Editorial: Re-elect S.F. Supervisor Hillary Ronen in District 9
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Editorial: Re-elect S.F. Supervisor Hillary Ronen in District 9

By Chronicle Editorial BoardUpdated
Hillary Ronen

Hillary Ronen

Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle 2019

Includes: Mission, Bernal Heights, Portola

Hillary Ronen accomplished quite a feat by running unopposed for re-election for the Board of Supervisors in a city of so much political ambition. Her ability to fend off a challenge is testament to her willingness to reach across ideological lines in search of solutions.

Ronen’s consensus-building skills were most apparent in the deal she and fellow progressive Supervisor Matt Haney reached with Mayor London Breed that solidified the priority and increased the funding for mental health treatment. The supervisors had originally proposed a sweeping new entitlement extending coverage to every resident with a mild case of anxiety or depression. From the outset, Ronen said she was open to working with others to refine the plan. She did. The ultimate compromise was more fiscally responsible and focused on those who most needed help.


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