost every major city. Comparing airports in the same city or nearby cities is so important to get a cheap air ticket. It can be preferred as one of them if there are different airports in the same destination. Sabiha Gokcen is a good example of an alternative airport in Istanbul.

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